
Chapter 5 - Dark Aura

(Diana’s POV)

It’s already six thirty in the morning and my eyes were still wide open as if I’ve got enough sleep last night. How could I sleep peacefully if every time I close my eyes, that scumbag’s face shows? It’s too weird. I’m not feeling here or something but I search in the internet about the meaning when you see your crush in your dreams. Then it says he’s also thinking of you. Nothing, just sharing to you hahaha

It’s Sunday and we don’t have class obviously. But our professor told us to fix everything in our stand last festival. Auzia is already at the bathroom. I don’t know why she’s super excited when we’re just going to clean up.

“Diana, wake up! We still need to be early in school!” I rolled my eyes seeing her smiling all day long yesterday. Did something happen between her and Jacob?

The bathroom door opens and there’s the bitch who’s smiling up to her ears. What did she eat? Soap or Shampoo?

“Hey Auzia. Why are you smiling like that? Don’t tell me that there’s something happened between you and Jacob?” Her reaction suddenly changes and nervously picks up her dress in her bed. “So you’re not going to tell me?” I asked with a threatening tone.

“Diana! This is my first time to have a boyfriend, can’t you just support me?” he complained while pouting.

“It’s not that I disagree with your relationship. What am I saying is, I wanted to know what happened between you two? Is there something happened?” she slightly bow her head and slowly approach me.

“It’s just a kiss.” What the heck?! It’s not just a just. “And what’s wrong about that? We’re together already anyway.” What the…?! I thought Jacob ask her not a week ago?

“Just warn that damn Jacob. If he tries to mess up with you, I am the one who will deal with him.” I know that Auzia is quite soft hearted when comes to little things. I know Auzia from head to toe and I know how innocent she is when it comes to love and this made me concern about her.

“Eh, Diana, It’s not like that. I tell you, Jacob is not a player. Flicke already told me.” Flicke? San Houllers?

“When did you meet him?” the last time I remember is that they are not close.

“That time when you left the restaurant with Kin. Flicke came together with the younger sister of Mandy. I also feel that Flicke is trying to win the heart of Mandy’s sister.” Auzia’s words didn’t sink in my mind immediately. Here I am again. Why am I still thinking about this? That’s not a big deal right? Maybe he also says that with the others.

“Hey Bes! What are you thinking? You suddenly froze.” I came back from the reality that no one loves me. Char just kidding.

“Ah…Nothing. Just wear your shirt so that we can we go to the university now.” Damn you Kin! What did he eat yesterday that made say that?


“Diana, help Brandon in the cafeteria. Both of you need to arrange the cups that we will bring there.” And here’s the president of the United States. Just a little but more and we will really have a funeral here.

“Andrea, why are you just standing there? We are all task to clean and you’re just standing there, ordering us. You’re no one’s leader here.” Veronica spoke with pride. Finally someone blurted. All of us stared at Andrea and that made her walk out reciting her own chants.

I went to the cafeteria and good thing that it’s not that noisy. There are no students here except for us. Looks like we are the only one who have not finish cleaning. I walked for almost a minute before arriving at the cafeteria.

“Oh Diana. Why are you here?” Isn’t it obvious that I am being ordered by the US president?

“Andrea ordered me to help you here arranging the cups.” Even though I couldn’t see even a single cup here. Are we joking here?

“They haven’t brought here so I think we need to wait for them. That’s what’s Andrea told me also.” So Andrea is really the boss here? They didn’t even give me any notice. Boss your face.

Around five minutes passed and there’s still no sign of those freaking cups. Are they still washing? What took so long though?

“It’s boring here huh.” I shifted my gaze to Brandon and he’s already half naked. It’s just boring right? So why is he undressed? That’s his definition of the word boring?

“Yeah…quite.” He stared at me and it looks like he wanted something. This is still normal right? It doesn’t look normal though.

He slowly moves towards me. I’m already nervous because whatever happens between us will be bad for sure. I couldn’t even shout because this is too far from our stand. Ghad!

“It’s just two us here so nothing to worry about, right?” he gave me an evil smirk. I am also slowly moving backwards and I didn’t notice that I’m already cornered by this jerk. But I noticed that his eyes are insanely red. Is he taking drugs?

“Brandon, stop it. This is not funny anymore.” I’m just containing myself not to cry because I can feel that anytime I will really cry.

“This will be fun. Just behave.” I tried to push him but he’s too heavy that he didn’t even move even a single muscle. I force myself to break out from his grip and he suddenly stop so I face him with a curious face.

“I said behave!” he raised his hand to slap me and I didn’t think of blocking it but only closing my eyes and accepting the fact that I couldn’t withstand him.

“Hey!” I opened my eyes as I heard his voice. “You asshole!” a loud and forceful punch landed on Brandon’s face which made him fell on the floor. Brandon didn’t have also time to stand up as Kin fired up continuous aggressive punches to him.

