
Dimensional Chat Group with Blazer

A Pervert protagonist reincarnated in world fill with character of anime,manga,doujin,tv series along with dimensionl chat group.

ApeNovel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

DCGB EP 05 - Got easy job

"Hey, Hoshino-kun," a familiar yet seductively voice suddenly sounded.


Yuji turned his head to look and found that the person calling him was his homeroom teacher, Minagawa Akane. He didn't know why she called him, but whenever he had the chance, he would seize it.


"What's going on, Sensei?" Yuji spoke as he walked towards Akane.


"Sensei has something to discuss," Akane said and then turned to walk away after saying, "Let's meet the teacher in the staff room."


"Sure," Yuji said, watching Akane walk towards the staff room.


'Damn it! Are you deliberately teasing me?' Yuji thought.


After a while, Yuji walked into the staff room and saw many desks lined up. Additionally, he saw Takagi shiori, the teacher he happened to run into that morning, and when their eyes met, Yuji smiled at her before turning to find Akane sitting at a desk writing something.


" Minagawa-Sensei," Yuji called out as he reached her table.


Akane, who heard Yuji's voice, turned to look at him before smiling and replying, "Sorry for making you wait."


"Minagawa-Sensei, did you have something to ask?" Yuji asked while looking at Akane.


"I noticed you don't talk much with your friends in class, so I'm a bit concerned. Is there a problem?" Akane asked gently.


"It's nothing, really. I just don't vibe with high school life much," Yuji said before taking a breath and continuing, "If possible, I'd rather go out and find a job."


"Is it a money issue, Hoshino-kun?" Akane's eyes lit up after hearing Yuji's words.



"It's not much, but I think sooner or later, I have to work. So, wouldn't it be better to find a job sooner rather than later?" Yuji tried to come up with a reason, but in reality, besides finding opportunities to flirt with girls, he was really tired of studying. If it wasn't for impressing pretty girls, he wouldn't have any motivation to go to school.


"So, are you going to look for a job?" Akane asked before glancing around to see if anyone was eavesdropping.


"Yes," Yuji replied.


"If you don't want to choose a job, could I perhaps have something you might be interested in?" Akane leaned in towards Yuji and whispered as she gently tapped his chest with her well-proportioned chest.


Yuji, feeling the proximity of Akane's large, well-defined chest and catching a whiff of her alluring scent, began to feel a certain way, while his little brother started to stir. He quickly regained control of himself before saying, "If the job isn't too difficult, I'd be happy to do it."


"Then come here tonight at 6:30," Akane said, handing Yuji a board with the details before adding with a smile, "We can discuss the details further when you arrive, because we can't talk about it here."


"Yes, I will," Yuji replied.


"Then, I'll see you later," Akane said, smiling. Then she remembered something and added, "Oh, don't forget to bring a change of clothes."


"Yes, Sensei."


"Alright then, take care."


"Yeah, you too."


After finishing, Yuji turned and left the teacher's lounge, heading towards his motorcycle parking spot, ready to move on.


Inside McDonald's


Yuji was on his fifth burger, scrolling through contacts while thinking of ways to make money. He knew he had some gold bars, but if he wanted to be a billionaire, he had to start a business to generate income for himself. It was a dream he almost achieved in his past life, so in this life, he would make it happen to fulfill his desires. And the first step he had to take was to make money, because right now the funds he had were not enough, especially since he had spent a lot on impressing girls.


With this in mind, he decided to call someone.






??? : Hello, may I ask what this is regarding?


Yuji : Please inform Tomari-sang that Yuji is interested in that agreement.


??? : Alright, just a moment, sir.


??? : ....


??? : Hey, is this Yuji?


Yuji : Yes, it's me, Tomari-san.


Togo : Hey, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Togo?


Yuji : Yes, yes, Togo -san.


Togo : And about the call, are you agreeing to that agreement?


Yuji : Well... yes, sir.


Togo : Huh!! The agreement is there, but there are some changes. Are you sure you want to accept the agreement?


Yuji : Then, may I see what changes have been made first?


Togo : Alright. And where are you now?


Yuji : I'm at the McDonald's near the Shibuya Station.


Togo : Alright, let's meet at my company then. Do you know the way?


Yuji : Yes. Then, see you there.


Yuji hung up after finishing the call and then turned back to continue eating his burger while surfing the internet. Suddenly, he stumbled upon an advertisement: "Male staff wanted for the Seika Girls' Academy High School."


" Seika Girls' Academy High School? Why does that look so familiar ?" Yuji thought hard before something clicked. "Damn, this is from that doujin !"


With that realization, Yuji quickly clicked to read the details and found out that the only condition was to be a healthy male before deciding to fill out the form on the website and submit it.




Instantly, a message popped up on his phone: "Please come for an interview on the 25th at 5:30 p.m."



After After finishing the burger and noting down the interview appointment, Yuji swiftly exited the store and rode his motorcycle straight to Togo's company.


At the front of a certain company,


Yuji parked his motorcycle in the parking area and then walked straight towards the entrance of a prominent company named " Iwami Heavy Industries "


"I have an appointment with Tomari-san," Yuji approached a woman in office attire who was sitting behind the reception desk.


