
1 RAPHAHELL VISITS: Go in with princess tatiana!

At exactly 12pm,Raphahell arrived and is welcomed by the king and councils. They all bow to greet him,

"All hail Raphahell"


He sat on the dragon's throne, with king Nikolas at his right and Hunter and Louise at his left with other council members.

A party was thrown!

Dancers from all over stole the stage and the night quickly faded away. Finally, the moment all females were waiting for, the moment when Raphahell would choose his mistress for the night finally came.

All the females

were told to assemble before the devil, they were all eager to be with him tonight. Over the years, when He visited, he always takes princess Tatiana in but every other females, mated or not still hopes that a day will come when he is tired of her.

Raphahell looked at all the beautiful kingdom Peace's females all dressed beautifully as the squinted his eyes in confusion

'why am I not in the mood?' he asked himself. He looked at them again and even at princess tatiana whose boobs were already peering out but he wasn't moved. All his demon was thinking about was..the human. The same girl he saw that day...Leah Bane, she hasn't left his thought since that day.

He stood up from his throne as everyone stood with him,they all glared at him in awe. He just walked away towards his chamber with no words.

All the females are disappointed. Raphahell rarely visits and now he came,no one got a chance with him, not even the princess.

"why did this have to happen?. is he mad at me or what?" princess Tatiana yelled as she stomped her foot and hit the wall with her palm. she is panting round the room as different thought started coming into her head.

" I think something is wrong somewhere. Raphahell has never rejected taking a female since forever. so why?" claudia asked herself. " or has he fallen in love? he asked again.

There was a tiny loud chuckle that filled the room, claudia shook where she stood. it was coming from the princess.

" you and everyone knows that Raphahell can never fall for anyone, he doesn't have a heart" she said as she smiled " And even if he does,I will make sure I kill the godforsaken human who dare enter my territory" she ended with a smirk.

Raphahell walks into his chamber still confused why he still isn't in the mood.

'what's wrong?' he asked himself

" Your demon is already fed up with females. How about you try something new?" Said hunter as he walked into the room looking expressionless.

"But, I always have the urge to..."

Hunter cut him short"Human, try a human, it will help" He said and exited the room.

The only human that came to mind was Leah Bane, how he wanted to rip her naked and make her his.He has always craved for women most times but he had never wanted a particular one this bad especially not a human.

'Leah! I need leah bane.' was all his demon was telling him.

"just shut up, demon. you don't know what I am going through right now. I don't want to.." he said but stopped when he knew what he wanted to say.

' prove it that you don't care about her. bring her to me and satisfy my needs!. I'm hungry, Raphahell.'

"we will need another human, not her." he said almost yelling. He sat down on the chair in the room as he held his face with his hands and sweeps his raven dark hair backwards. sigh .....

' I bet you will not crave for anyone else except her'

"just shut it!!" he yelled as he forcefully smash his hand on the coffee table in front of him which scattered into pieces.


After midnight, all the council members gathered to drink, including the princess. They were all having fun and talking away but princess Tatiana and Raphahell were not interested.

Seeing the situation, Louise came up with an idea to lighten everyone's mood

"let's play a game!" he said looking excited. "Raphahell!" he called him because he was still lost in his thoughts.

"Hmm.." Raphahell answered.

"Let's play a game, Dare!" he repeated.

"Yes!" they all agreed except Raphahell who knew it won't end well for him.

' This is my chance to get what I want' she gave out a tiny smirk as she stared at Raphahell.

Then the game started and the dare bottle was spined. All eyes were stucked on it as they wondered who would be the first to be dared and by whom?. intensity and curiousity started building up that the room became as hot as a furnace because of the dark aura coming from the lords which made all the servants run out from the room almost burning. after some seconds, the dare bottle stopped and it's head landed on Raphahell and it's tail on Louise.

"Gosh..." sighed Louise because he knew what was coming to him.

Raphahell raised a brow at him and thought deeply what could be the best punishment for him. He stared into his eyes and started to read his greatest desires, Louise immediately looked away but unluckily for him, be has seen it all.

" Louise, Go in with princess Tatiana" he said without any care in the world.

A small smile appeared on Louise's face. He has always wanted this day to come, a day where he would have tatiana to himself not like this but liked the idea.

With RAPHAHELL'S words, everyone looked at him in shock but not surprised.

" I'm not done guys, Louise, go in with princess Tatiana right in front of everyone here,now." he completed as a devilish smirk appeared at the side of his lips.

As those words left him, everyone especially Tatiana and King Nikolas looked at him surprised and ashamed except Hunter who just stared into thin air looking pale as ever.

" she is the crown princess Raphahell, she can't be butt naked front of everyone" said hunter who didn't move a bit.

" No one said there were rules, Do it!" he said with a commanding voice.

Princess Tatiana looked at Raphahell with unhappy eyes, how could she show her nakedness, she's a princess and she can't give her body to lord Louise, she doesn't even like him. She then looked at her father with eyes that he should convince him to take his word back.

" Hmm.. Raphahell?" king Nikolas called.

"Hmm?" Raphahell answered as he looked at him , he knew what he wanted to say.

" she is the crown princess of this kingdom, how can she insult the council by doing this?. she is not happy with this, my Lord" he explained.

"Not happy?...she told you that?" He asked but got no response all he got was unhappy glares so he continued. "I don't believe it.i didn't think princess Tatiana would ever reject a sex offer especially with one of the lords. Right princess?" he asked as he turned to look at her. He knew she wasn't happy but he just wanted to make his friend happy and have fun watching them.

