
Divorced and Chased by My Alpha Billionaire Ex-Husband

Aurora Grey thought she could win her husband, Lucas Rossi's heart, even if it took years. For three long years, she endured his coldness, hoping that one day he would see her as more than just a convenient substitute. But when she reads the headlines announcing Lucas’s return to the city with his ex-girlfriend, Julia Mayhem, the truth hits her like a dagger—she never had a place in his heart. Lucas's affection had always belonged to Julia, and now that she’s back, Aurora knows her time is up. No longer willing to be the woman in the shadows, Aurora takes control of her fate. With a sharp resolve, she demands a divorce, choosing to reclaim her dignity rather than watch the man she loves cherish someone else. But Lucas Rossi isn’t a man who easily lets go of what he considers his. The moment Aurora steps out of his life, he realizes just how deeply she had entwined herself in his heart. Driven by a need to reclaim what he’s lost, Lucas tracks her down, determined to make her see that she belongs with him—and no one else.

Author_Royalmary23 · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Alpha Aurora Grey

After Aurora left the mansion, she slipped into a cab that drove through the streets.

When it finally stopped, she stepped out onto the icy pavement, her breath forming clouds in the crisp air. She rubbed her hands together, trying to coax warmth back into her fingers.

She approached the door of the small apartment and knocked softly. A sweet, melodious voice drifted through the crack of the door, which swung open to reveal a woman, Sophia, in a soft nightgown.

"Hey, bestie!" Aurora greeted with a weary smile.

Sophia's eyes widened with immediate concern as she took in Aurora's worn appearance.

Without hesitation, she pulled Aurora into a tight embrace, her arms conveying a blend of relief and deep affection. The warmth of the hug was a silent reassurance that she was there for her friend, no matter what.

As they stepped back, Sophia's gaze darted around the hallway, her eyes searching for any signs of trouble. The unexpected visit, combined with Aurora's distress, made her cautious.

"Is everything okay?" Sophia asked softly, her voice trembling with worry.

Aurora let out a light laugh. "My hands and legs are freezing right now... I'll probably become a snowman if you keep asking questions."

Sophia chuckled and opened the door wider, gesturing for Aurora to step inside.

Aurora stepped into the apartment, and the contrast was immediate. The cosy space was bathed in the soft glow of table lamps, their light flickering gently off the walls adorned with framed family photos and cheerful artwork.

A well-worn couch, piled with colourful throw pillows, faced a small fireplace where a low fire crackled. The scent of cinnamon and vanilla hung in the air, a comforting warmth that seemed to welcome her.

As she closed the door behind her, Sophia hurried to the kitchen area and returned with two steaming cups of tea. She handed a cup to Aurora with a warm, reassuring smile, though her eyes betrayed a flicker of concern.

"So, what happened?" Sophia asked, her tone tinted with worry. "You barely visit me after you got married, and now... I'm surprised to see you."

Aurora took a slow sip of the tea, savouring its warmth. Her voice was soft as she murmured, "Lucas and I got divorced."

Sophia's eyes widened, and her excitement quickly bubbled to the surface. "Finally!" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of relief and enthusiasm.

Aurora's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Why are you excited about the divorce?

Sophia shifted nervously, her fingers fumbling with the edge of her tea cup. "Well, it's... It's not that simple. It's a bad thing, but also a good thing."

She sank into the seat beside Aurora, her hand gently squeezing Aurora's. "You gave up so much for that marriage, and three years should have been enough for Lucas to see how incredible you are. If he didn't, that's his loss. You deserve so much more."

Sophia's eyes were earnest as she continued. "And now, with Julia coming back... She's always held a grudge against you. Her return feels like trouble. If this isn't your chance to break free and start anew, then what is?"

Aurora nodded, her expression growing serious. "You're right, but please, don't tell anyone. Not Dad, Mum, or Hades."

Sophia's eyes widened in surprise. "Actually, I—"

The sound of a loud, steady whirring cut her off. Aurora's gaze shot to the window, her face paling as she saw a helicopter descending outside. "Oh my goddess," she exclaimed, "Did you call just Hades, or all six of them?"

Sophia shrugged, her lips twitching into a smirk. "I didn't count how many I called, but I definitely called Hades."

Aurora's shoulders tensed. "Goddess, Sophia. They'll make a scene or even start a war if they see me like this!"

Sophia's smirk widened. "Well, that's good. I refuse to see my friend looking like a homeless beggar when she has six influential brothers."

Aurora sighed deeply, her gaze falling to the floor. Her father had disowned her, and she had been stripped of her family name and title. The thought of being associated with them now felt hollow.

Quietly, she walked out of the small apartment. The whirring of the helicopter blades grew louder, and as she stepped outside, she saw the helicopter resting beside the building.

A group of men in black suits stepped out of the helicopter, bowing deeply as they approached her.

