
Diamond no Ace: I am Sawamura Eijun

This is the only position I desire, and I won't surrender it to anyone. The glory reserved for the king. The baseball gods on the diamond field, this is my battleground, my home. The lightning that dances at my fingertips is my unwavering belief in this life. I am the king, the unparalleled ace!!! ********************************************** English is not my first language so you can expect grammar mistake in this book.

FlyingBreadPan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

16.Red and White Battle (2)

"call out"



Hideaki Tojo's face on the mound changed drastically. Looking at the flying white light, his face showed an extremely pale expression.

"Center field!!!"

The first-year catcher at home plate also stood up with a changed face, and shouted loudly in the direction of center field.

The white light quickly crossed the sky over the infield, and before the first-year players had time to react, it came to the right side of the center field and quickly landed on the ground.

In right field, Eijun's body started to move as soon as the ball flew out.

But let's not mention Eijun's own defensive level, which belongs to the quite satisfactory one. The position of the ball alone is not something he can catch in the right field, unless he stands close to it from the beginning in the center field position.

Naturally, Eijun could only watch helplessly as ball hit the ground a few feet away from the players.

While confirming that the ball landed, the senior runners on the second and third bases also ran back to home plate one after another, and a third-year senior in the strike zone also took this opportunity to step on the second base.

"3 points!!!!"

"Nice job, Kondo!!"

"Destroy these rookies!!"

"Force that guy out earlier!!!"

"Yes, let these guys know something about what is baseball!!!"

"Go on, go on, Aso, let this group of rookies know what real high school baseball is!!!"

"Hmph, it's up to me." The second-year starting left fielder Aso held his metal baton, showing a vicious expression, and glanced provocatively at Furuya in the direction of the bench.

This action made Tojo Hideaki on the mound grit his teeth, and his face became paler and paler.

"Is it already the third point? we will scored again."

In the right field, Eijun's eyes became slightly tense. If this continues, it will be quite uncontrollable. Even Eijun knows very well that the strength of the first-year freshmen is indeed difficult to resist the second and third year.

Eijun looked at the court, and gradually lowered his head, showing a depressed look. Those first-year freshmen couldn't help but feel a sinking heart.

This situation seems to be very unfavorable. . . .

"call out"



The ball hit the ground, and the ball deviated slightly from the center of the ball, and it was not really hit well. Although the shortstop was a little flustered, he still intercepted the ball.

"call out"


"Out, double kill, triple out, switch offense and defense!"

Thanks to a mistake made by the third year player, the first year finally they are now attacker after losing the fifth point, ending this hell-like attack in the first half of the first inning.

At the moment when they heard the exchange of offense and defense, it was obvious that the eight first-year freshmen on the court and most of the first-year freshmen on the bench showed a sigh of relief.

Tojo Hideaki even looked as if he was going to collapse.

"Hmph, let them get lucky."

"Sorry, I was a little anxious about that ball."

"It's okay, it's already five points, and there are still eight innings. Let us seniors take good care of the juniors."

"That's it, Tanba, quickly end their attack."

"Senior Tanba, it's up to you."

"Well, don't worry." In the third year, the former ace of the First String, Tanba Koichiro, a faint evil aura flashed in his eyes, he responded in a deep voice, and trot towards the pitcher's mound in the center of the field.

"Sarah, it's our turn to attack, cheer up, you're ready to be tortured by the seniors, aren't you?"

"Hey guys, it's our turn to attack, cheer up, let those senpai knows our strength"

Eijun clapped his hands and showed a smile, trying to cheer up the group of guys a little bit.

"Ah, yes."

"Well, where's our hitter?"

However, to Eijun disappointment, there were very few echoes, and everyone's face showed a look of depression and even despair, especially those other eight players who had just defended on the court.

"Oh..." Eijun couldn't help but sighed inwardly, he knew that he might be thinking too much.

Satoru Furuya on the side still had an expressionless expression on his face, while Kominato Haruichi focused on wiping his bat, and also showed a little indifference, which made Eichun feel that this team It's really dead.

But if Eijun were to stimulate this group of first year like in the original manga/anime, so as to make them have fighting spirit, Eijun would not be willing either.

Because, it feels a little too silly.

"call out"


"nice shot!!!"

"Batter out, three outs, switch defense!!!"

Sure enough, when Supervisor Kataoka's cold voice resounded on the court, the gloomy look in the eyes of the first-year freshman became more and more intense.

Nine balls, has no intention of showing any mercy, the third-year shooting partners are also from the First String, Tanba Koichiro and the second-year backup catcher, Miyauchi Keisuke, won consecutive three strikeouts.

The fast-changing sharp curve ball stunned these first-year freshmen, and they didn't gather the slightest breath of resistance at all. They could only feel unilaterally being slaughtered.

This made Eijun even more helpless and shook his head, how should this game be played. . .

"Tsk tsk, this guy Tanba is in good shape today."

"After being kicked out of the First String by Supervisor Kataoka and taking off the ace back, he learned his lesson."

"Anyway, it's the last summer, how can he let go."

"Well, with this curveball, if you can accurately hit the strike zone, you can be competent for the whole country."

"Poor first year, it seems that there is really no hope at all."

After the first inning of the match, the huge disparity was in front of everyone present. The five-point difference, and the first-year team, don't talk about scoring or stepping base.

It also reflects the absolute difference in strength and the burst of mentality.

In the second inning, it was still Hideaki Tojo's pitching game. After losing two points again, he really broke down completely. In less than two games, he lost seven points.It was an extremely uncomfortable thing.

That expression on the mound, as if he had lost his soul, made everyone around him shake their heads and sigh even more.

The bloody abuse at the beginning caused most of the first-year to fall into the endless abyss.