
Dissimilar Supergirl

Supergirl finds herself ensnared in a web of deception and manipulation orchestrated by one of Superman's arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor. Captured and rendered powerless by an energy field designed to neutralize her abilities, Supergirl confronts Lex, only to reveal his ultimate plan: to break her spirit and bend her to his will. With cold determination, he enlists the help of a villain skilled in the art of hypnosis, ordering them to manipulate Supergirl's mind and make her his and listen to his order. * * * Note : DC Universe: EARTH XXXXX *** Author's note : I do not own DC or any of its characters other than my own variation of the said characters. This fanfiction is also on scribblehub.

marvel_away · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 10: The Test

In the early light of morning, Mercy Graves and the hypnotized Supergirl prepared to embark on their mission. As Mercy mind focused on the tasks ahead as she ushered Supergirl into the living room of the safe house.

"Change into this," Mercy instructed, her voice firm but tinged with weariness as she handed Supergirl the outfit provided by Lex Luthor's henchmen.

Mercy's eyes traced the contours of Supergirl's figure as she dressed as she moved with mechanical precision, her movements devoid of the any grace that characterized her.

"The outfit is... unconventional," Mercy remarked, her voice tinged with unease as she observed Supergirl adjusting the fabric of the garment. "But it serves its purpose, I suppose."

Supergirl's response was a simple "Yes, ma'am," her gaze distant as she continued to dress.

As Supergirl completed her transformation, Mercy couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the sight before her but Mercy squashed it right away.

The garment was a stark contrast to Supergirl's usual attire, a risqué gym outfit that would typically be found adorning the figures of the city's more daring streetwalkers. Its fabric clung to Supergirl's form like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination as it accentuated every curve and contour of her body.

The neckline plunged dangerously low, daringly exposing Supergirl's décolletage in a manner more suited to a brothel than anything else. The hemline rode high on her thighs, the scant fabric offering little coverage as it showcased her toned legs in all their glory.

"Let's go," Mercy said with a steely voice."We have a place to go to."

Supergirl nodded, her eyes clouded with Vartox's hypnotic influence. "Yes, ma'am," she replied simply, her voice devoid of emotion as she followed Mercy out of the safe house and into the waiting car.

The car ride was a tense affair, the atmosphere thick with palpable unease that seemed to suffuse every corner of the vehicle. The interior was bathed in a dim, ominous light, casting elongated shadows that danced along the walls with every jolt of the car's movement. The air hung heavy with tension, a tangible weight pressing down on Mercy even though Supergirl was under her control as she experienced last night.

The silence was deafening, broken only by the steady hum of the engine. Occasionally, the sound of Supergirl's shallow breathing pierced the quietude, a stark contrast to the rhythmic thrum of the car's motor.

Finally, they arrived at the secret location, a nondescript building nestled inconspicuously among the bustling streets of the city. The exterior gave no indication of the activities that transpired within its walls, its unassuming facade serving as the perfect cover.

Mercy guided the hypnotized Supergirl inside, her grip firm as she led her through the entrance. The air inside was heavy with the scent of stale air, the dimly lit interior casting shadows that danced across the walls.

After walking for a few minutes inside the secret facility they stepped into the dimly lit room where they were greeted by the imposing figures of Lex Luthor and Vartox.

Vartox's wheelchair was positioned strategically at the center of the room, his form shrouded in darkness as they arrived. As Supergirl stepped into the room, his gaze raked over Supergirl's form.

Lex Luthor regarded Mercy and said. "Good work Mercy. You can report anything of value later. For now you are dismissed."

Mercy was relieved as she replied."Yes, Sir." She then left the room without a moment of delay.

Meanwhile, Vartox's eyes gleamed more as he took in Supergirl's appearance, his gaze lingering on her form with a predatory hunger. A depraved smile played at the corners of his lips, a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurked within him.

"Well, well, well," Vartox purred, his voice dripping with malice as he regarded Supergirl with undisguised lust. "Look at what we have here. Our little superhero, all dressed up and ready to play."

Beside Vartox, Lex Luthor stood with an air of quiet authority as his gaze cold with a calculated cruelty.

"Thank you, Lex," Vartox said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "I must say, I do enjoy seeing Supergirl in such... revealing attire."

Lex Luthor nodded in acknowledgment, his expression unreadable as he turned his attention to Supergirl. "Let's get started, we're here to conduct our tests, not to indulge in your sick fantasies." he said briskly, his voice cutting through the tension that hung in the air.

Vartox chuckled darkly, "Oh, but where's the fun in that?" his voice laced with lust. "After all, what's the point of having a superhero at our disposal if we can't have a little fun with her?"

"Enough, Vartox," Lex Luthor snapped, his voice sharp with disdain. With a sense of resignation, Vartox complied as he didn't want to anger Lex Luthor.

Supergirl was then led to the center of the room where a series of tests awaited her. Lex Luthor and Vartox exchanged a glance, anticipation shimmering in their eyes as they observed Supergirl's every move.

"Let's see what our dear Supergirl is capable of now," Lex remarked, his voice laced with a hint of amusement as he watched Supergirl prepare for the tests.

Vartox nodded in agreement, a cruel smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Indeed. It will be fascinating to witness the extent of her diminished abilities."

As Supergirl stepped forward to begin the first test, Lex and Vartox leaned in closer, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. The room crackled with an electrifying tension as Supergirl summoned her powers, her every movement scrutinized by the two villains.

With each display of power, they noted the subtle changes in Supergirl's abilities, the necklace exerting its influence over her with ruthless efficiency. As Supergirl unleashed a burst of super-strength, the strain of the necklace's suppression was evident in the slight tremor of her muscles, a telltale sign of her diminished power.

Her once effortless feats of strength now required considerable effort, each movement a struggle against the oppressive weight of the necklace's influence.

As Supergirl attempted to summon her heat vision, her eyes narrowed in concentration as she strained to conjure the familiar blaze of energy. But despite her efforts, only a feeble spark emerged, the intensity of her heat vision greatly diminished.

Next as she attempted to take flight, her muscles tensing as she willed herself to soar into the air. Yet Supergirl was anchored to the ground, her feet rooted firmly in place as the necklace's influence robbed her of her ability to defy gravity.

As the tests progressed, Supergirl's failed to harness her once formidable powers. With the necklace's suppression reaching its maximum capacity, its influence pressing down upon her.

Next as she attempted to summon her invulnerability but as the blows rained down upon her, Supergirl winced in pain, the impact sending shockwaves of agony rippling through her body.

Supergirl's skin, once impervious to harm, now bore the marks of her vulnerability. The necklace's had full control over her abilities. With each strike, Supergirl's strength waned.

"It appears the necklace is working as intended," Lex observed, a note of satisfaction in his voice as he watched Supergirl struggle against its constraints.

Vartox chuckled darkly, his gaze fixated on Supergirl as she completed the final test. "Yes, indeed. She is but a shadow of her former self."

As the final test concluded, Lex Luthor and Vartox exchanged a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. Vartox's grin widened as he observed Supergirl, weakened and subdued by the barrage of tests.

"Well done, Vartox," Lex Luthor praised, his voice low and satisfied. "It seems our efforts have paid off. Supergirl is completely under our control."

Vartox's chest swelled with pride at the praise, his gaze lingering on Supergirl with a sense of triumph. "Indeed, Lex," he replied, his voice tinged with satisfaction. "She is no match for our cunning and manipulation."

With a sense of triumph, they turned to Supergirl, their eyes gleaming with anticipation as they prepared to unveil their next move. It was a move that would change the course of National City forever.