
Dissimilar Supergirl

Supergirl finds herself ensnared in a web of deception and manipulation orchestrated by one of Superman's arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor. Captured and rendered powerless by an energy field designed to neutralize her abilities, Supergirl confronts Lex, only to reveal his ultimate plan: to break her spirit and bend her to his will. With cold determination, he enlists the help of a villain skilled in the art of hypnosis, ordering them to manipulate Supergirl's mind and make her his and listen to his order. * * * Note : DC Universe: EARTH XXXXX *** Author's note : I do not own DC or any of its characters other than my own variation of the said characters. This fanfiction is also on scribblehub.

marvel_away · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 11: Next Phase

With the conclusion of the tests, Lex Luthor and Vartox wasted no time in moving on to the next phase of their plan.

The room where Lex Luthor and Vartox led the hypnotized Supergirl was cold and sterile, the stark walls devoid of decoration save for a single table and two chairs.

"Sit," Vartox commanded, his voice a low rumble that echoed off the walls of the room.

Supergirl complied without hesitation, her movements robotic as she sank into the chair. Her mind remained ensnared by the hypnotic hold of Vartox, her thoughts distant and detached from the world around her.

As Supergirl sat in silence, Lex Luthor and Vartox began to discuss the intricacies of their plan, their voices low as they plotted their next moves.

The next phase of their plan was complex and multifaceted, requiring precision and finesse to execute successfully. They would manipulate Supergirl's alter ego, Kara Danvers, into slowly cutting all ties with her friends, family, and job, ensuring that her isolation would go unnoticed by those around her.

Lex Luthor leaned forward slowly, his gaze intent as he outlined the next phase with precision to Vartox. "We need to ensure that Kara Danvers isolates herself gradually," he said, his voice laced with determination. "We'll plant seeds of doubt and suspicion, subtly nudging her away from her loved ones without raising any alarms."

Vartox nodded in agreement, his expression dark with anticipation. "We'll exploit her vulnerabilities, prey on her insecurities," he added, his tone dripping with malice. "She'll be so consumed by doubt and fear that she won't even realize she's pushing everyone away."

Lex Luthor's eyes gleamed with anticipation, his voice laced with a hint of excitement as he conveyed more of his plans.

They would simultaneously orchestrate the rise of a new resident superhero in National City, one who worked for them in secret and whose allegiance lay firmly with their cause. This new hero would serve as a partner in their game, a associate to further their agenda.

Vartox nodded in agreement, his lips curling into a sinister grin. "This hero will be our eyes and ears on the ground," he added, his tone dripping with malice. "They will carry out our orders, sow chaos and confusion, while we work to dismantle Supergirl's reputation."

Lex's gaze flickered with satisfaction as he pictured the unfolding chaos, his mind already spinning with possibilities. "With our new hero by our side, Supergirl won't stand a chance," he said, his voice filled with confidence. "We'll manipulate the city's perception, turn them against her, until she's nothing but a shadow of her former self."

As Lex Luthor and Vartox discussed the final stage of the plan before they moved to the next, a cold determination settled over where they were talking, their voices carrying the weight of their ambitions.

"Our ultimate goal is to make Supergirl fall from grace." Lex stated, his tone resolute. "We'll tarnish her reputation, make her a pariah in the eyes of the city."

Vartox's eyes gleamed with malicious intent as he spoke, his words dripping with venom. "We'll manipulate the media, plant stories of her failures and shortcomings," he declared. "We'll turn the people against her until she's seen as nothing more than a liability."

Lex nodded in agreement. "Once her credibility is shattered, we'll strip her of her title as the city's protector," he continued, his voice filled with satisfaction. " Then when Supergirl will exclusively work for me, no would bat an eye because in the eyes of the masses, she would not be called a superhero."

As they finalized their plans, Lex Luthor moved to the adjacent room, where he could observe the proceedings from behind a one-way mirror. His eyes gleamed with anticipation as he watched Vartox prepare to begin his hypnotic session with Supergirl, knowing that their victory was within reach.

In the interrogation room, Vartox loomed over Supergirl, his presence oppressive as he prepared to exert his influence over her susceptible mind. He leaned in close, his breath hot against her ear as he began to speak in a low, hypnotic murmur.

"You will listen to me," Vartox intoned, his voice a potent blend of command and persuasion. "You will obey my every command without question."

Supergirl nodded obediently, her eyes glazed over as the hypnotic trance held her in its thrall. She was powerless to resist Vartox's influence, her mind a blank slate upon which he would inscribe his desires.

With a cruel smile that seemed to gleam with malevolent satisfaction, Vartox's eyes glittered as he began his insidious work. Each word he uttered dripped with calculated venom, weaving a tapestry of deceit and manipulation that ensnared Supergirl's vulnerable psyche.

His voice, smooth as silk yet laced with a sinister edge, reverberated through the room as he wove his intricate web of lies. Every syllable was chosen with meticulous care, each phrase designed to penetrate Supergirl's subconscious mind.

As he spoke, Vartox painted a bleak picture of the future, a world shrouded in darkness and despair. He planted seeds of doubt and fear in Supergirl's mind, his words poisoning her thoughts and clouding her judgment.

With each passing moment, his words burrowed deep into her subconscious, taking root and blossoming into a twisted garden of treachery and deceit. She was powerless to resist as her will subsumed by the overwhelming tide of Vartox's influence.

As Vartox continued to spin his web of manipulation, he casted her into a world of uncertainty and despair. She was adrift in a sea of lies and half-truths, her mind consumed by the darkness that Vartox had unleashed.

As the suggestions took root in Supergirl's mind, its insidious tendrils weaved their way through her thoughts and emotions. She was a puppet in Vartox's hands, her will subjugated to his as he molded her into a being he wanted her to become.

As Vartox continued his hypnotic session with Supergirl, Lex Luthor watched from the adjacent room, his gaze fixed on the scene unfolding before him. He observed with a mixture of satisfaction as Supergirl succumbed to Vartox's influence.

Lex Luthor knew that their plan was proceeding exactly as intended. Supergirl was firmly under their control, her fate sealed by the machinations of their cunning design.

As Vartox concluded his hypnotic session, Lex stepped forward to join him in the interrogation room. Together, they had set the final pieces of their plan into motion.

With a nod of agreement, Vartox turned to face Lex Luthor, a triumphant smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

As they prepared to depart the interrogation room, Lex Luthor cast one last glance at Supergirl, her form slumped in the chair, her mind lost to the depths of Vartox's hypnotic trance.