
Dilemma: The Chip System

"Curiosity killed the cat." The sinister man raised the edges of his lips into a grin before injecting the girl's neck ruthlessly, leaving her unconscious. [Disclaimer: Rated 18 solely for the blood and gore scenes. Extreme torture and abuse scenes included, however, a warning shall be given at the start of such chapters and I will be briefly explaining everything for those who skipped the chapters with such content. Read at your own discretion.] **** Nancy Morgan was an average college girl who was bored of her little-to-none thrilling life and wanted something new. But what she got for that was not necessarily what she asked for. She got into a life-threatening accident. Roth Rogers, her family friend, inserted a chip inside her brain to save her. However, it attracted evil people to go after her. To protect her from the upcoming dangers, Roth appointed his adopted son, Samuel Rogers as her bodyguard. However, more than the people who were trying to abduct her for the cutting-edge technology, Nancy's curiosity rang for her bodyguard's mysterious life. Little did she know, her curiosity unlocked many secrets and troubles.... Like Immortality and artificial diseases. Trapped in a dilemma of science and immortality, Nancy must find out more about her bodyguard, and his connection with all of the mess. **** [Excerpt] "How come you have appeared at my house?" Samuel asked, ignoring her question. "And at such an hour? Are your parents aware?" He was bombarding questions at her after her system told her strange things. Nancy was irritated enough to break his neck, but she kept her composure. "Listen here, you little shit, the system is saying you're hurt. And that's what I asked you. Only I ask the questions here." Nancy clarified before jumping onto the bed, an inch apart from him, as she ran her hand from his shirt's collar to the first button. Who wears dress shirts in bed? Before Nancy could unbutton his shirt, he grabbed her hand with a frown on his face. "I do not know what your system told you, but I must clarify that I am not hurt," Samuel said before moving her hand aside. "Prove it, then," Nancy muttered. "The system says it's a thoracic injury. Show me that it's not." "Even if there is one, I believe you have nothing to do with it." Samuel backfired. Right. Nancy had nothing to do with his matters. But she was dying to remove that shirt from him. No, no! Not for any other business. She just needed to see if the gunshot wound was still there or not. "Which means there is a wound," Nancy said, trying to sound unfazed by his words. "I'll help you treat it." She stood up before walking over to the nightstand opposite them to get the first-aid kit. He watched her with narrowed vision, and she stared back from the corner of her eye. {Probability of survival : 50%... 60%... 65%} {The Wound shows signs of healing. Abnormalities detected.} {Platelet count: Normal.} {Platelet function: Faster than normal.} The system kept raising abnormalities from Samuel as if the system could've never guessed for such an existence. It made Nancy wonder, too. She was sure he was another invention. One way, or another… He was involved. [Note: All my novels are fictional. None of the characters and events have actually taken place.] **** Join my ded discord server: https://discord.gg/HsYbkZP29D Cover Artist: https://www.instagram.com/alina._.smthng/ **** Special Thanks to my mother for devising a name. I had been working on this for 2 years but I couldn't get a name. My mom asked me about the plot and I told her that it was complicated; That's when she said 'Dilemma' If you like complicated things, this is for you! Thank you for giving this a shot.

Haru_Catty · Romance
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310 Chs

Breaking into Someone's House Naturally

"What curfew?" Nancy bluntly asked.

Bradley smiled widely at Samuel, not knowing that Samuel had come prepared.

Samuel shoved his hand in his coat's inner pocket, taking his phone out. He opened the texting app and played a voice message.

"Samuel, I'm giving Nancy a curfew. Make sure you two come home early today. As for the rest of the week, you guys won't go out after 5 pm, Clear?" Daniel's voice was heard loud and clear, leaving Nancy in shock.


"That's a shame. I wanted to talk about Samuel." Bradley said, still with a smile, trying to intrigue Nancy. "It's fine. It's not like I'll not see you again."

She couldn't tell if the man was dangerous or not. He seemed fine. Besides, what can a General do to a citizen? That was just impossible. She thought that Samuel was overreacting.

"We shall take our leave now, Sir."

Bradley saw them off with a smile.

