
Do you believe in matter?

A mysterious phenomenon triggers the collapse of the world. Where everyone has been granted their "Ideal" Power, what they have believed in or affiliated the most, over any other, has become their strongest asset. However, powers varied, and the individuals who wielded them, more so. Not everyone was Blessed, mostly being victims. Some granted divine powers becoming God-like beings, and these were not all pure individuals. However, in this world, in this life, Satori still feels the same, his belief? The natural movement of Matter.

TDC · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The world of beliefs

The world of beliefs

It was completely white; it defied all laws of physics before me, but something was still present my entire body. It was like this for a while, or was time even present in this dimension? I was thinking too much or overthinking for the first time in my life, but as I did, everything had shifted to a deep black. I felt at ease. It was the same colour as my dreams. However, at that moment, I had a dream. No, my memories...

It was about my first meeting with the Uchida siblings. I was strolling along looking for means to exist at age six on the beach accompanied by my parents who were talking to other adults, but I suddenly bumped into a little girl, and she had fallen in response.

"aaa, it hurts, it hurts," she shrieked and cried in response. I felt surprised at first and was about to feel sympathy, however...

I received a strong jab to the left side of my face. "How dare you touch my little sister," shouted the brother, that stubborn kid really did piss me off.

"No, Sorry, I think..." I stuttered to recite the words in my head to explain the situation.

"think what!" the brother further shouted in response.

I walked along, ignoring. Why did I think this would work? Beats me...And I literally got beat up that day, and I'm here still wondering if that's why my personality feels so empty inside...pun intended.

The following day after much first aid by my biological mother, I was informed by her of some news. "Satori, my lovely, today you're going to go see some new kids. Make sure to become good friends with them, ok?" my mother had informed me. Now at first, I did not want to think too much, but now that I do, I assumed she felt that if I interacted with others my own age, I would have a change. After all, I am still six at that time, and it's only been a year since I started having my perspective upon reality.

Arriving upon the house, I had a slightly nervous feeling, the smallest feeling of nervousness. However, as the door opened, it was the same little girl from before "oh, it's you!?" she shouted in surprise. My nervousness disappeared.

The same boy then popped up from the background and apologised at the same time. "I am so sorry...so sorry...so sorry," he repeatedly said.

"hahaha, don't you worry, I think it was for the better than worse," My mum let out in a release of laughs. "Satori, this is Reo Uchida and Sakura Uchida, please play nice, ok?" my mother's last words before leaving for work.

2 hours in the Uchida household...

"wow, man, sorry to admit it, but you know, you are really boring!" Reo had told me.

"Yeah, boring! Boring! satori is so boring!" Sakura had followed along.

All of a sudden, I remember another voice "hey, you guys be nice! what's your name, young man?" the hazy figure had stated.

"Satori," I replied.

"No, no, no, haha, your full name," they further insisted.

"Satori, Satori Anzai," My final words before the end of the memory.

It became pitch black again but within the pitch-black followed rays of light beaming through all sorts of colours I could see, still blurry. My eyes opened. I had awakened!


Rocky mountains...an everlasting deep ocean...trees as big as skyscrapers and a sun shining as strong as ever before. "Where am I?" I said to myself, however, even in my panic, in my shock from before I journeyed the surroundings.

And found nothing...

I was physically, Not the strongest. You could say I happened to faint because of my insufficient stamina at the moment.

"Grandpa, I found this guy near our territory. What should I do?" an unfamiliar voice I could hear in the depths of my deep unconscious.

"Bring him in; I will treat him right away." Another voice, I could not recognize.

"But... what if he's one of them?! grandpa!" the voice seemed to be in a state of worry.

"No buts bring him in at once!" he shouted in a hurry.

"You're too soft, grandpa," the first voice I heard was the last before I could hear, no longer in my state of sleep.

"hey, wake up!, hey wake up!" a familiar voice from before was saying as I was being forced awake by constant strong taps on my body. "Awaken already!" Until a bucket of water had put me to a state of full consciousness.

My eyes slowly refocused upon the scene before me; it was a female individual who was not too happy. "You're finally awake. Come on, get up. Grandpa wants to talk to you," she told me, "and if you try anything funny, expect a big beating," she further told me...

She looked strong and had golden blonde coloured hair, her age was similar to mine, and she bared unusual handmade clothing. I thought to myself, seriously, where am I? "excuse me, where am I, may I so kindly ask?" I ask in a respectful yet surprisingly confident voice for the first time to someone I just met. My mum would have been proud even at this anomaly of a moment.

"Shut it and wait till you see grandpa," was my answer.

And that went too well...sorry, mum.

