
Desolate Dragon Ball World?!? Help, I'm an elf in a crossover AU!

Her brand new life as some kind of Elf started with snow in the middle of summer. The world itself heralding her arrival. From there, things only got weirder. Luckily she had her trust system- aah shit, she had to actually put effort into using hers. Luckily, she knew what universe she was in. NOT! WHERE WAS SHE?!? A Dragonball and Beyond Cultivation story, with its cultivation heavily inspired by Martial World and Desolate Era. With a unique system that upgrades based on her status. Note - post the 'gift' pack, all rewards that help her will be EARNED.

BalancedSelfInsert · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs


Adjusting her glasses slightly Gao Suyin narrowed her eyes as she made her way through the heavy New York traffic. 'I knew I should have left earlier, I'm gonna be late to the rink!' With a scowl on her face, she made a turn a bit too sharp. But that was all it took.

'Shi-' BANG!

A truck slammed into her car head-on, and with a sickening crunch, everything went black. The world went silent. She had no vision, no sight, no smell. All she had, was an ever-growing chill. It started from her feet and began to slowly go upwards. It spread to her legs, then her stomach, her chest, and then finally her arms. But, out of nowhere, it stopped spreading.

"How did you get here?" Out of near-total sensory deprivation came a feminine voice. Then - Gao Suyin saw her. The woman had a confused look on her face, causing the whisker marks on her cheeks to stretch. It was only a moment later that the woman gained an understanding look in her blue eyes. "Hmm... I suppose this is what that old man meant about Karma." Gao Suyin tried to talk, yet, her mouth did not move.

The blue-eyed whiskered woman didn't seem to notice this as she looked around. "Now where do I send you? You seem like a cultivation type to me. So let's see..." The woman began to root around in a pouch on her leg, and as she did so the coldness slowly began to once more spread across Gao Suyin's 'body'. "I can't hold that off much longer, guess I should hurry this up, y'know?" 

Pulling her hand out of the pouch, a glowing orb could be seen. "Right, gotta pay everything back and all that. This should help you out! It's not finished yet, but it should work. Now let's cure your cold, and then I'll send you off on your way!"

The woman raised her hand, and it glowed a vibrant yellow. As that happened, a black ball appeared out of nowhere, before transforming into a saber. "Don't scream!" 'What do you mea-'

The black saber chopped Gao Suyin in half. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!' "Whoops, hold on this will be real quick!" Reaching inside Gao Suyin's body, the whiskered woman shoved the glowing ball into the center of it, and as she did so the coldness began to sink into it. Yet - Gao Suyin didn't notice. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!'

"Ooh shoot, you're about to explode! Off you go!" With her still glowing yellow hand, the whiskered woman punched Gao Suyin directly in her tiny little soul face, and she went careening off into the distance. With every moment her two disconnected halves began to fuse together, as her chest softly glowed. Yet, to Gao Suyin herself that was all irrelevant. 'AAAAAAAAA-' "AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!" Even when she began screaming out loud, she didn't know, too trapped in her physical and spiritual suffering.

"Well, that's my good deed for the day done." 

"You're still the stupidest human I've ever met."

"Maah! Don't be so rude Kura-chan!" 


Within the vast void, she slowly approached a titanic spherical Chaosverse, before silently sinking into it. She passed by millions of Realmverses, and quadrillions of Chaos Worlds. Titanic beasts, monstrosities, divine entities, and so much more flashed by her. Yet her tiny mortal mind didn't comprehend it. Instead, her only thoughts were. 'It hurts! Oh lord, it hurts!' 

Until, finally, as the pain was beginning to ebb away... VROOM! her soul sunk into an insignificant little Chaosworld, before seemingly disappearing.

-Thirty Years Later-

Blue eyes snapped open, a hint of wonder in them. "So I died, and then I lived...?" Looking back at both of her lives there was curiosity, sadness, joy, and so much more. Before after a few moments - her eyes went blank. "But it appears I still can't feel much." Placing a long, yet dainty hand over her chest, she'd very slightly frown before it faded away, leaving behind a beautiful, yet cold face. 'So that's why feeling emotions is so hard. I was split in two, and it wasn't perfectly fixed.'

[DING! Chaosverse Ascension syst- ERROR, not in control of Chaosverse! DING! Realmverse Ascension syst- ERROR! Not in control of Realmverse! DING! Chaos World Ascension syst- ERROR! Not in control of Chaos World! DING! Planetary Ascension syst- ERROR! Not in control of Planet. REBOOTING.]

Her thoughts froze. 'Did... my Goldfinger just break? Well, at least I'm alive still.' Getting up off her hammock, she began to get dressed for the day while nibbling on some fruit, only for once more her thoughts to stall as she looked out the window. "Why is it snowing? It's summertime!" In response to her shouted-out words, her chest briefly grew cold.

[DING! System rebooted. Detected that the host is the only candidate for the next Village Elder! DING! Congratulations, the Town Ascension system has been activated! DING! Open up your one and only gift pack! DING! Look at your status! DING! Look at your village's status! DING! Look at your Mission Board!] 

Staring at the snow that was falling down, and her head pounding from the cascade of messages, she slowly let out a sigh before shoveling a bunch of grapes into her mouth. 'Alright, open up my gift pack.'

[DING! Giftpack opened.

