
Director Edward

Baron Durin Edward, an Earthling transmigrated into an unfamiliar world devoid of technology, finds himself bored and out of place. Determined to bring excitement and culture to this realm, he decides to film an anime live-action series, aiming to entertain and revolutionize the era. With creativity and determination, Durin challenges tradition, introduces the vibrant world of anime, and sparks a cultural renaissance in a world desperate for change.

EggZy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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111 Chs

[72] The Bewildered Headless Knight

Chapter 72: The Bewildered Headless Knight

"How about it, Durin? Do I have magical talent?"

In the office of the Norsrick Cinema, Durin withdrew his hand from testing Daphne's magical potential and revealed a surprised expression. Daphne indeed possessed magical talent, at least her mana circuit could be considered first-rate, and her elemental affinity was quite excellent, definitely not on par with Helena's pure fire elemental affinity.

With such talent, it was surprising that she wasn't valued by the Duke's family. After all, the Duke's family employed quite a few mages, and a simple test could reveal Daphne's magical potential. However, not only was Daphne's talent left undeveloped, but the Duke of the South even forbade her from accessing any extraordinary powers...

Thinking of the possibilities involved, Durin furrowed his brows involuntarily.

Of course, although he found it strange, he smiled and replied, "Your talent is quite impressive. With this level of magical aptitude, even if you're starting late, you can reach at least the advanced level in your lifetime."


Excited by Durin's words, Daphne grabbed his sleeve and her usually reserved expression completely opened up. She immediately exclaimed, "I want to become a mage too, Durin! Please teach me magic!"

"Well, isn't it simple if you want to learn magic? Just go back to the Duke's mansion. Your family's mage, Roy, can teach you magic in no time. If that's not possible, have your father send you to the Mage Tower. You'll be able to start classes next semester."

As soon as Durin finished speaking, Daphne's expression dimmed. She took a step back and said nervously, "My father won't allow me to study magic..."

"He won't allow it?"

Durin was completely baffled now. After all, even if most nobles, let alone the current Emperor, had a child with magical talent, they would definitely send them to the Mage Tower for magical studies. How could there be a reason not to let someone with magical talent learn?

However, seeing Daphne's fearful expression, Durin gradually understood. Although she was the daughter of a Duke, her character hadn't become spoiled due to her privileged upbringing. Instead, she seemed to be constrained by rules and regulations, worrying about this and that.

Finally, after thinking about it, he could only say helplessly, "Forget it, forget it. I'll teach you then. But you have to think it over. I'm not a proper mage. I prefer alchemy over magic. Even if you follow me, you won't learn much about magic."

"Really?! That's great!! I'll definitely work hard, Durin... Teacher Durin!"

"Don't... I'm only two or three years older than you. Just call me brother, but don't call me teacher."

Seeing Durin's frustrated expression from being called old, Daphne couldn't help but chuckle. After this little interlude, Durin continued with his script writing. It wasn't until late at night when he finally had some free time, and Daphne, excited about just learning the basic abilities of mana sensing and meditation as a mage, left the Norsrick Cinema and headed back to the headquarters of the Edward Studio, the tavern opposite the cinema.

As soon as Durin stepped into the tavern, he was greeted by a vastly different atmosphere from the usual lively scene.

Unlike the bustling ambiance, the Edward Tavern had a peculiar vibe at the moment.


Durin and Daphne, who had just arrived, looked completely puzzled at the scene, seeing two knights sitting in confusion at the bar and an elderly knight in the center of the hall, who appeared excited and even shed tears while holding Beldia's hand.


After Durin and Daphne entered the tavern and some time passed, they observed the young knight and the middle-aged knight beside him comforting the tearful old knight. Durin quickly grabbed Beldia and inquired, "What's going on? Did you extort money from the old man?"

"How could that be! Director Durin, don't accuse me!"

"Then what's happening? If people see this, they might think our tavern is exploiting the elderly. It couldn't be a scam, could it?"

"I... I'm not sure either. He seems to recognize me, but if he's an old acquaintance, it's been so many years that I completely forgot..."

Seeing Beldia stuttering and clueless, Durin could only silently wait for the tearful old man to calm down. During this time, he also conversed with Saeki nearby about any challenges in settling down in the South after relocating, until...

"My lord! I, Wilhelm, am finally fortunate enough to see you again in this lifetime..."


It was the first time General Wilhelm had displayed such excitement in his life. After composing himself, he approached Beldia, who was still bewildered, and bowed, saying, "My lord, do you remember the chaotic realm outside the Northern Territory decades ago?"

"Decades ago? The chaotic realm?"

Momentarily stunned, Beldia looked at the elderly man before him, whose face had been weathered by time. After a moment, he replied, "Decades ago, I was still under the control of that damned necromancer, and I could only regain control in very rare situations... Wait a minute, I think I have some recollection. Are you the hothead who faced a group of monsters alone?"

As General Wilhelm's words resonated, accompanied by a heavy thud, he nearly shed tears again as he half-knelt to the ground. Witnessing his tearful state, Durin swiftly closed the door, ensuring no one misconstrued the situation and accused his tavern of exploiting the elderly.

Meanwhile, Wilhelm, recognizing his savior before him, exclaimed excitedly, "Yes, that hothead was me! In those days, fueled by overconfidence, I swiftly became separated from my comrades upon entering the chaotic realm. Though I aimed to retrace my steps, fate led me into the necromancer's lair, where I found myself pursued by a horde of monsters he had summoned. Were it not for you, sir, appearing suddenly and rescuing me, I would surely have succumbed to those monsters long ago!"

