
Diamond no Ace: I am Sawamura Eijun

Anime & Comics
Actuel · 346.5K Affichage
  • 36 Shc
  • 4.3
    10 audimat
  • NO.200+

What is Diamond no Ace: I am Sawamura Eijun

Lisez le roman Diamond no Ace: I am Sawamura Eijun écrit par l'auteur FlyingBreadPan publié sur WebNovel. This is the only position I desire, and I won't surrender it to anyone. The glory reserved for the king. The baseball gods on the diamond field, this is my battleground, my home. The lightning that da...


This is the only position I desire, and I won't surrender it to anyone. The glory reserved for the king. The baseball gods on the diamond field, this is my battleground, my home. The lightning that dances at my fingertips is my unwavering belief in this life. I am the king, the unparalleled ace!!! ********************************************** English is not my first language so you can expect grammar mistake in this book.

5 étiquettes
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100 Hari Mengejar Cinta Miss Jutek

Kamil di ajak taruhan dengan temannya untuk mendekati & membuat seorang gadis yang terkenal tertutup di sekolahnya dan sering di sebut Miss jutek. Kamil mendapatkan tantangan dari sahabat nya (Rivan) untuk mendekati miss jutek (Titah) yang terkenal murid tertutup di sekolah nya dalam seratus hari apa bila Kamil berhasil satu buah motor dan satu buah mobil mewah menanti dirinya. Kamil berhasil mendekati Titah dan juga mendapatkan hatinya, namun pada suatu hari ada seseorang yang melihat Titah dan Kamil tidak suka karena orang itu suka pada Titah, memberikan sebuah bukti video. Rupanya video itu memperlihatkan dengan jelas kalau Titah dan Rivan menjadikan Titah sebagai bahan taruhan. Titah sangat kecewa dan marah karena Titah mulai bisa membuka pintu hatinya yang selama ini kosong (jatuh cinta). Titah menjauhi Kamil tentu saja membuat seseorang yang menyukai Titah senang. Membuat temannya Titah (Tasya) turun tangan sendiri untuk mencari tahu siapa dalang di balik renggang nya kedekatan sahabat nya (Titah) dan (Kamil). Karena jujur saja Tasya adalah seorang sahabat yang setia menemani Titah. Dan Tasya jugalah yang mempunyai rencana untuk membuat Titah menjadi sosok yang periang dan tidak dingin. Tasya dan Rivan kerja sama untuk membuat Titah luluh pada Kamil. Tasya dan Rivan adalah sepasang kekasih. Tasya akhirnya jujur pada Titah kalau semua ini adalah rencananya dengan Rivan yang di temani dengan Rivan pada waktu Tasya menjelaskannya pada Titah. Titah awalnya marah pada Tasya namun karena mengingat Tasya adalah sabahat satu-satunya yang selama ini ada untuk nya maka Titah memaafkannya. Kemudian Titah mulai kembali mencoba mendekati Kamil, yang waktu itu sedang dekat dengan wanita (Maura). Bagaimana kelanjutan ceritanya??. Selamat membaca kakak.

Daoistovzdb · Urbain
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2 Chs


  • Tarif global
  • Qualité de l’écriture
  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial

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absolutely wonderful please don't drop this


please add more chapters on daily bases .


This is a fun read. The mc has his own unique charm that meshes with the Eijun's. And the last chapter has me hyped as it's setting some stuff up that sounds interesting. Other thoughts... Well, I like the pacing. It focuses on matches more than training which I appreciate for this story. And at no point was I done with a scene and it kept going.


Although not perfect, the author is doing a great job and his writing has already improved since the first chapters IMO. I believe this has fantastic pacing, the characters have flaws, and I feel he’s doing a good job. Althoug this is an early review at chapter 26, I cant speak for it after this point. My only possible issue is that he’s writing two fanfics on this manga at the same time. This could create a slight issue in the future deeper into the stories. In the end though he’s done a great job stayin true to the characters and also making them his own at the same time.


I am not even joking when I say that, this fanfic has the potential to be the best DNA fanfiction ever. One of the reasons why DNA is extremely good because, Sawamura is not your OP protagonist who has some OP hidden skill. He is diamond in the rough, and has to stumble hard in order to get up and learn valuable lessons. There are some fan fictions in a A03 , which are extremely good in quality, but with OP Sawamura. While those are good , this has the potential to be THE best because , as the author is showing right now, Sawamura isn’t too OP and isn’t dominating the scene. This means that, we would see the process where he would get the physicality and mentality to pitch in higher pressure games and learn numbers. I only hope the author comes back soon.


Great progression for a DoA fic. Well paced and our dear Eijun isn't OP at the beginning (Thank god! ). Please keep it going.


it's a good idea but the writing quality is horrible so I couldn't continue reading






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