
Director Edward

Baron Durin Edward, an Earthling transmigrated into an unfamiliar world devoid of technology, finds himself bored and out of place. Determined to bring excitement and culture to this realm, he decides to film an anime live-action series, aiming to entertain and revolutionize the era. With creativity and determination, Durin challenges tradition, introduces the vibrant world of anime, and sparks a cultural renaissance in a world desperate for change. Films: -Konosuba -Goblin Slayer -Fate Zero -The Garden Of Sinners and etc. --------- If you want to read advance chapters ahead. Visit my patreon: patreon.com/EggZy

EggZy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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162 Chs

[134] Release of "The Garden Of Sinners"(8)

Chapter 134: Release of "The Garden Of Sinners"(8)

Seeing the scenes in the movie, people felt a mix of confusion and sympathy for Shiki.

"The most ignorant time is childhood, but it's also the most blissful and innocent time. To understand the ugliness of human nature during that period is just too tragic."

"No wonder Shiki has been so cold from the beginning. After accepting the evil in humanity, maintaining any semblance of rationality towards life is already quite impressive."

"In that case, SHIKI is even stranger. SHIKI's personality seems too lively. She appears cheerful, but deep down, she is probably more insane than Shiki."

"The Ryougi family is truly terrifying. It reminds me of some dark sorcerers."


Of course, such insights were coming from the top students of the Magic Academy.

Most ordinary people were still in a state of utter bewilderment.

However, even if they couldn't fully grasp the complex concepts in the film, ordinary viewers could still enjoy it. At worst, they could simply comment on how impressive it was.


Compared to regular students, the archmages at the top of the Alchemy Tower were deeply moved by what SHIKI said on screen.

"When a person is born with another soul alongside them, and they fully understand the thoughts of that other soul, it can lead to such a mindset?"

"Zero distance, even negative distance between people, seems like it would create something non-human."

"The soul is the primary concept of a person. Once the soul becomes distorted, the very idea of humanity might cease to exist."


The archmages' discussions were fervent and intense. Their perspective on the film was indeed unique.

Especially Archmage Rosa, who had been deeply impressed by the concepts described in the film while it was being made. Watching it again now gave her a whole new experience.

Meanwhile, Dean Hohenheim maintained a thoughtful expression, his brow furrowed as if contemplating something profound.


The movie continued.

"Why are you talking to me?" Shiki asked in a nearly indifferent tone while standing on the balcony.

"Why are you so brainless, Kokutou-kun?"

"That's harsh. I've been called too honest, but I've never been called brainless before."

Faced with Kokutou's gentle words, Shiki indifferently opened a bag of food and said:

"People are just too polite to tell you the truth."

"Shiki, you're a bit angry, aren't you?"

"A bit?"

Shiki glared at Kokutou, then, somewhat at a loss, said:

"I don't understand it myself, but seeing you makes me unhappy. Why do you keep pestering me? Even after SHIKI said all that, why is your attitude still the same as yesterday? I really don't get it."

"I don't know why either. Being with you feels nice, but I can't pinpoint why... Even after hearing what was said yesterday, maybe I'm just too optimistic."

"Kokutou, do you really understand that I'm an anomaly?"

"Yeah, you're definitely not normal."

"Right? So you should face the fact that I'm not someone an ordinary person can get along with."

"Whether normal or abnormal isn't the point when it comes to being friends."

Hearing Kokutou's words, Shiki suddenly flared up, speaking forcefully:

"But I can't become like you."

She said, brushing her hair aside.

Shiki's sleeve moved, revealing a slender arm wrapped in bandages, particularly fresh around her right elbow.

"Shiki, that injury is—"

Seeing Kokutou's suddenly alarmed expression, Shiki coldly responded:

"If you won't listen to SHIKI, then listen to me. If this continues, I will definitely kill you."

Watching Shiki leave, Kokutou took a deep breath and helplessly said:

"…Geez, looks like someone was right. I might already be insane."

The scene in the movie sparked intense discussions at Edward's Tavern.

"No way, Shiki really is a killer?!"

Helena was the first to voice her opinion, raising her hand high, eager to make herself heard.

Winry, on the other hand, was more concerned about Kokutou, saying slowly:

"It seems like Kokutou really likes Shiki, but this affection feels sudden, without the natural progression you'd expect."

She glanced at Durin, then quickly lowered her head when she noticed him looking back.

Most people in the tavern were divided into two camps: one focusing on whether Shiki was truly a killer, and the other on Kokutou's emotional investment.

In response, Durin, committed to not giving spoilers, calmly said:

"Keep watching. You'll find out soon enough."


Meanwhile, in the hall of the Imperial Magic Academy, students were engaged in heated discussions.

"What do you think? Is Shiki really the killer? With so many clues pointing to it, it almost seems obvious that she's the murderer, right?"

"But still, would they really make a murderer of innocent people the main character? Even with a redemption arc, it feels a bit off."

"True, it's not that I wouldn't support a redemption arc. I actually like Shiki a lot, but I don't think her character would do something like that. Otherwise, she wouldn't have reacted the way she did in Overlooking View."

"So, either Shiki isn't the killer, or there's going to be some major redemption arc later. Personally, I lean towards the former. The clues seem a bit too leading, almost like they're intentionally pushing us to believe this answer."

"It looks like The Garden of Sinners is really worth anticipating. I initially thought this might be Senior Durin's worst movie yet."

"In terms of sheer excitement, it might not match his previous films, but in terms of depth, it far surpasses any of them. Maybe this is Senior Durin's attempt to transition from making low-threshold, special-effects-heavy movies to creating something with more substance."

"You all are so insightful. Not like me. I just want to see Shiki and Kokutou end up together!"


"Agreed +1!"

"You guys are crazy. Unlike me, I just want Shiki to be my wife!"

"Get lost!"

Amid the playful banter of the academy's students, the next part of The Garden of Sinners: Murder Speculation continued to play.


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