
Divorced and Chased by My Alpha Billionaire Ex-Husband

Aurora Grey thought she could win her husband, Lucas Rossi's heart, even if it took years. For three long years, she endured his coldness, hoping that one day he would see her as more than just a convenient substitute. But when she reads the headlines announcing Lucas’s return to the city with his ex-girlfriend, Julia Mayhem, the truth hits her like a dagger—she never had a place in his heart. Lucas's affection had always belonged to Julia, and now that she’s back, Aurora knows her time is up. No longer willing to be the woman in the shadows, Aurora takes control of her fate. With a sharp resolve, she demands a divorce, choosing to reclaim her dignity rather than watch the man she loves cherish someone else. But Lucas Rossi isn’t a man who easily lets go of what he considers his. The moment Aurora steps out of his life, he realizes just how deeply she had entwined herself in his heart. Driven by a need to reclaim what he’s lost, Lucas tracks her down, determined to make her see that she belongs with him—and no one else.

Author_Royalmary23 · Urbain
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39 Chs

Alpha King's Daughter

The evening air was sharp with cold as Hades and Aurora stepped into the apartment, their conversation filled with the weight of everything that had transpired in the Grey family during her absence.

"How is Dad holding up? And Mum... I'm sure she's a bit annoyed," Aurora murmured, her voice tinged with guilt as she lowered her gaze.

The thought of her mother's rare illness gnawed at her, the hope that she was doing okay, barely comforting.

Hades offered a reassuring smile, the kind that always made her feel safe. "Luna's managing, but it hasn't been easy without you around, stirring up just the right amount of chaos. She missed you—more than she'd ever admit. Even Dad felt your absence."

Aurora's heart warmed slightly at his words, but the worry still lingered.

Hades's smile widened, a soft warmth radiating from him, the kind that matched his gentlemanly nature.

Just as he finished speaking, Sophia quietly entered the room, balancing a steaming cup of tea in her hands.

She placed it on the table with a practised ease, flashing Hades a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Hades recognized the facade instantly. The tension between them was slight but undeniable, a strain no one else seemed to notice.

No one realized they were mates.

Sophia had discovered their mate bond a year after Aurora's marriage. For her, it was a dream realized—her mate was none other than Hades, the man she had admired since they were young, her long-time crush, and the most skilled hunter she knew.

But Hades hadn't shared her excitement.

When Sophia had timidly approached him with the news, he'd crushed her hopes with cold indifference, telling her outright that he didn't want her.

She was the daughter of a Gamma, a rank far beneath his as the son of the Alpha King. The gap was too great, and Hades had no intention of bringing what he saw as disgrace into the Grey family, especially after all the chaos Aurora had caused.

Yet, he couldn't bring himself to reject her. The consequences of rejecting a mate were too severe—death could follow for one or both partners, and Hades wasn't willing to risk his life for someone he deemed unworthy.

Instead, he opted to distance himself, hoping that the mate bond would fade with time.

It was a strategy that made sense in his head, but his wolf's instincts betrayed him. The pull was too strong, and despite his resolve, they had given in to their desires more than once, their encounters marked by a passion that neither could fully deny.

One such encounter had led to a pregnancy, a brief and painful chapter that ended in heartbreak when Sophia lost the child. It was a wound that cut deep, and the aftermath had left them both wounded.

Fearing the repercussions for both their families, Hades had made Sophia swear to keep their ill-fated relationship a secret. She had agreed, not out of fear for herself, but to protect her father and the Grey family from further scandal.

After that, they had gone their separate ways, the distance between them growing colder with each passing day.

"Thank you," Hades said, his voice calm as he took the cup from Sophia's hand, the practised smile never wavering on his face.

As he took a sip, the searing heat of the tea caught him off guard. It was scalding—hot enough to burn—and he choked slightly, suppressing a grimace as the liquid burned his throat.

Aurora noticed his discomfort immediately. "Are you alright?" she asked, her brow furrowing with concern.

Sophia, sensing the tension, quickly stepped in. "He's fine. He probably just didn't like the taste," she said with a warmth that didn't quite reach her eyes, trying to defuse the situation.

But Hades had spilt some of the tea on his thigh, the pain sharp and immediate. Despite the sting, he forced himself to remain composed, unwilling to show any sign of weakness.

