
Chapter 17

Devu entered the room at bedtime. Until then, she had been conversing with my sister-in-law. She moved towards the window and fixed her gaze on me. Just by her expression, I sensed she harbored ill intentions.

"What?" I inquired.

"I'll accompany you. Like I mentioned earlier, head home in the morning and go to your usual spot. Avoid going in the evening... it's not advisable," she advised.

"So, isn't that what I initially suggested... Then you can't..." I retorted.

She merely kept her head lowered, her hand busy with the window curtain.

"If you come tomorrow, you'll be genuinely pleased. It'll take a while after the match ends. You'll need to wait until then. Additionally, you won't encounter anyone familiar there," I clarified.

"That's alright. I'll wait..." she responded.

"Then prepare to leave by seven o'clock in the morning."


Seeing the smile on her face was heartening. She swiftly exited the room, not giving me another glimpse.

I couldn't fathom why she still frequented that house. What valuable possession had she left behind there, compelling her to return to such a wretched place?

I was utterly bewildered. At times, I would drift into sleep while mulling over it all.

Devu woke me up in the morning, her face beaming, after a bath. It was quite heartening.

"It's time. Shall we go?" she asked.

Hearing Devu's question, I glanced at the clock. Time was slipping away. Once I was ready, I found Devu waiting by the bike. The blue churidar suited her beautifully.

"Let's go..." I said, heading towards the bike.

As I approached, she stood near the bike and inquired.

I noticed an unusual glow about her. She was about to face a barrage of abuse in the morning, so why was this girl so elated?

With a questioning look, I gestured towards our car, wondering if something needed to be arranged.

"We'll take the car, not the bike," I explained.

It was then that she spotted the cricket kit in my hand.

Without a word, she made her way to the car and settled in.

"Well, let me ask you one last thing. Do you really want to go and listen to what that lady has to say in the morning? Is it absolutely necessary for you to go?"

"Got to go, Nandu..."

And that was the end of the conversation. The car proceeded directly and stopped in front of her house.

Just before arriving home, I noticed Raghavan pass by our car. He must have come from her house, lost in his thoughts and oblivious to Devu or even Devu herself.

As the car halted in front of the house, the barrage of abuse from the lady commenced. Devu entered as if she hadn't heard a thing. I remained outside.

"You wretch... Shame on you for coming this way again..."

Having heard that much, I played a song on my phone and slipped on the headphones.

I didn't catch what the lady said. They must have spoken to Devu before coming because her eyes were brimming with tears as she got into the car.

"Let's go, Nandu..."

Upon hearing this, I started the car and drove ahead.

"Did you accomplish what you set out for?"

She must have sensed some playful teasing, for her tears welled up a bit more.

"Oh, I didn't say it to make you cry. Please don't cry... It doesn't matter, let's go..."

She wiped her eyes and sat up straight.

"Do you not realize what might happen if you go there? I've asked you a hundred times if you really want to go. You could've declined. Besides, didn't you anticipate there'd be such... It's alright..."

I said, seeking to console her.

"Why did you have to endure such abuse this morning?"

She reached into her bag and handed me a photograph.

"My father..."

She clarified, as I hadn't recognized the figure in the picture.

"When Nandu asked me, I realized I hadn't taken a photo. So... even if I had to face the abuse, I knew I had to get this picture and give it to you... so you can locate my father quickly..."

It was then that I recalled my promise to find her father. Why had I not been more earnest about it? I became acutely aware of the trust this poor girl had placed in me.

I resolved to locate her father, no matter the cost.

To be continued...