Upon entering the small yet refined little house, something I saw blew my mind away. I was shocked for the second time in a row...

A young girl near the old figure was able to bloom a flower from bud to petals...What was this? What is going on? Am I really on Earth? These were the only things in my head.

"Hello, young man, please take a seat; no need to be frightened, I won't bite." The old yet kind man had welcomed me.

"o...o...o...ok," I answered in such a hesitant, not out of fear but shock towards the very scene before me such an act was impossible in everyday life.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" the girl who was committing such an unbelievable act was saying so commonly like it was natural.

"Young one, where are you from? May I ask?" The old man asked me...

"I'm from a small village called Honoko," I replied in hesitation for a few reasons. One of which was because I had a strong belief this was not earth but...

"Honoko! in the Southern region?" He was in shock.

"Yes," I replied...

Everyone in the room was in shock, the little girl doing the impossible, The girl with a grudge and the old man who was as kind as any.

"That's impossible! The Southern region has been taken over!" The grudge girl stated.

"Enough, Mai!" The old man shouted in anger. "What's your name, young man? This is Mai Sano, who you met before, and this little girl here is Sumiko Sano; they are my grandchildren. You can just call me Hayashi," he pointed out.

However, in this shock, in this pressure I had, I asked only one question after answering...

"My name is Satori Anzai" "Sumiko...What is she doing, How is she...?" was my question.

"I told you not to mess around. Stop playing jokes!" Mai was angry, much angrier than before.

"I don't believe it. What a surprise; I had the slightest feeling this could be the case...Satori, do you know what happened a year ago?" the Old man questioned.

The old man told Sumiko and Mai to leave, and he explained...

what I heard shocked me to endless dimensions. It was all fiction, but it wasn't. Logic cannot explain any of it. I was told the following:

A year ago, when the white mist appeared, everyone was thought to be transported to a new world. However, further research concluded that this was earth, On the other hand, time was not the same it had rewinded Explaining the unfamiliar scenery, But the people remained of the same knowledge, however...

Something new awakened in everyone, something that felt natural, like you were born with an ability or power...

However, this was just the beginning, as not everyone was given a superior ability. Most were not sure how abilities were granted, as it was not fully understood, but no ability was the same...

The cause of this rapid change in the hierarchy is an ongoing war between factions of the strong and the victims, those who are the innocent and weak with no useful fighting ability such as Sumiko's. These include groups with despicable means of taking over and some who want to bring law and order back into this world.

What was most apparent and peculiar was the old man's statement, "Satori for one year, for one year I think you were asleep." he stated.

I agreed with it as it summarised my absence well, and it seemed this old man was researching for a whole year about the great white mist.

"Sumiko and Mai, you can come back in!"

As the Two girls enter, the Old man asks me one more question "Now, with that said, Satori, I'm quite curious, what is your ability?"

After summarising I'm not a threat from an evil faction or group, the old man starts asking me direct questions. The area around here, forgetting to realise, was strangely small, no others present it was a very deserted area.

"It's not like it's going to be any useful ability in a world like this grandpa," Mai had told him.

We cannot be sure, Just like your ability "wood architecture" it could be very rare, but you did show similarities of your power before the fall, which could be the reason as your way of life always included designing and building." He informed Mai.

Exactly, that's exactly why this guy will probably not get a sufficient ability and will end up with only...like Sumiko.

"Hey! Please, sister Mai, Stop doubting my abilities, just because it does not help our way of life!" she said while feeling anger and sadness.

"Sorry, Sumiko, I take back what I said, but that does not mean this guy will prove any use to us. He may even be a danger!" Mai said in a hurry.

"Let's, for now, let Satori answer", The old man Hayashi interrupted.

"How do I found out?" I asked

Silence in the room...

"Satori, my child, It should feel natural to you, your ability", The old man respectfully yet awkwardly stated.

"See exactly a burden to us; how can there be a human with no ability? There's just no way!" Mai arrogantly had questioned.

"Grandpa, what's going on?" Sumiko had also questioned.

"This is new; I cannot explain, however, Satori, you are still human, do not feel different; after all, my ability to produce bottles out of anything is pretty useless as well", Old man Hayashi said in kindness. "I was always interested in bottles after all from young to old" "hahaha", Hayashi old man, further explained.

I was also told that abilities that were of much higher status have also been used under evil to kill and massacre countless lives hence the reason why the old man and his 2 granddaughters live here. Was I sad?, was I jealous? : No, this is still a natural movement of matter, this new world, this new place.


I was granted an ability so natural to me that I never realised at the time and one which would change the very order of the world... I am currently 17 years old upon my one year slumber.

-do you believe?-

To be Continued in the Next Chapter...