
Destroy Worlds of Fiction with Science

The MC Hermann dies, meets God and starts his journey through the fantasy worlds. His aim is to not only travel through anime worlds but see a large amount of different worlds to become stronger and experience new things. I don't own the books and comics this fanfiction is all about and I don't own the new picture as well. I found this on www.pinterest.dk/pin/731905376919081959/ and if the creator wants me to delete it then I will happily oblige. Currently I'm writing another fanfiction called "The Unwilling Sailor" so if you like you could check it out as well First world: My Hero Academia Second world: The Hunger Games

Beggar_Genesis · Livres et littérature
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109 Chs


<Skill Observation (internal) has leveled up>

<Timer has activated. Please get ready for your birth 'cause its gonna hurt'>

H: [Fine. Just as I finished the first step. As soon as I'm out there I can start on 'customizing' myself but for now I have to mentally prepare for this ordeal]

Suddenly he felt pain and pressure from almost all directions. Then he felt his head going through a tiny opening awfully similar to being squeezed through a bottleneck. However the outside was extremely cold and bad when compared to the comfortable warmth inside but no matter what he tried he just couldn't resist. From outside you could see a pair of doctors and nurses aiding a sweating and moaning painfully as she gave birth to a healthy young boy. As everyone but the new mother looked happy Hermann had only one thought in mind.

H: [Damn, that hurt. Next time I have to do something like this I will buy painkillers or something]

<Adapt triggered. New Skill generated: Pain Resistance>

<Skill currently nullifies 5% of the pain>

<Skill leveled up to 2. Now nullifying 10%>

Almost immediately Hermann felt better. Although it still hurt like crazy it wasn't as bad anymore. Until someone thought it was a good idea to smack his tender posterior. In protest and pain Hermann cried out. Then he was cleaned and wrapped into a warm cloth and put inside a small bed. From his side he heard a man ask:

Man: "What will be his name?"

and then a voice he recognized as his mothers answered:

Mother: "Kaiser but before you think about listing me as his mother, I don't intend to keep him"

Man: "Are you sure about that? This is not some simple decision that can be taken lightly. Should I come back at a later date? What is your reason for this?"

Mother. "No. He was an accident but I couldn't bring it over me to end this life so I decided to send him to a good orphanage."

Man. "Understood. I will inform all the necessary institutions about this.��

They talked for a while longer but it wasn't about important things anymore so I decided to take on the second step of my training, the intake of external energy and matter to enhance my body. This will give me a good foundation for my growth as well as train my control and will.

H: [But before that, system show me my status]



Name: Kaiser (Formerly known as: Hermann Kaiser)

Age: 1 hour since birth

VIT: 1

STR: 1

DEF: 1

INT: 1

WIL: 1

STA: 1

LUK: 1

<Current Cultivation Methods>

- ??? Energy&Matter Manual (Stage 2: Basic Internal)


- Energy&Matter Creation

- Energy&Matter Control

- Adapt&Improve

- Multidimensional Travel

- (NEW) Observation (internal) Lv.5

- (NEW) Pain Resistance Lv.2

H: [Thank you. From now on only show my stats, and my skills only when I ask.]


H: [And how can I understand Japanese when I've never learned it before in my entire life?]

<In the first few months and years of your life I will translate a bit of everything that happens so that you can understand it but over time I will slowly stop translating so you can learn the language by yourself.>

OK, this is for all the people who don't understand the abbreviations.

VIT = Vitality

STR = Strenght

DEF = Defense

INT = Intelligence

WIL = Willpower

STA = Stamina

LUK = Luck

Skill analysis in the next chapter

Beggar_Genesiscreators' thoughts