
The Sovereign In Retreat

The Sovereigns of Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune fell in a single day. Half of all the guardians dead, in a span of few hours.

The special news channel, open only to high awakeners, was flashing with one bad news after another.

'With me in retreat, there are only three active.' Julius mused.

He was in a secret realm that he privately owned. No one, not even the highest members of Xander family had any idea that such a secret realm existed. Being the Sovereign of Earth had its benefits.

"Come." Julius, seated crosslegged, floated into the sky without the use of any aura. The six artifacts floated around him. Right from Mercury's Gauntlets to Neptune's Sword, all of them were here.

The mysterious force enveloped him and connected him with the artifacts. One by one, the artifacts lit up and a golden light flowed from them into Julius.