
2."I will kill Raphahell and make you suffer"

Leah's pov

Day 1

It's 3pm and I freshen up and head to Nelly's, we need to make plans now that the short break is over and we are moving into college tomorrow together, it's just 18 days we have left before graduation and I can't wait. I have only a few friends here, Nelly, Aurora and Debbie.

it's a minute walk from our houses and In no time I was on her front porch then I rang the bell and waited but some time passed and there was no answer. Maybe she was not home but that's not possible, she never goes out except to Andrew's on Saturdays.

I rang the bell again and still no answer, I started to panic. then I tried turning the knob and surprisingly it opened.

I entered through the pass-way and it was quiet as usual because she didn't live with her family, according to her. At this point, different thought is going through my head, bad ones at that. Like, is she okay?, did something happen?, thoughts like this. I entered the sitting room and first thing I sighted was someone's legs poking out of her sofa, it was masculine.


I quietly tiptoed and stretched to see who it was and I froze. I felt my heart beat fasten and I suddenly became weak in the knees. First thing I saw was those lips that I could never forget then his mid length black raven hair slightly blocked his face making him look so good even when sleeping. But what is he doing here?, in Nelly's house and half naked?, I gulped as I noticed his fairly tanned abs and his chest moving in and out in a harmonious manner. Go back to your senses, Leah!, I screamed in my head.

why would she do this to me?, she knows how much I love him and I had a crush on him for a long time so, why?. I looked around searching curiously for her and she came out from the kitchen holding a glass of water as she placed it on her lips "Rapha..." she paused when she saw me. she then looked at him on the couch and looked back at me. she had 'I could explain' eyes but I don't think I want to hear it.she closed the distance between us as she held my hand and draged me through the pass-way till we came outside I just followed her mainly because I could not control my body at the moment and I felt numb,betrayed and angry.

" it's not what you think. I can explain" she looked at me with watery eyes

but I have seen it all, no explanation is needed.

" I don't need it, Nelly. You know I really liked Mike so why all this?. I've liked this guy for months now and you knew it" I poured out all my emotions and before I knew it my face was flooded. I always knew when she was lying but right now I just don't know what to believe but I can't deny what I saw. A full grown adult lying almost naked in another full grown girl's house who lives alone and I've never seen them together in college before.

" Please Nelly just...." then she cut me short and her expression suddenly changed like she was tired of lying and wanted to say the truth.

"oh please Leah. Do you think you are the only one who loves Mike?. I do too. I didn't say anything all because of you but since you did nothing about your feelings, I decided to reveal mine" she said still sobbing.

All I feel like doing this moment is standing on the tallest building and screaming really loud so the whole world could hear me. l also want to just go home and cry for days. How could I lose my heart and bestie in just a day?, I can't let this happen.

" Okay Nelly. you can have him all to your self but please...." then she cut me short again.

"just go!" she exclaimed. " just go Leah. Don't ever come near me and Raphahell again, he is not right for you" she said and went inside. what just happened???...

Few hours ago...

Nelly enters her living area as she sights him on her couch half naked and his eyes closed and his arm crossed across his fore head. oh how she so wanted his body on hers and his skin on hers but because of his friendship he always rejects her.

" Raphahell, on what do I owe your gracious presence" she asked as she bows slightly.

" I never knew you were on earth for some time now and we're even attending same college. then I decided to visits but it seems you are stalking me" he said still closing his eyes.

" just wanted something new, Raphahell. I wanted to be free from the dark auras the palace brings" she answered " But why is the Devil half naked in a lady's house. don't you know people will think otherwise?" she asked not worried but happy that maybe he has decided to embrace her.

" I just escaped from a female's chamber. just tired of f***ing females everytime, I want something new. like a..human" he said as he smirked " maybe you may have some friends you could introduce me to" he continued.

" Why bother when you have me, my Lord" she said as she closed the distance between them and squatted as she trace her fingers through his abs. then, he immediately grasp her hand stopping her.

" why tempt me, Queen?" he started with his eyes still closed.

" All I want is you, my Lord. please make me your person" she said eagerly.

" You know I could kill you for this,right?" he started as he released her wrist from his grip " you are the Queen of peace, you should know your boundaries, okay?" he said as he moved his hand across his face.

" what ever you say my Lord" she said as she stood up and headed to the kitchen.

" You know your bell has been ringing right?" he asked.

" Not expecting anyone. it must be the mail man or the paper vendor, no worries." she answered and entered the kitchen to get water.


Nelly's pov

I came out of the kitchen area and was about to put the glass on my lips when I sighted Leah standing right between Raphahell and I. I shook where I stood, where would I even start to explain and make her not to misunderstand. I need to do something asap then I walked over and held her hand and took her outside, Raphahell can't see her.

" I can explain" I said but where would I start from? but she didn't want to even hear it. Then something came to my mind, what if Raphahell gets interested in Leah? what if she expects him to reciprocate her love but he can't? and what if I lose him to a mere human?. This can't happen!. I have no other choice but to let her go so she can be far away from Raphahell, I and anything that has to do with us.

" please Nelly, I can't keep doing this...then I let her go.

I came back into the house and he is still laying there, then he opened his eyes suddenly.

" leah Babe..Hmm.. You didn't tell me you had human friends" he started still lying down but with his eyes opened.

" just forget about her, Raph".


Day 2

I saw my self in a tense dark room, that I couldn't see a thing. I tried moving, that's when I realized my hands were tied behind and my legs also and I was rested on a moist wall, it felt so real. I had severe pains on my head and wrist because of the ropes, my head was spinning and I felt so weak. was I kidnapped? that's what i thought. I just couldn't think properly and I'm really scared. suddenly a door opened which brought a little light into the room and I meet a pair of black boots standing before me. I traced it up to see who it was and I meet dark red eyes, his face was well detailed and he looked handsome I must say but not those eyes. From his eyes, I could tell he was angry, pained and filled with rage, his eyes said it all. And more importantly, for some strange reasons I felt I knew him. Like we have conversed before and he wasn't like this.

" Leah, leah,leah" he called out with a damn deep voice which made cold shivers run down my spine and goosebumps appeared even with the heat.

"King Nikolas?" I said without even realizing

" I will kill Raphahell and make you suffer!" he said as fangs erected from his mouth dripping with blood and his eyes darken. I screamed as loud as I could.

I jerked

with beds of sweat on my bed to see Ureal staring at me with worried eyes.

"Nightmare?" she asked.

"...." I just couldn't speak. The shock of the strange dream was still in my head. who is king Nikolas and Raphahell? this is driving me crazy.

" Leah!" Ureal called out again. " what's wrong?" she asked.

" A bad dream, a really bad one. but forget about it, it's just a dream." I answered still shivering a little.

" forget about all that, it's 'moving in' day, leah. Get ready, I would drop you off on my way." she said and left the room. I got up trying to forget all that just happened but images continued to picture in my head of that man's face, why does he look familiar? and he's a king??. chill leah, today's gonna be a great day, I am going to meet my friends except Nelly I guess.

I got in the bathroom and freshen up then I took my luggages and went downstairs. mom and belle were at the dinning, so I joined in.

" Good morning mom" I greeted. that's like the only thing I say to my mom in a day. like, we aren't that close, I'm more closer to dad.

" where's dad?" I asked to no one in particular.

" He left last night, he had an emergency at work" mom said.

'emergency?.. in all black clothes?' I asked my self.


thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it. leave a comment to tell me your experience

Ekhosuehi_Esthercreators' thoughts