Sophia, noticing his rigid posture, swiftly handed him a few tissues, her movements quick and efficient.

"I'll get the ointment," she said, her voice tight as she turned and left the living room.

As she made her way to her room, her mind raced.

She hadn't expected Hades to spill the tea, and the thought of him in pain stirred an instinctive worry.

Rummaging through the drawer, her hands trembled slightly, heart pounding with a mix of worry and regret. She found the ointment, but instead of rushing back, she paused, gripping the small tube tightly.

Memories of the times she had tended to Hades flashed through her mind—times when they were closer before everything fell apart.

She sighed, a deep, sorrowful breath, her heart aching from their separation.

Her eyes misted, but she quickly blinked away the tears.

He doesn't need you anymore, she reminded herself, though the thought only deepened the ache in her chest.

Yet, despite the hurt, she couldn't help but care for him, even if it meant stepping into the role of a stranger who tended to him out of mere duty.

Back in the living room, Aurora's concern for Hades was evident.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked again, her voice laced with worry as she searched his face for any sign of discomfort.

Hades forced a tight smile. "Yes, but I think I need to use the restroom."

Aurora quickly pointed him toward the small bathroom, and he made his way inside.

The small space felt suffocating, with the dingy tiles and peeling wallpaper making it feel even more cramped.

It was different from the clean, modern comforts of his apartment, and that only heightened his discomfort.

With disgust flickering in his eyes, he leaned over the toilet bowl and vomited.

After wiping his mouth, a soft, almost soothing voice echoed in the small room. "There, there."

He knew who it was without looking up. Slowly, he cleaned his hands, then turned to face her, his expression unreadable.

"Garlic and pepper in a hot tea?" Hades's voice dropped to a dangerous growl. "You know my allergies, Sophia. That wasn't an accident."

Sophia huffed, her tone biting. "You ignore my messages for weeks, but the moment I mention Aurora, you rush over like some knight in shining armour. Aurora must be so proud to have a brother who's both noble and disgusting."

Before she could finish, Hades's hand shot out, gripping her wrist with a force that was firm but not harsh.

He pushed her against the wall, but the impact didn't bring any pain.

Maybe, just maybe, a part of him still cared. His face hovered inches from hers, eyes dark with restrained fury.

"Don't ever speak to me like that," he warned, his voice a low, menacing whisper. "I'm still your Alpha, and you won't get away with what you pulled earlier. You'll pay for every bit of pain that damn tea caused me."

Sophia held his gaze, unflinching.

She had grown used to his threats; they no longer scared her. Instead, she softened her expression, her voice almost tender. "You say that every time, but we both know you don't mean it."

Hades's grip on Sophia's wrist tightened briefly before he hesitated, the anger flickering in his eyes. "Maybe this time I do."

Sophia searched his face, seeing the conflict there. "If you really wanted to hurt me, you would've done it by now. But you haven't, Hades. If it were anyone else—one of your brothers even—who slipped your allergies into your tea, they'd be on the floor by now, fighting for breath. But I'm still standing. Why is that?"

Hades faltered, the question hanging in the air between them.

Sophia pressed on, her voice calm but probing, "So what is it? Do you still care, or are you just hesitating because you can't bring yourself to treat me like everyone else?"

Hades's jaw clenched, his grip loosening as her words hit home.

He wanted to deny it, to dismiss her questioning as baseless, but the truth was there, gnawing at him.

She was right.

If it had been anyone else, the consequences would have been severe, immediate. But with Sophia, something always held him back, some lingering emotion that he couldn't quite extinguish.

He released her wrist, stepping back, his eyes narrowing as if trying to push those feelings away.

"You're not like everyone else," he admitted, the words almost a growl. "That's why this has to stop. Whatever this is between us… it's only making things worse."

Sophia stayed where she was, rubbing her wrist where his grip had left a faint red mark. "You can't run from it forever, Hades. You think distancing yourself will make it disappear, but it won't. The bond is still there, and it's not going away just because you want it to."

Hades turned away, clenching his fists before letting them fall limply by his sides.

How many times did he need to explain it?

A resigned sigh escaped his lips. "It's not just about the bond. My position makes things complicated. I'm expected to align with those of higher status. Being with you—" he muttered, almost to himself.