"Yes, you must be Yuji-sama, right?" The young lady asked upon seeing Yuji, as her boss had informed her that someone would be coming here.


"Yes, that's correct," Yuji replied with a smile.


"Ms. Tomari-san is waiting for you at the office. Please take the elevator up," the young lady said with a smile, pointing towards the elevator.


Yuji stepped into the elevator to go to Togo's office, and not long after, he arrived at a certain office room. He knocked on the door before entering.


"Welcome, Yuji," young woman with crazy-looking sanpaku eyes, thin black eyebrows, long black hair that falls down her back, greeted him.


"It's been a while, Togo-san," Yuji replied with a smile before sitting down on the sofa.


"Not that long, we just met last month," Togo said, walking over to sit on the sofa opposite Yuji. "I never thought you'd leave HCLI. Initially, I thought you'd work for koko until you died."


"It wasn't that serious," Yuji replied with a faint smile.


"Not that serious? Then who got so attached to นาน that they almost couldn't bear to be apart?" Togo chuckled.


"That's all in the past. It's not something we need to talk about," Yuji said awkwardly, remembering the time when he and koko had just started dating. She was the first woman he had ever dated, and they were practically inseparable. They did everything together, from going to the bathroom to sleeping and eating. They were so close that even valmet complained, and in the end, valmet became his girlfriends too, which led to their first 3P.


"Alright, let's talk about work. So, what changes have been made to the agreement?" Yuji spoke casually.


"The agreement remains the same: you'll have to compete against my company in the Kengan Annihilation Tournament" Togo replied, adjusting her glasses before continuing, "The changed condition is that I'll only hire you until the end of the competition, and the payment will be 10 million dollars."


"Is that all? Is the payment less considering the fight for the association president position?" Yuji asked, as he was well-versed in the Kengan Annihilation Tournament, and he knew that the competition he would participate in was to find someone to serve as the president of the Kengan Association. Therefore, he thought the payment was insufficient if he was to win.


"And how much do you want?" Togo asked seriously, looking at Yuji.


"About 50 million dollars, but I'll need an advance of 1 million dollars. I guarantee you'll become the association president," Yuji replied earnestly, as he didn't think anyone could beat him with his device, magic, and devil fruit powers. A mere mortal had no chance against him, so the competition was just practice for him.



"Hmm? You seem pretty confident. If anyone else hears you, you might get killed for sure," Toko smirked.


"Well, it's not that difficult. If it comes to killing in combat, all the better," Yuji responded with a calm demeanor, thinking that the rules of the arena were somewhat lenient, but he accepted that the opponents they would face would be nothing but peculiar and formidable. It was fortunate that there were no superhuman opponents yet.


"Then I'll take that as your agreement," Toko said, handing Yuji the document to sign, which was their agreement.


Yuji accepted the contract and signed it before looking up at Togo and asking, "Togo-san, about the money, could you help me open an account in Japan?"


"Huh? Don't you already have a Swiss bank account? Why would you need a Japanese bank account? You do know that if you receive money into a Japanese bank account, you'll be heavily taxed, right?" Togo explained the drawbacks of having a Japanese bank account.


"I do, but I want to have a Japanese bank account just in case and maybe use it for business," Yuji said, revealing his plan to start a business by utilizing dimensional chat groups to assist.


"A business? You, really?!" Togo exclaimed in surprise, as she had never thought Yuji would consider starting a business based on the information she had gathered. Yuji had been working as a mercenary since childhood, and she never imagined that this guy could utilize its brain full of muscles to come up with new technological developments.


"...," Yuji chose to remain silent, not wanting to inadvertently discuss the business he planned to undertake, believing that the less people knew, the better.


"Fine... take it. But if you need a sponsor, let me know," Togo said, thinking that if Yuji's business had the potential to become a lucrative enterprise, she was ready to invest in it. 'Hehehe.'


"So, what are you going to do next?" Togo asked.


"I'll probably take on some part-time work. There's someone hiring," Yuji replied.


"Alright then. Today at 8:00 p.m., come find me in front of the company. I'll take you to watch the kengan match that happening today," Togo said before getting up and walking back to her desk to continue working.


"Okay, see you then," Yuji said, getting up and leaving the office of Togo.






Right now, Yuji was driving towards an apartment not far from the Shinagawa area. Upon reaching the apartment, he parked the car and then walked up the stairs to a room labeled '204'. He glanced left and right before pressing the doorbell.




"Hello! Who's there?" Instantly, a woman's voice came from the intercom next to the door.



Yuji, upon recognizing the familiar voice, realized it was Akane's voice. He pressed the button on the intercom before speaking, "I'm Hoshino Yuji, ma'am."


"Hoshino-kun? Just a moment," Akane's voice sounded from the intercom before the door to the apartment was opened, revealing a tall, slender woman with long brown hair, wearing shorts and a loose-fitting T-shirt.


"Come in. I'm about to eat dinner soon." Akane said, gesturing for Yuji to enter her apartment.


"Thank you for having me." Yuji said as he walked into the apartment, with Akane gently closing the door behind him before locking it.







It's almost time for another world


SuperDupperLazy Author

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