
Devourer in Naruto

The soul of an anti-social sociopathic otaku gets reborn in Naruto with a few abilities. Follow him as he climbs to the top in his quest for survival. I'm not a writer just a normal guy that likes Naruto, so expect the novel itself to not be of outstanding quality but I think every Naruto fan would find the story itself interesting if you can overlook the bad writing style. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owner(s).-

Note_Ihf · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs

Chapter 11

The smell of blood was prevalent at Hidaka pass, dead bodies of shinobi strewed everywhere, with limbs of different people scattered around. The entire area was filled with various craters, destroyed rocks, water puddles, and the blood of over 150 people already forming various red puddles. The once pretty picture was no more, destroyed amidst the pointless struggle of mankind.


[A Few Hours Ago]

Everyone was tense while waiting for the incoming enemies, the chance of survival slimmer than it was originally with the Nokizari clan having lost half of their entire force in a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand for the incoming fight. The coming fight would determine the survival of their clan. If they get wiped out easily their family left behind at the clan compound would pay the price of going against the behemoth known as the Senju clan.


[Indra POV]

Looking around the camp, about half of our shinobi didn't make it back from the attack on the allied Senju forces, with almost a dozen more currently receiving treatment from the few medic-nin the clan possessed.

It's been an hour and every shinobi is hidden, battle-ready, not at 100 percent though but ready enough to lay down their lives for the clan. I can now see the Senju clan forces running directly to the pass with their destination being my clan compounds. They've sent scouts ahead already so they should believe it's safe since we didn't kill any of the scouts. They weren't really any need to kill them, killing the scouts would have been more troublesome, it would be us basically announcing our ambush.

The moment the enemy shinobi fully entered the pass, the entrance to the pass was blown up by the countless explosion tags hidden around it.

'Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp'

As I expected, part of the floor of the pass turns into thick mud trapping some of the shinobi in it. The stronger ones escaped or reacted fast enough to avoid the forming swamp.

"Enemy Attack!!!!"

The shinobi below started running to the exit of the pass but that was quickly blown up too thereby trapping all of them in it. They make their way up through the sides, but that's still within expectations. By the time they get up the sides of the pass to the top, we would have reduced their numbers enough to make the fight somewhat manageable.

Taking my attention back to the trapped shinobi, I could see an 'Earth wall' already forming to shield them from the rocks pelting them from above. Still, it was a little late as the rocks were already squashing some of them like bugs causing blood to splatter everywhere.

'I must admit, shinobi from the warring clan era are definitely stronger than the average shinobi we saw in the Naruto anime,' I thought based on how fast they were able to react to an ambush.

This was all according to plans for obvious reasons, the shinobi won't just stand and let us pelt them with various jutsu. The next step for everyone else is to release lightning release jutsu as earth nature release is naturally weak to lightning. Every lightning release user made the hand seals for 'Lightning Release: Thunderbolt.' Although it's just a B-rank jutsu, when done by about 20 people, it roughly equates to an S-rank lightning release jutsu.

The moment the thunderbolt hits the earth wall protecting the shinobi, it completely obliterates it sending rocks hurtling down at them. Left with no other option the shinobi charges up at us, sticking to the walls of the pass with chakra despite the heavy casualty this act would cause for them.

By the time they made it up the pass they had less than 50 shinobi left, about a third of the 150 they got here with and way less than the 300 they originally set off with. Although our numbers are roughly equal, the average strength of the enemy Shinobi is greater than ours, so this fight would still be a lost cause. The Senju clan and its allies would win but it would definitely be a Pyrrhic victory. Of course, all this would be considering I don't get involved in this little skirmish.

[Yamada POV]

I frown as the enemies finally made it to the top of the pass. Although this was to be expected, it's still annoying as most of us remaining would die here. Removing the thought from my mind, I charge at the shinobi with my sword out ready to reap lives for the last time.


I cross sword with a Senju clan shinobi, immediately weaving hand signs with my non-sword wielding right hand.

'Ice Release: Shattering Ice Spear'

Ice spikes emerge from the ground impaling the shinobi that dared to stand in my way. I made my way through the enemy shinobi, warm blood spraying all over me with each limb the swing of my sword took.

Turning immediately with my sword already in motion blocking the attack aiming for my neck.


"To think my sneak attack won't work," The Senju shinobi in front of me muttered in annoyance.


Ice wall forms around me blocking the jutsu heading towards me from multiple shinobi. It wasn't without consequences though, the ice wall shatters taking a chunk out of my remaining chakra too.

"Senju Matsu, none of your clan members would return today," I say with a cold look on my face.

"I could say the same to you 'Nokizari Ice Reaper', you won't leave here alive either, you and your clan have killed too many of us today. Do not worry your son would join you soon. You should blame your clans' demise on him, 'Indra the Bloodline Mimic'. No clan with a kekkei-genkai (bloodline limit) would let someone with such a dangerous ability exist. His existence is a threat to the peace of this world." came the reply from Senju Matsu.

I frown knowing it's true, although it hasn't been officially confirmed yet, everyone knows he can use various kekkei-genkai just after fighting said kekkei-genkai natural user in battle, even I don't know how he acquired such ability.

'What would have been the fate of our clan if he had never been born,' I thought with a sigh.

'I should have killed him the moment his ability was discovered, this is all my fault, I thought his strength would only be useful for the clan, that's why I was insistent on the multiple civilian breeding partners for when he came off age.' Letting out a defeated sigh, I raised my sword ready to face the six Senju shinobi around me.

[Indra POV]

Taking my attention slightly away from my current fight, I could see my father using his Ice release against six shinobi, if I don't help him he'd probably be killed off soon. 'Oh well, if he survives I'd just have to kill him myself. He was never going to leave this battle alive after all.'

Sending chakra rods to block a killing strike heading towards two shinobi around the ages of 10 with white spiky hair and the male shinobi white spiky hair defying gravity. Focusing my attention on them I could see the white haired male shinobi with a tanto that gave off a white streak of chakra anytime it was swung.


A/N:- For anyone wondering why the mc father was apologizing earlier but now he's regretting not killing Indra when he was younger. I based his personality on Fugaku with a little bit of Danzo thrown in there. Basically the clan is more important than even his own blood. Like Fugaku neglecting Sasuke because he wasn't as talented as Itachi but then letting Itachi kill him because he didn't want to have a death match with his son. And then Danzo doing everything to protect Konoha (Danzo became worse over time when he saw how weak willed Hiruzen was). And if you're wondering why his father has Ice release naturally but Indra doesn't, I based it off Hashirama wood release, it's unique to just Hashirama probably due to Asura chakra. But it's weak because he is a distant relative of the Yuki clan just like Izumi with her sharingan but weaker.