Sophia's voice grew quieter, her heart breaking as she spoke. "So, it's about status?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she regained her composure and continued with confidence. "Are you really worried about what people will think because I'm not of high standing? Or is this just an excuse to avoid being with me?"

Hades remained silent, knowing that admitting the truth would only deepen her pain and stir more conflict.

He was also concerned about the chance that the situation might lead to Aurora discovering their ill-fated relationship.

As he considered ending the conversation, Aurora's voice echoed from outside the bathroom, her concern piercing through the tension. "Hades, are you okay? You've been in there for a while."

Hades glanced back at Sophia, his expression hardening again, though not as sharply as before.

"Yes, I'm fine," he called out, his voice calm, as if nothing had happened.

He turned back to Sophia, his expression briefly softening before a faint smirk appeared. "I need to get back to Aurora."

Sophia rolled her eyes, her earlier trembling replaced by a determined look.

She hated how his attention toward other women stirred her jealousy.

Struggling to hide the emotions that had been simmering beneath her shaky voice, she muttered, "Well, whatever. She's just your sister anyway," as if trying to convince herself it was nothing more.

There was no way Hades could feel anything romantic for Aurora anyway.

But Hades noticed the flicker in her eyes, catching a rare glimpse of something he hadn't seen before—jealousy. It intrigued him.

Despite his past flings with other women, she had never openly objected or shown any sign of caring.

Had she been hiding this all along?

Unable to resist, he leaned in slightly. "False. She's my step-sister," he corrected, letting the word hang between them with a pointed look.

Sophia's mind raced. Could he actually be considering something with Aurora?

The idea seemed absurd, but the way he emphasized step-sister unsettled her. He wouldn't actually cross that line… would he?

But the smirk on his face made her stomach twist.

Her eyes widened, disbelief spilling into her voice. "You wouldn't dare. It's a taboo."

"Maybe," he replied, his tone suddenly lighter but laced with a hint of disappointment. "But who knows? Things change. She is divorced, after all."

"She doesn't see you that way, Hades. To her, you're just a brother," Sophia insisted, her tone firm. "If Aurora felt anything more, she wouldn't have married Lucas."

Her words stung, igniting his anger.

It felt as if she was mocking the efforts he'd poured into winning Aurora's attention, rubbing his failures right in his face.

As his temper flared, he remembered the first time he'd seen Aurora.

Her beauty had captivated him instantly. She was thought to be the Alpha King's daughter, a misconception that had taken root because of her mother's past and her marriage to the Alpha King.

But Hades knew the truth: Aurora wasn't related to the Alpha King or his six sons by blood. Only he and his father were aware of the real story.

Despite knowing she wasn't his by right, Hades's heart had never wavered. He had protected her fiercely, and his brothers had followed his lead.

As he grew older, his desire for Aurora to be his mate only deepened, but the moon goddess had other plans, pairing him with Sophia while Aurora married Lucas.

With his fists clenched, he let out a growl. "She only sees me as a brother because she was blinded by Lucas."

Hades's voice softened, a flicker of hope slipping through. "Now that he's out of the way, she might finally notice her charming brother."

Sophia scoffed, rolling her eyes. "If you're so set on an affair, find someone else. This is only going to lead to—"

"All I hear is a jealous mate rambling nonsense," Hades cut in, adjusting his collar with a dismissive gesture.

He glanced at his wristwatch and exhaled sharply. "I should hurry back and say goodbye."

Without another word, Hades turned and stepped out of the bathroom.

His pace was quick, but the moment he entered the living room, his steps faltered—Aurora was nowhere to be seen.

Sophia trailed behind him, glancing toward the closed bedroom door she had just quietly pulled shut.

She met his eyes and said softly, "Aurora's in the bedroom. She's asleep."

Hades pinched the bridge of his nose, a wave of frustration washing over him.

He had hoped to speak with Aurora before leaving, but it seemed fate had other plans.

Resigning himself, he nodded slightly.

"Let her know that I left," he said, his voice betraying a hint of regret. "Tell her I wanted to talk, but she can call me anytime. I'll always be available."

With that, Hades walked out of the apartment.

As he left, he glanced back, his mind racing with thoughts of Aurora.

The image of her lingering over Lucas sparked an idea. If she was still haunted by her past, perhaps it was a chance he could exploit.