“Kin stop it!” Kin glanced at me and he gets his hand off. Brandon is still in the floor forcing his self to stand

“Are you ok?” I saw the rage, anger and concern in his eyes. I didn’t expect that he will be the one that will save me here. Why is he even here in the first place? I didn’t saw him holding the cups too.

“Ah…so…so Kin is your b-boyfriend?” Brandon slowly stood up still feeling the pain that was inflicted by Kin on his face. “What a waste. You’re so tasty by the way.” He grinned at me and the next thing happened is he’s on the floor again receiving the aggressive punches of Kin.

I’m just holding the other hand of Kin because it looks like he can kill Brandon in no time. His punches are also stronger than any boxers here. A single punch of him, Brandon’s lips tear up.

“Kin stop!” I look back as I heard Jacobs voice. His face shows concern but I don’t know if that was for Kin or for Brandon. “Brad stop. You’ll gonna kill someone.” Jacob approaches us and he held Kin’s hand to stop him.

“I’m not gonna kill anyone.” Kin uttered. I can see his eyes filled with fury and looks like he can really kill someone.

“Kin, just stop. He hasn’t touched me anyway.” Kin’s expression suddenly changed. He stared at me but I can’t read his emotions. His face shows multiple emotions and I can’t pick a single one to describe.

“Kin!” I look at the three and they are also catching up with their breathing. “Jacob what happened?” Clay asked. Flicke and Dew are also looking at Kin curiously.

“I’ll tell the details later. Diana you go first at the stand. Auzia is looking for you already.” Jacob uttered while preventing Kin from attacking Brandon.

I left the cafeteria but something’s weird. It looks like they all know what happened there. Yes, I am thankful that Kin arrive in time so nothing happened to me. At first, I got confused why Jacob came but maybe he just heard the ruckus happened inside. But why is it that the three is also there? And the weirdest thing is that, it looks like they ran going there. So it means they came from afar. Then how come that they know where we are? And they have the same expressions with Jacob. Concern…with whom?

(Clay’s POV)

Dew, Flicke and I looked at each other as we felt a strong energy that obviously came from Kin. “Where’s is he?” Flicke asked nervously. Things in the university may float in no time because of that. I know that he is in the university together with Jacob. Both of them volunteered to work there because of their brides too.

“He’s in the cafeteria.” Dew uttered. Looks like he used his potential to locate Kin…maybe one of his special ability. Probably because of his invisibility for a long period of time. Flicke immediately conjured a portal to the place near the cafeteria.

As we reach the university, we hurriedly ran towards the cafeteria. We immediately saw Jacob who’s trying to ease the anger inside Kin. “Kin!”

The three suddenly look at us and I saw the confusions in Diana’s eyes. She knew? “Jacob what happened?”

“I’ll tell the details later. Diana you go first at the stand. Auzia is looking for you already.” Diana also went out after that and five of us left together with Brandon which I don’t know why he is here.

“Brandon, leave this place now. Kin won’t hesitate to kill you.” Dew warned but Brandon just smirked. Fuck! He does not gonna like what will happens next for sure.

“Did you just smirk at me?” Dew gritted his teeth trying to contain his anger. The most hated thing of Dew is that people who are trying to makes him piss off.

Brandon stood up and barely walks towards the door but he still haven’t step towards it, he flew again on the wall because of Dew’s kick. “Tss.” He didn’t see that coming because of Dew’s ability. “We need to get out of here. Someone might see us here?”

(Flicke’s POV)

Three days passed we are back to pretending like students. Jacob already told us about what happened in the cafeteria and good things that he came there in time. If not, maybe Brandon is already in a funeral.

All of our morning subjects we’re already discussed and we decided to eat at the cafeteria. “So you and Mandy’s sister are close?” Auzia asked at me. She’s with Jacob and at the back are Diana and Kin who looks like they’re bickering with something again.

“Yeah, kind off.” Maddie still didn’t answers me so we’re just cool. We’re in the stage of courting I think.

“Who do you think did this?”

“This is insane.”

“Maybe that’s just paint or something?”

We stopped from walking and observe why students are crowding outside the cafeteria. Looks like something’s wrong there.

"What’s happening?” Diana asked as she noticed that we stopped.

“Maybe there’s a K-Pop idol poster posted there.” Auzia answered idiotically.

We continued walking towards the cafeteria only to see Dew and Clay running towards us…nervously?

“Kin, I need to tell you something.” Clay is still catching up with his breathing. He gave us a sign and Jacob and I immediately got what he meant.

“Diana, Auzia. Let’s go buy some foods.” Dew asked the two and good thing that the girls followed. I know that he’s just trying to get the two out from the conversation. But what’s the big deal?