Obtained: Body Refining Technique - Body of Frost. [Teachable]

Obtained: Ki Refinement & Dao Study: First 3 layers of the Blue Luan Abstract Phantom Code [Not Teachable] - Unusable until you reach Pulse Condensation!

Obtained: Fiendgod Body Refining Technique - Chaotic Ice Body [Not Teachable] - Unusable until you reach Houtian!] 

Holding her head slightly, for a brief moment a flash of pain would cross her face as all the knowledge for the Body of Frost technique was forcibly downloaded into her head. Letting out a deep breath, she started to shovel more grapes into her mouth as thoughts slowly poured in. 'Blue Luan Abstract Phantom... That niggles at something, but I don't remember. But Fiendgods, aren't they from Desolate Era? Isn't Pulse Condensation from Martial World? Or maybe a different novel that I don't know about. Strange...' eyebrows furrowed as she stared at her dining mat that spread across the center of the room. 'Well, let's see what my status is. System open my status.' 

[Start of Status

Name: Axilya

Age: 30 / 500 (Maximum)

Bloodline: Ice Phoenix (Tier ???, Quantity ???)

Race: Icathian Elf (Mortal Race) - ERROR, Half-Elf Ice Phoenix race locked until ????

Cultivation: Mortal

Cultivation Methods:

Body Refining: Body of Frost - [Limited to Pulse Condensation]

Fiendgod Body Refining: Chaotic Ice Body 

Ki Refining: Blue Luan Abstract Phantom Code (First Three Layers out of Nine) - Reach Pulse Condensation To start.

Insights: None

Dao: None

End of Status] 

Going over the information in her mind, Axilya would nod her head. 'That all makes sense. But where is this Ice Phoenix coming from?' Seemingly in response to that question, her chest would once more radiate a wave of cold, before going back to normal. 'I see. So whoever that was turned that cold into this?' With that realization, she'd take a moment to let her head and mind rest, and would instead finish getting ready for the day. Combing her hair into place, and brushing her teeth with a twig that had a frayed end, she'd look outside the window again, before shrugging. 'The weather has never made me feel cold in this life, I don't need a coat. Alright system, show the village's status!' 

[Village of Lysl:

Inhabitants: 87 (3 Pregnancies)

Cultivation: 87 Mortals

Cultivation Methods: None

Bloodline: Icathian Elf

Fortune Tier: Egg

End of Village Status]

'That was a lot more simplified than expected.' Nodding her head at it, for a brief moment her lips twitched upwards at the note of their being more than one pregnancy. 'Multiple pregnancies! That's rare. Considering the expected life span is 300, to have multiple at once is truly a blessing! But what's this Fortune Level?'

[DING! Egg-tier Fortune is the lowest level of Fortune an organization can have while still having fortune! It represents having nearly no fortune - but also infinite potential in the pathways the fortune can take! Fortune can increase cultivation speed, talent, and opportunities obtained overall for your village!] 

Nodding her head at the answer, Axilya would sigh slightly. 'That makes sense then. After all, we're a village that's under the domain of White Forest Town, which is subordinate to Ironbirch City - which is subordinate to the Holy Forest Nation. But it's still sad to hear we're teetering on the edge of having no fortune at all.' 

Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound of a fist knocking on her door could be heard, before the masculine voice of her neighbor sounded out, "Axilya! I'm heading down to the fields to check out if any of the crops died off. Hurry down when you can!"

"Alright, Beldroth! I'll be down in a few minutes!" There were the sounds of footsteps walking away, and she'd shake her head. 'Foolish man. Still looking after me, even two decades after my parents died.' Her lips twitched upwards briefly before she focused on the last part. 'System, open up the mission board!' 

[Mission Board

Become the Official Leader of Lysl! (The Village of Lysl must have more than 80 people within it for this to count.)

The Village of Lysl Cultivates! (Have at least 5 strength training cultivators and 1 flesh training.) 

Become the Ruler of a Town. (Must have at least 1,000 inhabitants.)

Practice! Reach the Basic level with Footwork and A weapon before ????

Meat. How can someone forging their body not eat meat? Hunt, butcher, and eat 1 large animal.

End of Mission Board]

Twitching slightly at the first mission Axilya would grumble slightly. 'What, do you expect me to just kill off the current leader? Even on average he still has another 50 years left in him, and he could go all the way to another 250 years! Also 5 strength training cultivators and 1 flesh training? White Forest Town has dozens of villages underneath it, and even then it only has a dozen flesh-training cultivators and a few viscera-training level cultivators, and it's existed for nearly a thousand years!' 

She narrowed her eyes. 'But, from what I know body forging methods are mere legends, even inside of towns. Only cities have them, and even then they're rare, and I suspect - quite poor in quality. If I can learn the Body of Frost, and then teach it - we could rise up and never go hungry again.' Nodding her head in determination, Axilya would open up her door, and step out into the snow.

Don't expect the system to pop up every chapter, but I wanted to lay it out and make it prominent in the prologue, so y'all can understand it better. As the system said, that was the one and only 'free gift pack'. While the system will be explored later, it's meant to be a guide or mentor, not a handout system. What I have planned for the rest of what it will 'give out' will come when:

- Become a City / Rule a city.

- Form a nation / take over a nation. [Or create a sect equivalent.]

- Rule the world.

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