
Diary Of My Life In Highschool

The start of highschool is a new beginning for me and I can't wait to take the first step. Many highschool graduates have told me stories about highschool, one of them being that highschool is a place where crushes are made where we experience first love and of course love fight, be it struggle for one girl of struggle for one boy. Well mum had once told me that highschool is a place where irrelevant posts are given such as school belle, school hottie, queen bee and so on. That was the thought that brought me out of my room and couldn't help but think of how my own highschool story will be, but then in all of that I don't wish for any heart break, I mean my heart is way too weak to love someone and then suffer a heart break afterwards well I...      "Happy first day in highschool sweetie" mum said as she headed towards me with her protruded stomach.     "Thanks mum, can't help but feel nervous of what today holds" I said as I hugged her     "Oh don't be dear, I know it will be fun filled"    "Thanks mum" I said and was about to sit and have my break fast when dad came towards me while holding my ear pod and said     "You forgot this"    "Dad were you in my music room again?" I asked while collecting the ear pod    "Um I don't think that's a proper way of saying thank you"    "Dad the last time you were in my music room you broke my guitar"       "And I fixed it"     "Come on hun say thank you" mum intervened     "Fine thank you"    "You're welcome"

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Chapter nine(9)

      "Yes, at a time, during my senior year I. But where is that coming from?" Chloe said

      "A boy approached me today and said I should stay away from Francis, because his step sister has a crush on him" Mar explained 

      "So what do you intend on doing now?" Chloe asked

      "Staying away from him of course, I don't want anyone hurting me". Mae said

       "I don't think that will solve the problem" Chloe said thoughtfully 

     "What do you mean?" A confused Mae asked 

       "If this girl is threatening to  hurt you physically, doesn't that mean she feels inferior to you?" Chloe asked getting concerned for her daughter who had always feared sustaining an injury since childhood 

       "Yes her step brother told me I was taking away her position". Mae said 

         "And what position is that?" Chloe asked getting interested 

      "He said before I joined the school, she was considered as the most beautiful without doubt but since I joined the school, most people have been comparing out features to find out whose more beautiful" Mae explained 

       "Now that sounds more like it" Chloe smiled and said

      "Mum am confused here, what should I do?" Confused Mae said

    "Babe, this story is yours, you decide what you want to do, but know that you own your life, don't let any goddamn b*tch overshadow you, don't forget who you are, you are Jonas Jessy the teen musician who is loved by everyone and maybe that so called once school belle, now stop thing about school stuffs in my house and go welcome your just arrived best friend and don't kill any one in my house" Choke said and started walking towards the door

      "My father's house you mean?" Mae corrected

      "No I mean my house" Chloe said coming to a halt

     "My fa..." Mae was about to continue the argument when Chloe cut her off and said

      "You know what? Just come and sort things out" Chloe said slamming the door after her

       "kay am coming" Mae shouts after her