
Get Away

Taehyung woke up with a jolt. He had absolutely no clue why, but he did realise how disgusting he felt.

I should go have a shower... Taehyung thought. He got up and walked over to the bathroom to wash up.

A half hour later

Taehyung was on the couch, when he decided to go on a walk to hang out with his close friend, Park Jimin.

"Heyyyy Tae!" Jimin shouted from across the park. Taehyung waved in response.

Suddenly, a boy who looked about a year younger than Jimin and Taehyung barged between them. He looked more innocent than Tae, but he looked afriad...

Just as the boy walked past, Taehyung grabbed his wrist, giving the boy a cold stare.

"Ever heard of going around?" Taehyung scoffed, his tone almost as cold as his eyes. Jimin gave the little boy a look of concern, knowing that it's not right to mess with Taehyung.

"I-I'm sorry," the boy tried to free his wrist from Taehyungs grasp, but Tae was simply just too strong...

"L-l-let go of me!" The boy demanded, but it only got a scoff from Tae.

"Not until I get answers." The boy finally turned around to face Taehyung. A tall, well built man. Taehyung let go of the boys wrist, but instead of freeing him, Taehyung grabbed the boys collar.

"What's. Your. Name" Taehyung demanded in an icy tone.

"J-jungkook..." The boy stuttered.

"Hpmh. Get away from me. Until you learn manners." Taehyung released Jungkook and the boy shakily scurried away.

* This is my first ever ff. please comment if it is good and if it isn't good it is probably because it's 1:00am...

Maddi_Irishcreators' thoughts