“Kin, the one that you’ve almost killed in the cafeteria is not Brandon. It was a spy from the dark wizards.” What! So where’s Brandon?

“How did you know?” Jacob became serious too.

“Brandon is missing now. His mother is here a while ago and she’s looking for him. I don’t know but I think dark wizards are already here in earth and I think they got Brandon.” Clay explained still can’t believe that this is happening.

“What’s in the cafeteria? Why are the students crowding there?” I asked curiously. I think its kind a big deal.

“That was a message from the darks.” Message? More or less I think it’s a threat.

“What is it says?” Kin.

“Dauthi venire iu. A wizard language.” This is bad. Earth is a planet that is easy to conquer by the darks and they even manage to reach the university. In this mere situation, I’m already certain about their goal…to mess up with our prophecy. I think that they already knew about the effect of the prophecy to them.

“What does it mean?” I asked. Although we are battling with some wizards back there in our world but we didn’t have time to study their language.

“It means Your Death is coming.” Kin uttered. We just stared at the students who are still crowding outside of the cafeteria. But we know that this is not good

We have many disadvantages here unlike to the wizards and we can’t use our powers easily since we still don’t know how to tell our brides about this. This will be tough.

(Diana’s POV)

Until now, I’m still wondering why Dew is talking to us. Seriously? He knows how to speak? “Hey you froze again. What’s in your mind this time?” I don’t know if Auzia also noticed about this or she’s just pretending not to know about this.

“Nothing.” I just focus my attention to the students who are still standing outside looking at the wall. Is there something written there? Students right now are quite few unlike a while ago which made me think that there’s an idol there. I shifted my face to the bastard who’s still no reaction.

“Hi Kin. Where’s Jacob?” Auzia asked while looking around trying to find her so called boyfriend

“He has some business to tackle. He told me that you have your date this weekend.” Auzia blushed with that thought. How come that she’s blushing with that well in fact they are always PDA when they are together here in school.

“So what do you want to eat?” Kin asked obviously looking at me and even he’ll look at me forever like that, I won’t look at him. I’m still awkward when he’s with me. Last time when we took a date after we mess up the date of Jacob and Auzia, he said something to me that made me awkward until now. And a while ago, he’s throwing at me some pick up line for lovers which I find corny. I admit I’m blushing in sometime but gosh for Pete’s sake, don’t make it every day!

“I want cupcakes. You Diana? What do you want, the treat or the person that will treat us?” I immediately kick her feet down at the table which made her shout in pain. “What the hell was that for!” you started it bitch!

“You want nothing or you’re not hungry?” his face is just a couple of inches from mine and it’s too awkward. He’s a PDA type of person too! Geez!

“A-anything will do.” I saw him smirked and that made me triggered to look at him which I regretted immediately. His face is just two inches away from me. I saw his dark black eyes again tempting me to pick it with fork.

“Finish scanning my face?” my spirit came back as he speaks right in my face. I can smell his breath right now which made me shyer. “I’m going to order now. Dew what do you want?”

“Sandwich would be enough.” Dew answered looking at us containing his laughter. Auzia’s face is like a bomb now. Why is it that I am getting star struck when I am looking at his face? I’m just envy about his lips that looks like better compare to mine.

(Kin’s POV)

After we finished taking our snacks at the cafeteria, Auzia and Diana bid their goodbyes to us to tackle some business. Dew and I left here walking towards the front gate of the university. Jacob and the two are already in the house and two of us are the one that they’re waiting to start the mission.

“Kin stop.” My reflexes follow his command and my senses starting to sense some dark energy that surrounds us.

“Don’t draw your sword. Someone might see us.” Dew didn’t complain with my order but then he suddenly disappears. Did he just leave me here?

Without hesitation, I release a hypnotic stance but only in short range. I don’t want to create a commotion here especially that Dew already left me here. I shifted my gaze to the shrubs and suddenly a dark silhouette man jumped on me but my reflexes are fast enough to dodge it. I lift him up using my powers and trying to squeeze him. I can feel his pain and anger but I know he can’t shout nor speak because I’ve already messed his vocal chords using my power.

I drew my solid sword but someone dashed on him and I found him already cut into half. “Thanks for luring him out.” I thought he already left?

“So you’re proud of yourself from taking my kill huh.” I said sarcastically. We approach the dark silhouette and I know this creature. This is an enhance creep that can imitate any living creature but in the form of silhouette. Darks already improved and this is a problem.

“Kin something was written in his back.” I look at the back of the silhouette man and I’m starting to feel the anger raging inside of myself when I read the note that was written using the green blood of this creature.

“He’s coming?” Dew read in asking tone. “Who?” I don’t know and I don’t care. He’s free to come here but I’ll make sure that he won’t get here out alive.