When he got no answer from her, he continued. " okay. let's do this. If princess Tatiana agrees to this,I will grant a wish of hers but if she doesn't, she will do as I say, it's the game." said Raphahell.

She was very disappointed, she didn't wait for years just to sleep with Louise?.

"Guys please don't waste my time, princess, what have you decided?" he asked impatient. After some time, she finally decided.

"I will...I will do it but you will fulfill a wish of mine" she agreed.

" yeah, I will. Go ahead now"

Soon after a royal bed was set for them and everyone stared like they was a play happening but Nikolas looked away disgusted.

Louise starts as he pulled her to his chest holding her hips with not an inch left between them. Princess Tatiana who wasn't happy about the dare felt strangely good immediately Louise warmth touched her. she had thought she could only go in with Raphahell and that only the Devil could take her to cloud seven, bust she was wrong. Louise too.

Lord Louise brought his hand up to her face and removed the hair blocking it, she let out a small moan without knowing.

"I'm sorry, princess" he apologized with a sexy tone that made tatiana give out a hungry smirk.

" How wish you knew what you are doing to my body, you would not apologize. lord Louise, please treat me well. make me crave for only you my Lord" she whispered as she bit her lower lip and smiled.

He was surprised at first but also glad she gave her permission, he had always wanted this day to come, a night with his love. the two told each other sexy things ignoring people were watching. " As you wish, my lady

He held her face gently as he brought his lips to hers and he started gentle trying to treat her like his Queen but it later became rough. Everyone kept staring in awe and Raphahell had a smirk at the corner of his lips.

Still kissing her, he removed her blouse making her milk breasts pop out, he placed them in his hands as he started romancing it gentle and she held his head tightly in pleasure and she continued kissing him deeply as she moans between the kisses.

After a round, they both collapsed on the bed with pleasure. There was a chuckle which echoed in the room, it was Raphahell who looked as devilish as ever.

" I knew i would not regret it, see?, they enjoyed it" he smiled.

Lord Louise and Princess Tatiana both redressed and left the hall both feeling shy heading to their private chambers but the game continued.

The bottle was turned, the head landed on Hunter and the tail on Raphahell. Hunter stared at him null, Raphahell could not read his face but he knew what was coming.

" Go in with a human, Raphahell" he said simply with no expression.

Raphahell's former facials changed immediately like he was worried and didn't want to do it because as he mentioned 'human' all his focus went to Leah Bane. " you will do as I wish if you don't or vice versa. you have a month" he ended as he stood up and exited with his hands crossed backwards.

" so tell us, which human is in your mind right now?" one of the councils asked.

Raph who was still lost in thoughts and staring in thin air answered " Leah Bane" he said without knowing, it was his demon speaking.


It is 5am in the morning and everyone has retired to their chambers including Raphahell.

" why did I blurt out her name?" Raphahell asked himself " what's so special about her, why do I crave for her this much?" he asked combing his hair backwards with his hands trying not to keep thinking about her. but no matter how hard he tries ,he couldn't. " Gosh, stop it, Raphahell" he said almost yelling at himself. His demon started showing him pictures of leah naked, he know it wouldn't stop until he had her.

" who's Leah Bane?" A voice approached him and for sure he knew who it was. He breathed deeply trying his best to look normal and turned to look at her. Before he knew it, she was just few inches from him.

" who's this human, Leah Bane. I heard you are to go in with her. why does your demon has this great urge for her?" she asked curious.

", what do you want, princess?" he asked her as he sighed feeling already fed up and tired.

" I actually came here for two reasons. first, when I heard you craved for this girl I became confused and furious. I think you both have a deep connection and her name didn't just pop out of your head and even your demon knows her" she started with watery eyes.

" Go to the point, Princess" he said with a commanding tone as he crossed his hands behind.

"who's she?" she asked.

"she's....she is..." he stuttered ' who's she?' he asked himself

" Let me answer that. she's just a human who can't give you anything. she's just trash!" she said angry.

" just shut it, Princess" he suddenly became furious as his eyes turned bloody red, the type he has when he wants blood, then he calmed down

"I respect you a lot, so don't try and get on my nerves" he warned.

" Do you want to kill me?... because of her?. Now I see why you didn't take me in last night. why are you supporting her this much?, or do you love her?" she asked staring into his deep ocean blue eyes trying to find what she's looking for but as usual it was as dark as the bottomless pit, a place of no return. she finally breathed out, relieved.

Raphahell smiled as he took he waist and pulled her closer " you already know the answer to that question, dear.i can never love especially not a mere human, this is just a phase" he said as he released her from him grip.

" so the second reason you are here?" he asked.

She had a wide smiled on her face as her face bloomed light pink, she was glad she still had him all to her self "you promised me in the game that you...."

" I will grant you a wish, I know. so what do you want, anything." he said as he stole the words from her mouth.

" I want you to...." then she was lnterrupted when the door suddenly opened and a male rushed in and bowed.

I'm so sorry lord, please spare my life. Something urgent came up , you need to come to the court room immediately.

" okay . I will. I will be there, leave'' he answered and turned to Princess Tatiana " we should talk about this when next we meet, princess" he said as he gave a slight kiss on her forehead and left in an hurry.

She gritted her teeth in anger. "why does this have to happen now?" she said in disgust.