Samuel quickly shoved Nancy out of the cafe.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Nancy asked him while he frantically called a cab and shoved her inside.

Nancy was speechless. Samuel was now calm.

"Mind explaining?" Nancy asked. "Where did the curfew come from?"

"I asked Uncle Daniel to help him script a curfew. However, it was for the good-"

"For the good, my ass! I don't understand you. Just when someone wants to tell me something about you, you come up with fucking excuses!"

"That was not the problem."

"Then what was?!"

"The problem is confidential, and I cannot state it as of here and now."

The taxi driver was casually overhearing their argument. Nancy was irked.

"When can you ever state it anyway?" Nancy continued nonetheless.

Samuel deeply sighed.

It was no use arguing with her. She was impossible as much as she thought he was impossible.

Dropping her to her house, Samuel went back to his home. But Nancy wasn't satisfied. What an informationless day!

And her day couldn't get any worse.

[v.jelly_: David and I are going to be at a club for his birthday, Nancy. Wanna join? David said he wants to invite all his good friends.]

Veronica needed to show off that they had gotten back. But this wasn't about that. Nancy knew Veronica would never invite her. She suspected David might've told her to do so, as now he won't just text her after all that happened.

She also knew Samuel would never approve of letting her go there alone. And she won't be able to take Samuel there either.

Imagine taking a professor to a birthday party. As embarrassing as it sounds, everyone would start to question their relationship. They can't just tell everyone that a researcher is after them for unknown reasons. Such irony.

She sulked as she fell on her bed. She still wanted to ask him. Maybe he would let her go and disguise himself as a bartender. Perfect.

It was midnight already and her family was asleep. Should she call him? It was not like he slept or anything. His chronic insomnia was her victory. 

'No, no.' Nancy thought to herself. 'Calling at midnight is rude.'

Surprisingly, Nancy wasn't all a bitch.

'I'll go to his house instead.'

Never mind, she was a bitch.

Since it was midnight, she could easily sneak out of her house. Fearless, Nancy snuck out of her house and drove her way to Samuel's house.

She was finally driving a car herself after the accident. All this time, Samuel drove in her stead. Oh! She missed this so much.

After driving around for a bit, she decided she should finally visit Samuel. She was scared of his house after getting kidnapped there last time but she made her way to it nonetheless.

Ringing the bell at midnight would be rude, right?

She tried to remember his passcode. If she was lucky, he wouldn't have changed it yet.

It seemed like a birthdate. Cracking her knuckles, ready to fill in her luck on the passcode buttons, she blew air one last time.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.


"Bingo," Nancy smirked when the door opened on her first try.

This was either the 9th of May or 5th of September. Whatever it was, it worked. He still hadn't changed the passcode. It scared her, so she put a chair in front of the door as soon as she stepped in.

The power of the chair shall stop evil Sebastian.

'Tch, you're a college student, Nancy!'

She looked around the house. She practically broke in. But the house was unusually dark. She turned on the lights in the living room, but Samuel wasn't there.

She leaned over the attached kitchen counters, but no signs of a handsome man.

Was he in his room? And would it be alright if she goes there?

She recalled how his room was a complete mess last time. Pills all over the floor, the blood-drenched journal with Russian words, the overflowing first-aid kit with fresh blood marks… Not creepy at all.

Nancy stood outside the door. Should she at least knock? No.

Twisting the doorknob, she opened the door and entered the room slowly. All the lights were off except the lamp beside the bed. And there was Samuel, lying on the bed, tucked in a blanket with the same journal over his face.

Nancy narrowed her eyes before walking closer. Was he asleep? So much for that chronic insomnia.

Nancy stuck her hand towards the journal and grabbed it to reveal his face. Yup. He was dead asleep.

He had a neutral expression even while sleeping. Nancy ignored it as she sat on the sofa near the bed and opened the journal. This time, she was going to read more.

She opened the second page that she couldn't read last time due to Samuel being a fast cleaner.

Some of it was still covered in old blood and hard to read, but as long as she could read the readable parts, it was fine.

Time to disclose this secretive bitch!

Finally reading about Samuel!

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