
Developing My Little World

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/420690/fictions Jay was a man who had lost it all. His loving wife and adorable daughter ripped away from him one after the other. However he continues living performing acts of pure good for the people around him. He is recognized as worthy by the God of his current world and is transported to a godly room. Jay is now a God and it is his mission to create the planet beneath him. To breath life untoward its majestic surface. Join Jay in the fantastic journey of creation! Watch as he revives his family, creates Gods, and creates humans, elves and so many more creatures. Learn from the beginning how this planet develops as mythology, evolution, and the advancement of society is captured in breathtaking lore and backstory. Hello to anyone reading this, my name is Ani, and this is a passion project of mine that has no definite end. I really want this series to heavily involve characters submitted by the viewers to achieve great things and progress the story. There is an auxiliary chapter Titled Character Creation. That chapter had every main race currently in the story. In the future as more people suggest things, hybridization and mixing of DNA and genes to create new, unique creatures will be possible. The first example of this is a viewers request for a 'Naga', which I had forgotten about upon coming up with the list. I spoke to the viewer in the comments and we agreed on a background where a dragon and a mermaid mate and create the Naga. As for the rest, you have to wait for his story! To qualify for Character creation, simply be a donor of some Monetary value (real money, coins, gifts, etc) or the person will be In the top 20 of powerstone donor for the novel. Thank you for reading, and if you meet these criteria, please submit your character! Happy reading. My Patreon with advanced chapters for members! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=103227460&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

AniMine · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
70 Chs

The Birth of Farming

An! Give me some reviews guys! Is the story good or is it trash? What needs improvement? Let me know!

10 years later..

The world had encountered a great shift over the last decade as Jay had watched the planet and its people grow. Many new young and talented sentients started to be birthed as well as more races and sentients unlocking the status system! This could be said to be Jay's masterpiece in creating this world as the newly empowered rapidly caught up to and surpassed their teachers, commanders, or chiefs.

The newly awakened then started to explore their different talents, their reason for existing in the world. Jay watched on in great suspense as a small human boy, barely 18 years old, conversed with Phineas.

To understand why Jay was so excited was because just 1 year ago, the pure potential of the young boy had him forcefully awaken his status system at a much younger age than the rest of his sentient brothers and sisters. This was a measure that Jay had put in place to showcase which student had "true prodigy" strength.

Basically the earlier you awakened your status system, the more "potential" you had. This system was not absolute, as Jay purposefully included errors, just to see what would happen if he shook up fate a bit. However it was a good indicator on if the awakened had great potential to advance.


Phineas had been walking through a small human village, when he noticed a young boy who was staring at the ground and mumbling to himself about something.

Phineas was invisible at the moment so he walked over to see what the young boy was trying to do. When he walked over, Phineas could clearly feel the power of type of spiritual fruit buries underneath the ground under the boy.

Phineas' eyes widened and his face was plastered with a wide grin!

Phineas slowly revealed himself from his invisible state, stunning the young boy who had just been experimenting before.

The boy instantly could "feel" the difference between the two and he immediately kowtowed on his knees in respect.

Phineas smiled and said,"Rise, Nolanxia of the AlexanderWu tribe, I mean you no harm."

Nolanxia got back up to his feet and nervously eyed the god in front of him. He asked nervously,"What can I do for you, sir?"

Phineas chuckled and said,"You are doing it wrong." Phineas had his finger pointed at the ground where the young boy had planted the fruit.

Nolanxia's eyes widened and he hurriedly asked,"Does this sir really know how to make more of this good fruit?"

Phineas nodded and said,"Although I cannot give you the answer, I can give you a clue."

Nolanxia's eyes narrowed a little but he only replied,"Ok, I am ready."

Phineas smiled, laughed a bit and said,"Don't have to be so serious lad! Anyways, there are 3 things that a plant must have! A question for you, boy, what do you need to survive?"

Nolanxia thought for a moment and then said,"Food, Water, Reliable Shelter."

Phineas had a pleased look in his eyes as he responded,"Good! Perfect! Now, boy, what do you think a plant needs to survive?"

Nolanxia thought for a few minutes before his eyes widened and he asked,"Food? Water? Reliable Shelter?"

Phineas shook his head and said,"2 out of 3. Try the last one again. Does a plant such as a tree need shelter?"

Nolanxia had a confused look on his face but he did not dare voice any complaints in his heart. He thought about what the third requirement could be out loud, as this was a habit of his.

"Trees don't need shelter to grow.. hm.. but the tree is the shelter itself.. wait.. but it wasn't always a big shelter tree.. maybe.. it was also once a small sprout like this in the ground? Then how did it survive here, but not outside the forest? It's like.."

Nolanxia had a look of puzzlement on his face as he turned and asked Phineas,"Is there something special with the dirt in this forest?"

Phineas' eyes sparkled with hope. He smiled gleefully and said,"Not quite, but you are on the right path my boy!"

Nolanxia thought for a moment and then had another look of enlightenment on his face. He smiled and said,"Food. Water. And soil that will let the plant grow to its best state?"

Phineas laughed heartily and said,"BINGO! Kiddo you got it!"

Nolanxia then thought about something and then asked,"But what do plants even eat?"

Phineas then replied mysteriously,"A single tree grows in a desert oasis after a rainfall.."

Nolanxia's people lived in a forest near the desert so Phineas knew this clue would help the young boy. Then Phineas left and turned invisible once more, not saying anything else to the young boy.


Phineas teleported up to the viewing room and saw Jay eagerly awaiting him. Jay patted the couch next to him lightly and excitedly said,"Come on! Come watch!"

Phineas, unlike his godly appearance and temperament when talking to Nolanxia, now he bounded over the furniture like a kid on Christmas. This was the birth of his domain afterall, which god wouldn't be excited?!

As soon as Jay saw Phineas was sitting and ready to go, he let the world speed up a bit.

It actually is quite hard to understand fundamentally that the sun "feeds" plants, and Jay was even totally sure how the people on his last earth discovered it. As far as Jay knew, it was sort of like cheese, where the human race had the tech for so long, no one really remembers who exactly created it.

Sure enough, even though it took the young man about 4 years of trial and error, he had finally managed to cultivate a single "Golden Sun Strawberry" bush.

[System notification: 1 of your sentients has made the technology advancement "Farming"]

[Other sentients on your planet will now be able to grasp this knowledge easier]


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