
Do you believe in matter?

A mysterious phenomenon triggers the collapse of the world. Where everyone has been granted their "Ideal" Power, what they have believed in or affiliated the most, over any other, has become their strongest asset. However, powers varied, and the individuals who wielded them, more so. Not everyone was Blessed, mostly being victims. Some granted divine powers becoming God-like beings, and these were not all pure individuals. However, in this world, in this life, Satori still feels the same, his belief? The natural movement of Matter.

TDC · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
21 Chs



I woke up to another morning due to a hassle of a giant burning gas ball; the sun, infusing its heat on my skin, causing me to awaken from another visit to the pitch-black world of my nonexistent dreams. 

I was less motivated than the average individual in many ways; first, I did not follow society's normal examples or expectations, if you will. 

As a child from the age of five, even after eleven years, I never had any dreams or ideals in the "real world". My parents, who are now sadly deceased due to a former car accident as of the present day, were always astonished by my ignorance towards "protocols" such as religion and beliefs. I am not claiming that I am a genius or anything of the sort. I stick to the basic idea of reality that all we are and ever will be is a natural occurrence from the movement and composition of matter. I feel like nothing else but a make of particles that have ended up as an organic being through natural collisions.

I currently reside in a poor household as a foster child due to my present age; I am sixteen, after all. 

Suddenly a knock on my bedroom door after my waking. 

"Satori, my dear, will you come down for breakfast," the voice of my foster mother, Yui.

Walking down the stairs and being met by my "father", I was met with the same old words: 

"You should be happy with the breakfast you're getting, you useless child." Of course, this is not a wealthy family, and the reasons for fostering could not be more obvious. I did not complain, but I did not interact.

Again, I am sixteen, and I must attend school with my "little sister" Aoi, who frankly does not like me due to my lack of enthusiasm and persona, I can only assume. 

"Let me go to school first, and I am too embarrassed to be seen with a gloomy person like you," my sister Aoi informs me nearly daily. 

All these acts do not anger me, nor do they surprise me. It's nearly a laugh for me that individuals follow these principles when all they are is an insignificant existence in this infinite movement of space and time.

School, an area where younger aged individuals are taught and given the knowledge to be someday helpful to the government and the process of securing humankind's future. Let's be real; not everyone will achieve such and either become labouring or poor and overall nearly always under control by the upper government. 

As my mind wanders off into class, I'm greeted by my former childhood friends Reo and Sakura. I had encountered these two siblings pre foster before the death of my parents. I was always at their residence as my parents were always occupied with working and felt the need not to give me much "love and care". It was not because they disliked me or neglected me, but their love did not affect me much as a child.

"Satori, you better come for Sakura's birthday, you hear me?" Reo excitedly informed me.

"So, will Sakura be sixteen now like us?" I respond accordingly.

"That is correct, and now you both can treat me more like an adult, Big bro, and Satori," She said in her confident yet kind voice.

"Is that even possible?" I reply with a smile. Gloomy as I am, these two individuals are probably the closest I have and the most comfortable I feel with.

"Don't be so mean, Satori," she blushes and embarrassingly replies. 

"Hahaha, Satori, you should not be so mean you're going to break her heart," Reo gives out in a laugh. 

"Brother! Stop it!" Sakura is further embarrassed. 

"About the birthday, though, I will have to ask my father if he permits it, which is highly doubtful," I disturb the laughs over.

Over a deep concern, Reo asks me, "Satori, is that old man still picking on you?". 

"Honestly, it's nothing; however, if I am not able to make it towards the birthday, please forgive me again," I say in response with great detail. At that moment, Sakura looked down in sadness. 

"I guess it cannot be helped, it seems, but Satori, please come for the next one," Reo responded.

The school day ended, I met with Aoi intentionally, who seemed to be crying, and my foster mother Yui there to comfort her. As I approached them, a mist of pure white appeared rapidly thickening so much that everything had seemed to have gone at once, in a blink of an eye. 

Honestly, I am in the biggest shock of my life, but for some reason, this feels strangely calming...

-do you believe?-

To be Continued in the Next Chapter...