
Disciples of the Forbidden Lord

Fate. A rather vague concept for mortals and weak beings. Even the strong might not be able to escape the clutches of fate. Will, a supreme being of the Universe thought that his life was pretty much the same as other experts in the Universe. He thought that he was just destined to chill and play around as he suffered nearly all his life to rise to the top but Fate was a very strange concept. Will who thought that he is above the laws of fate and density found himself get dragged by it again in the Chaos that unfolded due to gaining knowledge that wasn’t supposed to be known by him early in time. And before he knew it, the disciples he chose to teach after waking up from his slumber of millions of years, ended having him dragged by fate to play into its hands …… People thought that the end have started. Many different races thought that by the beginning of the chaos, many would end up losing a lot of their loved ones. At the same time, times of Chaos are also known as times of great Opportunities. Dangers and opportunities. When the incoming Chaos came, many people had this thought. But, they didn’t know that this was simply a prelude to just a bigger chaos. They live in a Universe that they thought that it is just like the many out there. A Universe, that the people outside have thought that it had been lost in the long river of History. Follow my journey as the destined among the inhabitants of the once-forgotten Universe rises again to power due to the sudden invasion from the Outside Realm. Watch the rise of Noah and Max. Two beings who managed to drag a Supreme Being like Will into the unfolding Chaos. …… I can’t promise that the first few chapters are enjoyable since I am a newbie author, but I am pretty sure that I am always evolving as I am trying to make my plot and storyline more perfect and more interesting. This Novel isn’t a slow-paced one but it isn’t fast-paced, the story is moving in moderation as many things are bound to unfold at the same time in different places. I don’t know if I am really delivering a story as I imagined in my head but I am doing my best as I am constantly improving and I hope that your reviews and comments can help me do a better job. I am always open to suggestions from readers. If you have any ideas that might go well with my story, you can just contact me on Discord or leave me a comment. I hope you have a good read. ~~~~~~~~~~ Chapters have word count between 1150 to 1600 Words Chapter 89--> Chapter --- Word count between 1500---1800 If you see that my story has some worth, please give Power stones to help make the novel more popular. PS: Art is not mine, if there are any problems, just contact me to remove it. ~~~~~~~~~ For people who would like to support me. https://ko-fi.com/devilsmercy026 For Contact. Discord: Devilsmercy026

Devilsmercy026 · Fantaisie
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138 Chs

Chapter 11, Gods' Meeting

"Hello?" I just said while waving my hand in front of his face.

Max immediately came from his thoughts and took the hand stretched toward him to help him stand.

Max looked at the handsome young man in front of him with some uncertainty in his eyes, as he doesn't know what to do next.

Noticing this Will smiled slightly and then said.

"My name is William, you can call me Will, and you?"

Hearing this, Max decided to play along and to see what this Will wants from him, as he knows that there is no kindness without reason.

"I am called Maxwell Ashrend, and so?"

"So?" Will looked at him quizzically.

"I mean, you have been holding my hands for a while," said Max while looking at his hand that is still in Will's hand.

"Oh, I am sorry," Will apologized then left his hand.

Of course, Will didn't keep holding his hand because he isn't a pervert nor does he has weird fetishes.

He kept holding his hand as he wanted to make sure of the characteristic of his bloodline again up close and what he saw only confirmed his thoughts, but he kept them to himself and smiled at Max.

"Well, Max, I was just walking around when I heard some sounds here, so I came to check," said Will with a smile after distancing himself a little from Max.

Max just kept looking at him suspiciously, but then shrugged it off, and decided to interact with Will and see where all of this will take him.

"Oh, well, this is just nothing dangerous," said Max with a somewhat forced smile.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to go to the hospital here at the University? I heard that they have all kinds of facilities," said Will pretending to not know that Max is a Vampire.

"There are no problems, there is no need to go to the hospital," said Max stubbornly.

"Your call," Will just shrugged at his refusal.

"Anyway, are you new here at the University?" Will decided to ask since he noticed that there are 4 mins remaining for the lectures to start.

"Yes, I am a student in my first year," said Max.

