
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site. 穿越反派之子

Mad_verse · Films
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208 Chs

Ivan Skills

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You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my Patreon - Mad_verse [ Your support will help me in continuing this fic]


After a prolonged period, the White Queen regained her composure and softly questioned, "Could it be that your abilities haven't developed extensively before, due to a lack of reading? Despite your considerable strength now, why persist in honing your skills?"

"In reality, my abilities have advanced significantly thanks to Dr. Ivan's assistance. I didn't reach here solely relying on my strength. Regarding my persistence..."

Red Devil paused, then continued, "It's because my strength is still inadequate. You see, I follow Dr. Ivan to ensure his safety, functioning as his bodyguard."

"However, I realized a while back that as a bodyguard, I'm inadequate. Dr. Ivan's strength surpasses mine. In times of peril, I find myself turning to Dr. Ivan for protection."

"The only silver lining is my space ability, which aids in Dr. Ivan's escape or expedites our movements. Yet, even that is becoming obsolete, as Dr. Ivan has acquired magical skills, including teleportation through phantom magic. I fear I'm on the verge of unemployment. Despite minimal optimism, I still wish to learn valuable abilities from Dr. Irwin."

The White Queen, taken aback, had underestimated Ivan's research on mutant abilities, realizing the advanced level it had reached.

At this point, the White Queen harbored a slight apprehension towards Ivan, not due to any potential harm to her but rather a natural fear of academic superiority. Listening to Red Devil, she discovered that Ivan could perform magic, a realm completely distinct from science, leaving her curious about how Ivan acquired such knowledge.

Having a son as gifted as Ivan made Shaw both proud and helpless. Ivan's achievements were a source of honor, yet they also delivered a blow. Shaw's actions stripped him of the dignity of fatherhood.


In a room resembling spring's warmth, beneath bright lights, two figures intertwined under the covers became faintly visible.

The Black Queen, confident in her physical strength and endurance derived from absorbing others' vitality, realized her endurance paled in comparison to Ivan's. Their intense four-hour bout, exploring various positions, saw Ivan maintain unwavering physical stamina, acting like a pile driver without pause.

The Black Queen, feeling severe pain and likely swelling in her lower region, muscles sore and soft, raised her neck in distress. Her initial initiative evolved into instinct, but the scalding heat brought her back from a daze. She couldn't help but want to scream.

"I can't wait any longer; I have to act now, or I'll run out of energy and die."

Summoning her last bit of reason, the Black Queen wrapped her hand around Ivan, activating her ability. A surge of vitality entered her, providing a brief respite. Regrettably, this relief was short-lived. Ivan lifted his head, a strange smile on his face.

The Black Queen sensed trouble, attempting to push Ivan away but failing. He grabbed her wrists, pressed her on the bed, and intensified his pace.

Despite her humiliation, the Black Queen struggled, unable to absorb Ivan's vitality. In her fear, she could only endure, hoping for a swift end. When another wave of pleasure hit, she twitched involuntarily, desperately waiting for it to be over.

The Black Queen felt like she was losing her sanity, silently cursing Ivan as a pervert and a beast while enduring his aggression. As the saying goes, men are like cattle and women are like fields – there are only exhausted cattle and no plowed land. However, with Ivan, this rule was completely shattered. Finally, the Black Queen reached her limit, rolled her eyes, and fainted.

Observing this, Ivan released the restrained fine gate, a surge of heat shooting out, bringing relief.

Glancing at the unconscious Black Queen, Ivan sneered inwardly. During his time in China, he collected numerous ancient books on the art of lovemaking, including the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon and the Great Compassion of Yin and Yang. His mastery of his power, with over 35% development of his brain, rendered the Black Queen's vitality absorption ability ineffective.

Though the cold wind outside intensified, it had little impact on the interior of the club. After the strenuous exertion, Ivan, feeling a bit fatigued, slowly fell asleep, embracing the quilt.

The next morning, Ivan awoke first, turning to see the still drowsy Black Queen. Tears adorned her eyes, a beautiful sight. Ivan, with a sinister smile, reached out and teased her chest.

Despite being exhausted and having fainted the night before, the Black Queen, a seasoned witch, retained basic alertness. After a few hours of rest, her strength had partially recovered. Ivan's actions, however, immediately startled her awake. She clutched the quilt and stepped back.

But Ivan wasn't about to let her go easily. Ignoring her resistance, he kissed her passionately, savoring the moment.

The Black Queen, breathless after Ivan's advances, decided to play along, asking suggestively, "Enjoy last night? Want to go again?"

Feeling a heated sensation against her hips, the Black Queen hesitated, her body reacting. She pleaded, "Please don't..."

"Ah, what a shame. Well, since you're not interested, maybe another time," Ivan responded casually. He got up, dressed, and left the room, leaving the Black Queen alone on the bed.

As was customary during experiments, when Ivan exited, the Red Devil was already waiting outside.

"Azazel, take me to get something to eat. I used up a lot of energy last night; I need to replenish," Ivan requested.

Ivan spent most of his time in the laboratory, engrossed in his experiments. Unfamiliar with the Hellfire Club's layout, he relied on the Azazel, who was more acquainted with the surroundings. When Ivan mentioned getting food, Red Devil promptly cleared the way, leading him to a hall where a spread of exquisite dishes awaited. Without hesitation, Ivan sat down and began eating.

Not long after, Shaw entered, accompanied by Mastermind and the White Queen. They joined Ivan at the table, inquiring about the progress.

"Last night was quite remarkable! That woman is truly captivating! We'll have more opportunities in the future," Ivan remarked casually between bites.

Ignoring Ivan's nonchalant response, Shaw pressed on, "I didn't ask about that. Did the Black Queen agree to support my plan? Did you even bother to ask? What if she goes back on her word?"

Ivan dismissed the concern with a wave of his hand. "Oh, that's what you said. I didn't ask. If you want to know, ask her yourself."

This left Shaw visibly frustrated, the two not on the same page.

Just then, the Black Queen entered, adorned in a low-cut black dress, radiating charm. However, her face appeared pale, and her movements seemed unsteady, her legs shaking slightly.

Seeing her, Shaw approached, questioning, "Selene, does your promise to me mean nothing? Is it not worth anything?"

Reassuringly, the Black Queen replied, "Don't worry, I'll uphold my promise and support your plan. I'll help you withstand the pressure from other Hellfire members. However, I'm not adept at confrontation."

Though her promise was given, there was a hint of resentment in her voice. She felt she had suffered unjustly at the hands of Ivan.

"Good, with the three of us, the Black Queen, the Black King, and the White Queen, we have three of the four giants. The other prominent members won't object. I can handle the rest on my own," Shaw declared confidently.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mad_versecreators' thoughts