
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site. 穿越反派之子

Mad_verse · Films
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Authors Note-

You can read up to 20 chapters ahead on my Patreon - Mad_verse [ Your support will help me in continuing this fic]


A miraculous event unfolded as Apocalypse touched the blood; an immediate awareness of its properties surged within him. Without hesitation, he followed Ivan's instructions, closed his eyes, and extended his mental power to sense the rule fragments in the blood.

He was astonished to discover a potent force in the blood, dazzling with the power of lightning. Guiding this energy into his body, he absorbed and memorized its information. In no time, Apocalypse opened his eyes, extended a finger, and a lightning flash emanated.

"Excellent! You've successfully replicated the ability to control the blood of an electric mutant. My hypothesis was correct," exclaimed Ivan excitedly.

Staring at the arcs at his fingertips, Apocalypse was momentarily incredulous. Gaining others' abilities so effortlessly surprised him. Reflecting on missed opportunities, he pondered how much stronger he could have been. Regret lingered in his mind; had he known earlier, he could have acquired more abilities, avoiding subordination and heartache.

Undeterred by Apocalypse's contemplations, Ivan continued to supply him with blood from test tubes, facilitating the copying of various mutant abilities. Simultaneously, he harnessed the power of the reality gem to analyze changes in Apocalypse's body and soul absorption abilities.

In minutes, Apocalypse seamlessly assimilated genetic information from mutants' blood into his own, as if imprinting it directly onto his soul. Ivan keenly observed this process, marking each success in his memory.

Buoyed by the initial success, Ivan persisted, pouring blood from additional test tubes into Apocalypse's hands. Apocalypse, savoring the benefits, cooperated fully. The fusion of mutant abilities continued until all twenty test tubes were exhausted.

"Let's stop here. You now possess these abilities, though not mastered individually. Gain a comprehensive understanding, integrate them, and forge a power uniquely yours. After some time, we will proceed with mutant gene fusion."

Eager to gauge his newfound strength, Apocalypse inquired about the next fusion. The merging of mutant genes enhanced his strength and hinted at a transformative evolution, a higher level of existence reachable with sufficient fusions.

"Visit me every week, fuse the rules and information from twenty mutant genes each time, and use the remaining time to understand your newly acquired abilities. You'll stay here until all abilities are integrated."

Apocalypse readily agreed, recognizing the significance of this process. Over the following days on Skull Island, he visited Ivan's lab weekly, honing his abilities and building rapport with fellow mutants.

His outlook transformed as he interacted with mutants, becoming less arrogant and more tolerant. Apocalypse even found joy in playing games with younger mutants. Meanwhile, Ivan's research bore fruit, inspiring various methods to enhance Apocalypse's strength and benefiting others like his father, Chris, Kyle, and the Red Devils.

One day, while Ivan was busy in the lab, a sudden violent vibration caught his attention. Alarmed, he rushed outside to witness a fierce battle between two giants near the base of Skull Island—Apocalypse and another, shrouded in armor, twice the height he was a year ago.

The armored giant, under the influence of Simba, wielded a cloak made of condensed soul bodies and armor comprised of nano-robots, effortlessly deflecting Apocalypse's attacks. The unexpected confrontation left Ivan perplexed, wondering about the origins of this formidable adversary.

Only one person could control such nano-robots—the Red Queen. This revelation meant that the Red Queen had also joined the battle.

Ivan arrived swiftly, observing a group of mutants surrounding the fierce battle. Some placed bets, while others commented and pointed, creating a lively spectacle. It became evident to Ivan that this was not a real life-and-death struggle but rather a test or a friendly exchange.

With relief, Ivan decided to observe quietly from the shadows. The battle unfolded before him: the armored General landed a punch, forcing Apocalypse back, then swung a long knife towards Apocalypse's chest.

However, Apocalypse responded calmly, conjuring an energy whip similar to a spirit butterfly's ability. He entangled the long sword with the whip, attempting to disarm the general.

Surprisingly, the General transformed the long knife into a spear, catching Apocalypse off guard. Apocalypse, abandoning the struggle for the weapon, released the energy whip, leaped backward, and floated in the air.

Apocalypse, having absorbed the genes of a flying mutant over the past year, demonstrated newfound flying abilities. Meanwhile, the general, unfazed, activated his cloak's shape-shifting function, turning the spear back into a long sword and lunging at Apocalypse.

In a sudden turn, Apocalypse opened his eyes, his eyeballs turning red as he shot laser beams at the general. Reacting swiftly, the armor on the general's left arm transformed into a small round shield to block the attack. Simultaneously, the long knife morphed into a railgun, firing at Apocalypse.

Despite the Red Queen's computational prowess aiding the general, Apocalypse utilized his energy absorption ability to absorb the electromagnetic railgun. Though shaken, his super recovery ability quickly restored him.

The battle between the giants wreaked havoc, damaging buildings and causing distress to Ivan. Below, mutants cheered, urging them on. Chris, Kyle, Clark, and Eli were particularly enthusiastic.

"Enough!" Ivan finally intervened, appearing in the air and using gravity to separate the combatants, ending the chaos.

The field fell silent as admiration surged for Ivan's display of power.


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