"Then, you also won't know the places of lectures, right?"

"Depends, I arrived a few days ago and had some time to tour the campus, so, I know some of the places here," said Max after hesitating for a few seconds, as he didn't want to stay with Will, but the words just came out of his mouth eventually.

Will noticing the hesitation coming from Max ignored it as if he didn't notice and continued speaking.

"Excellent, then show me the way to my lecture, as it is about to start." Said Will with a smile.

"Which branch did you sign up for?"

"Emm, I don't remember" Will actually had no idea as Ava forgot to tell him.

Max just looked at him blankly for a few seconds and laughed a little.

Will just shook his head at the laughing Max, and he didn't also bother to call Ava and inquire from her as he doesn't care much.

"Then, you can come and attend with me, as it is the first day anyway, and no one will care," said Max after he finished laughing.

"Sure, that's good," Will found this idea quite good, as it will allow him to learn more about max to make final adjustments on the orb.

Seeing him agree easily, Max just shook his head at how easygoing Will seemed and decided to lead the way to his department.

While Will went to enjoy his first day in the University with Max, somewhere else there was some chaos because of the actions of certain Devourer.

In one of the realms that are connected to Earth.

Aramazd's abode.

It is the place where the gods and goddess of the Armenian pantheon usually resides, it is a place that is known for its eternal light and beauty.

The Armenian Pantheon can't be considered one of the strong pantheons like Asgard or Mount Olympus.

Although they aren't of the same level, they still aren't on the lower end of the spectrum of ranking, maybe in the low-middle ranking, which would at least earn them respect and vouch for their power.

Today this Pantheon is flipped outside down, as the realm they are residing in is closed and cut off from the outside world as there is a serious investigation occurring here.

As for the reason?

Earlier in the morning, the Gods and Goddesses of the Pantheon were having their regular meeting in the hall of the God King of their Pantheon as usual.

For Gods and Goddesses, the cycle of day and night doesn't hold any significance to them as they usually don't sleep and were always doing their work or listing to their believers across the Universe.

Moving their society here to Earth didn't mean that they cut ties with all the other planets where they already established their legends and mythologies.

So they usually have a lot of work to do.

As of now, they were having a serious meeting regarding the reason why all the Societies moved here to Earth from different parts of the Universe.

Now in the meeting hall.

Aramazd, the Chief God of the Armenian Pantheon was discussing with the available gods regarding some of the latest moves of the other societies on Earth.

"I want you all to stop expanding your influence on Earth, as that won't help us when the calamity strikes," said Aramazd seriously.

Hearing his words, all the Gods sitting here had a change in expression.

"Do you want us to sit idly by with our thumbs in our mouths while the other pantheons grow stronger than us?" said Vahagn angrily after stomping the table in front of him.

Vahagn is the god of thunder, lightning, and war in the Armenian Pantheon.

He is now pretty much angry at the decision of the God-King since having lower numbers of believers would weaken them considerably.

As Gods, what difference between them is two things, the Concept that they represent whether the concept is strong or weak and if the opponent God has something that is the natural nemesis of their Concept.

The other thing is of course the number of believers, as the number increases, the faith each God would receive would also increase which would result in the increase of their divine energy as their understanding of their Concept will also increase.

Although the other Gods and Goddesses sitting around the table wanted to voice their compliment, they held their tongue as they knew that their Chief God is also known for being the God of the sky.

He is associated with Wisdom, Justice, so having the knowledge Concept as one of the Concepts he governs over, should represent his intelligence and wisdom, so they simply waited for the answer he is going to say to the knucklehead.

Aramazd just looked at Vahagn calmly and then he just shook his head slightly.

"You already know why we all come to such a barren world and nurtured it to this stage, all the Gods and Goddesses that holds the Concept of Fate a long time ago, foretold that someone would be born on this planet that would kill us all," he stopped here and then sighed again.

When he was just going to continue talking, he heard the sound of the footsteps of someone of the lower gods intruding on their meetings, which usually they wouldn't do as they know that this is an important meeting and all the important Gods of the Pantheon are here.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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