With everyone now grasping the situation, a collective sigh of relief echoed through the room. The flickering soul fires in the eyes of the headless knight recalled that rare moment of clarity amidst the endless years.

Then, with a resigned sigh, Beldia helped the old man to his feet and said, "While this body bears the gift of immortality, it also carries the burden of endless suffering. Not only for my former comrades but even for you, lad, who now bears the weight of age..."

Moved by the headless knight's lament, General Wilhelm hastily responded, "Nevertheless, it is thanks to you, sir, that I stand here today. Please allow me the chance to repay the debt from that fateful day!"

Seeing Wilhelm about to bow again, the headless knight intervened, and Durin, standing nearby, chuckled and remarked, "Beldia understands; a nod will suffice. And is it appropriate for you, General Wilhelm, to maintain such close ties with an undead?"

Taken aback, Wilhelm and his companions showed surprise. Durin simply gestured to the emblems on their chests and remarked casually, "While most may not recognize the Imperial Army's insignia, I've had a brief encounter. And General Wilhelm, did we not meet years ago at that banquet hosted by the Duke of The South?"

"You... are Edward's eldest son?"

With the confusion now resolved, Durin nodded and discreetly ushered out those unrelated to the matter, leaving only the three knights and himself in the hall.

With the chaotic scene finally clarified, Durin nodded and quickly ushered out those unrelated to the matter. In the end, only the three knights, Beldia, and Durin remained in the hall.

Observing the old general about to shed tears again, Beldia, unable to bear the sight, smiled and brought out a newly acquired bottle of wine. "Enough of this solemnity," he said. "This is a tavern, and the most important thing is to share a drink when fate brings us together here."

With that, he drank down a bowl with his detached head, astonishing Durin, who couldn't even comprehend where the wine went as Beldia drained the entire vessel.

Seeing this, Wilhelm hesitated before accepting the wine glass handed to him by Beldia and inquired, "By the way, Lord Headless Knight, why are you here in this small tavern in the South?"

Regardless of the circumstances, Wilhelm couldn't forget that moment years ago. The knight's strength, still etched in his memory after all these years, left him curious as to why he appeared in the Southern lands, so far from the North.

In response to Wilhelm's question, Beldia, drinking and with Durin's assistance, recounted the tale of escaping from the necromancer's clutches, being pursued by the Church, nearly perishing in the South, and ultimately joining Edward's Studio after being saved by Durin.

Listening intently, the young knight, Ryne, felt his blood boil with excitement, bombarding Beldia with questions until reprimanded by the equally attentive Knight Commander, Wilcliff.

"Speaking of which, how have you been all these years? I remember when you were surrounded by monsters, you were scared stiff! I even advised you to bring more alcohol to the battlefield, as even the most timid person can muster the courage to fight and die after a drink. Hahaha!"

Surprised by Beldia's candid revelation of his embarrassing past, Wilhelm blushed, quickly glancing at the two knights beside him. The younger knights attempted to stifle their laughter, refusing to let their distorted grins show in such a situation.

"Anyway, thanks to your help back then, I managed to return to the army, and because of that experience, my swordsmanship has greatly improved. Now, I am a general in the Empire. I came here this time to discuss dealing with the impending invasion of the Orc Empire with the Duke of the South."

"Wow, I never thought you would become an Imperial general. That's really something, hahaha..."

Beldia chuckled, though no one understood why. Durin and Wilhelm looked puzzled, while Beldia wore a melancholic expression as he spoke, "My mentor was also an Imperial general back then. My achievements in the army were entirely due to his support. If it weren't for that accident, I might have succeeded him as the next Imperial general. He hoped I would become the first human to reach the sixth rank as a knight and defend the Empire's territory from the hands of the invaders..."


Even Durin was hearing about the headless knight's past for the first time. Upon hearing his despondent words, Wilhelm quickly said, "Anyway, if it weren't for your actions back then, I wouldn't be where I am today... As an Imperial general, I guarantee that I will do whatever I can to fulfill any request you have!"

"No need for that. Director Durin here has already fulfilled all my wishes for me. If you really want to repay me, then help him instead."

Suddenly, Beldia shifted the burden onto himself, leaving Durin stunned in place, while Wilhelm immediately turned his gaze to him, clearly saying, "I can fulfill any request you have, no matter what it is."

Seeing the sturdy old man before him, not even a cute girl, let alone a sister, looking at him expectantly, Durin sighed helplessly before speaking, "I don't really have any requests..."


Just as General Wilhelm was about to say something, Durin quickly interjected, "Of course, while I don't have any specific requests, if it would make you feel like you've repaid Beldia's kindness, there is indeed a small favor I need from you as an Imperial general..."

Hearing this, General Wilhelm didn't hesitate, disregarding any hesitation from Knight Commander Wilcliff, and promptly said, "The debt I owe to the Lord Headless Knight will last a lifetime, so any request from you, Baron Durin, I will do my utmost to fulfill."

"Uh, there's no need to be so formal. It's not a big deal, just... General, do you have anyone under your command who's good at both fighting and acting? Male or female, I'll take as many as you have!"


Completely caught off guard, General Wilhelm stood there, bewildered, while the headless knight, who had been curious about what Durin's request would be, now wore a subtle expression. As a member of the Edward Studio, he knew exactly why Durin would make such a request.


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