"Ma Au Grey, the Alpha King extends his congratulations on your divorce from Lucas Rossi. You are now reinstated to your birth title, Alpha Aurora," they spoke in unison.

Aurora's heart fluttered as a genuine smile spread across her face.

Three years ago, her father had disowned her for her pregnancy and marriage to Lucas. Now, her divorce had been announced, and the family was acknowledging her once more.

She turned to look behind her, hoping to see familiar faces. Her heart sank when she noticed her six step-brothers were absent. It felt as if they hadn't yet forgiven her for her choices.

"What about Finn, Urius, Dan, Hades, and my other two brothers?" Aurora asked, her voice trembling slightly as she searched the crowd for her siblings.

Suddenly, her question was drowned out by the roar of a powerful engine.

A sleek car tore through the street, screeching to a halt before her.

The door swung open, and a striking figure moved out, his presence commanding immediate attention.

Aurora's face lit up as she recognized him.

"It's rather disappointing to see my name mentioned last when I'm clearly the first in line," the gentleman said, his voice dripping with authority.

His presence drew Aurora's gaze, making her heart leap. With a burst of energy, she darted toward him, her face lighting up with joy.

Hades, the firstborn of the Alpha King and her eldest step-brother, stood with an aura that made the air seem to shift around him.

Aurora, the youngest and often overshadowed by her powerful family, threw herself into his arms, her voice bubbling with relief. "Brother!" she exclaimed, sinking into his warm embrace.

"Enough now," Hades said, his tone low and stern.

He pulled back slightly, his eyes scanning her with a critical gaze. His face hardened as he took in her frail figure, the weariness etched into her face.

Instantly, his expression shifted to one of barely contained rage. "That bastard. He had been maltreating you, hadn't he?"

His voice grew sharp, each word laced with venom. "I will burn down his pack and make him regret ever setting eyes on you."

Aurora shook her head vigorously, her fingers clutching her coat tightly as if to anchor herself. "No, don't do anything. I'm divorced now, and I don't want any more trouble with him."

Her eyes darted anxiously between Hades's stern expression and the distant helicopter, as if visualizing the chaos that could unfold. "Burning down his pack would only ignite a war. Dad and the others would be pulled in, and everything would spiral out of control. No war, no destruction. I'm fine."

Unbeknownest to them, a sleek car idled next to Sophia's apartment, its polished exterior glinting in the streetlights.

Inside, Lucas slumped into the leather seat, his exhaustion evident in his heavy sigh.

He had returned to his mansion earlier, looking for comfort after a tough day.

After a hasty dinner, he had retreated to the bedroom, only to find it disturbingly empty.

Aurora's familiar strawberry scent had vanished, leaving the room cold and barren.

Heart pounding, Lucas strode down the stairs, his footsteps echoing in the silence. He found Mrs. Hayden tidying up the dining area, her movements deliberate and calm.

He demanded, his voice tinged with impatience, "Where is Aurora? I haven't seen her, and something feels off."

Mrs. Hayden paused in her chores, her face softening with concern. "Madam Aurora left shortly after Madam Rossi and Mrs. Nora arrived. They took a bank card and some documents."

She hoped her detailed explanation might nudge Lucas toward reconciliation, but it was clear his thoughts were far from forgiving.

Lucas's face hardened, frustration and anger surfacing.

"Oh, goddess," he muttered, frustration simmering. He hadn't expected his mother and sister's meddling, especially now when Aurora was finally out of his life.

Determined to prevent any fallout from Aurora's departure, Lucas stormed out, heading directly to his mother's apartment.

He scolded Nora for barging into his mansion and warned her since she was meddling in his affairs.

Once he had finished, Lucas grabbed the bank card and house transfer documents, deciding to hand it over to Aurora.

He knew Aurora had only one friend—Sophia—so he instructed his driver to take him to Sophia's apartment.

There he was, contemplating. He didn't want to enter Sophia's apartment because he assumed that Aurora would be crying her eyes out.

He didn't want to see her vulnerable side, so he planned to make his driver hand it over and leave instantly.

However, what he saw at Sophia's apartment made his jaw drop.

He observed how Aurora embraced a tall man in an expensive black suit.

She had a smile on her face, a stark contrast to the tears he had anticipated.

The scene made his chest tighten.

So, that's why she had requested for the divorce so quickly—she'd been cheating on him!

"Turn the car around," Lucas ordered the driver, his voice filled with anger.

The driver glanced at Lucas through the rearview mirror, confusion creasing his forehead.

"Sir, what about the items meant for Madam Aurora?" he asked, his voice hesitant as he noticed Lucas's tight grip on the seat and the anger in his eyes.

Lucas remained silent, and the driver gulped, realizing that a misstep could cost him his job.

He quickly looked away from the rearview mirror.

Finally, Lucas snapped. "Forget Aurora. Give the things to Julia as a gift."