
Chapter 2

I handed Chandler to Emerald as my mother and Evelyn dragged me off, rambling about make-up and my dress. My anxiety was going through the roof with thoughts of the ceremony, what if's flooded my mind and tortured me every second. My mother eventually had enough of it and told me to relax, that I would be okay. Throughout getting my make-up done they both tried calming me down, but I was beyond nervous about it. "I highly doubt Samuel is nervous." I sighed.

Evelyn grinned, "Well, he has gone through this before but...it's different with being an immortal royal. He's still quite nervous."


"Well, he is taking on the responsibility for all of werewolves' protection. Outside of the kingdom." she explained. I pursed my lips, she did have a point, that so happen to make me feel even more afraid. My mom sighed, she gently tilted my head up so I was looking at her.