
Chapter 16

"Man, everything she said is true... her mother is involved in a difficult profession..."

When he arrived in the evening, he took me aside and spoke. The moment I heard that, I felt a sense of relief.

"No, not mom, but stepmom..." I corrected him.

"Whatever it is..."

"How did you find out? Tell me in detail..."

"What can I say... I didn't approach directly. Through a good friend of mine. He went and talked to Raghavan. Not only that lady, but also young girls are under his control. But it's a good deal, dude..."

"Mmm… thanks, Hari…"

"Do we really need this formality between us, dude?"

I hugged him and conveyed my gratitude and love.

There was cricket practice in the evening, so I lost track of time.

"Ananthu, it's been a while since your girl started showing interest there..."

I even thought of her when someone called me.

Devu was sitting alone in a corner of the gallery, watching the game.

I hurried to her side.

"Has it been long?"

She gave me a nod of agreement. That's when I checked my watch. It was past 5:30.

"Oh, sorry... Time is slipping away... Let's go..."

"You seem very cheerful today..." she observed as she picked up her bag and walked with me.

"What makes you think that?"

"Usually, you're focused and serious when you go out to play... I didn't see that today."

She was right. If the game captures my attention, then I'm in a different state. Even while playing, I sensed there was something exceptional about me today.

"Have you ever been here to watch a game before? I've heard others mention it."

"Mm... yes. I'm a fan of cricket too..."

"So... who's your favorite cricketer?"

She seemed puzzled by my question. She hesitated, not quite sure how to respond.

"I'm not sure what to say. I just have a genuine love for the game."

She said it quite earnestly. Even though it was a complete fabrication, I appreciated the honesty in the lie. I nodded and walked alongside her. She returned the gesture with a slight smile, perhaps realizing the deception had been spotted.

"Shall we grab some tea then?"

"Oh no... isn't it a bit late already?"

"Why worry? If you leave after a cup of tea, you'll be heading straight home... nowhere else..."

I guided her to a nearby coffee shop and ordered both our teas.

"Will you give me a ride home again?"

I was taken aback by her question after a long silence.

"Why? Wasn't what you heard from that lady enough? Why would you keep pushing this issue?"

I could tell from her expression that she didn't appreciate my response. It was clear she hadn't expected such a reply from me. Seeing that look on her face, I was surprised too. She finished her tea and stood up without saying a word.

Perhaps because it was late, there wasn't much commotion on the bus. Many seats were unoccupied. She also chose a seat in front of me, likely because it was all men in the bus.

She gazed out the window.

"Would tomorrow evening be suitable?"

I asked, just loud enough for her to hear.

"I don't want to go anywhere..."

She said, looking as if she'd been slapped.

"Hey, I have a cricket match tomorrow. Would it be alright to meet after that? Or should we meet in the morning? But I need to go with you to the match. That's the issue."

"I'm not going anywhere, Nandu... I'm alright..."

Then, I thought to myself, "Let's go." I gazed out at the scenery.

We walked home in silence. It seemed like she was contemplating something important.

By the time we reached home, everyone had already returned from their travels.

"Yes, there's nothing wrong with a husband and wife strolling around. But you should make sure this girl gets home before dark. Don't take her out as if you're just going."

My sister-in-law scolded us before we even entered the house.

"Oh ma'am..."

I playfully teased my sister-in-law and went inside.

"How's mom, sister-in-law?"

"She's alright, dear... She's been discharged. Go and have something to eat. You look quite tired."

I had already reached the room. I couldn't hear the rest of their conversation.

To be continued...