
Chapter 6 - The Transferee

(Diana’s POV)

I was just looking outside the window because I really don’t have any guts to listen to the discussion of Prof. Gabriel. This will be better if this is English or Science time. Prof. always says to us that we need to listen to him because our life is mostly surrounded by mathematics. So it looks like he’s just saying that I was a jinx when I was born? He’s giving the example where we need to compute when we are buying something. I don’t give a fuck man. They could just have taught us the addition and subtraction. We don’t need those square roots and something? What? We’re not even using square roots when we buy something?

“Hey! What are you chanting there? You didn’t even notice that Prof. Gabriel already left.” I shifted my gaze at front ng Auzia’s right. Prof is not here already. Oh thank god!

“Nothing, I just find it boring. You know I hate that subject.” If I can just disperse that subject in the history, I will gladly do it.

Auzia didn’t answered me and juts faced at the front to prepare for our next subject. If you’re wondering why Auzia needed to face at the front, it is because of our seating arrangement. The chairs are set by pair and unluckily, I don’t have partner. Auzia almost threw a party when she knew that Jacob is her pair. Of course the four is not that far from each other.

Kin is with Veronica which are both silent as hell. They are in the adjacent column aligned with Jacob and Auzia’s row. Flicke is in the front of Jacob and Auzia together with Mandy who’s having a closure already. Dew is with Kian which are both mute and Clay is with Calli with a normal status. Both of the pairs are in the front of Kin and Veronica.

“Looks like Ms. Luna will be late again. I wonder what her next reason is this time.” Auzia said between her laughter. If I hated math, Auzia condemn English. I don’t know how the hell she hated English where in fact it is much easier compared to math. More interesting too.

“Maybe she’ll say again that she didn’t remember the way going here.” Jacob joined the craziness of Auzia and now they’re PDA again. Auzia is also laughing with the jokes of Jacob even it was corny and nonsense. I just rolled my eyes on them. Bitter if bitter this is me so they don’t have choice.

I look at the vacant chair beside Andrea. Her seatmate is Brandon and I still don’t have any news from that pervert. It’s already five days that he’s not here. Ms. Andora didn’t tell us anything too and I don’t have any intentions to ask her.

“Oh class I’m really sorry that I’m late. I came from the dean’s office to welcome your new classmate.” All of us got curious about what Ms. Luna announced. New classmate? A transferee?

I shifted my gaze to the classroom door when someone entered. He’s………so…..HOT! Wait why is he so damn appealing!?

I glanced at Kin as I felt his presence looking at me. He’s not just looking at me but he’s staring at me with full warning. Why is he looking at me like I did something wrong? Never mind, I don’t care too.

“Guys this is Mr. Vouge.” Ms. Luna introduced the new hot guy. “This will be your new classmate.” He roams his eyes around and I was stunned when his gaze stopped at me. I don’t know but I feel like I am a dog here trying to poop. That’s was a bed like stare!

“Nice meeting you guys. I’m Stygian Vlankris Vouge. Just Sty if you’re uncomfortable reciting my name.” he introduced but his gaze didn’t broke with mine. I was stunned for what happened next. Hell! He smiled at me! If my pants have no garter, probably it already loosens up. Did he just smile at me?

“Uhm.” I shifted my gaze at Kin and he’s staring at me intently. What the fuck is his problem?

“Please seat where you’re comfortable Mr. Vouge.” He bowed at Ms. Luna before looking for his seat. I have this feeling inside of me that I wanted him to sit here right next to me but it would be awkward if I am the one who will ask. I’m not like Auzia!

“Here. No one sits here. You can sit here.” The president of United States presented. You all know who that is. Our boss that looks like hyena.

“No thanks.” Stygian answered coldly like North Pole. An enemy has been slain.

Stygian continued walking and I was alarmed when I noticed him right next to me. Does he want to sit here? OMG!

“Can I sit here?” he gave me a smile that made me hold onto my chair as I was almost fell to him.

“Y-yeah.” I never thought that of the entire human here on earth, I was given an opportunity to have seatmate like him. Looks like I will be focusing on him and not on the discussion. Oh my god! Since when I get flirty?!

Ms. Luna discussed something about a literature of I don’t know but it’s not that boring actually. While Auzia is looking at us from time to time that made Jacob’s face crumpled as he saw Auzia daydreaming to Stygian. Jealousy is waving at him.

“By the way, what’s your name?” he tilted his body just to ask me. I almost shout for that! I can clearly see his greyish eyes and he has light red hair. His lips are not that pinkish though unlike Kin. Wait? Did I just compare him to Kin? No! No! Erase.

“I-I’m Diana.” I uttered shyly. I found him intimidating unlike Kin that looks like anytime he can shout at you. Fudge! Why do I keep comparing him with Kin?

“So Diana why are you alone here at the back? I mean don’t you really have a seatmate here?” I blinked my eyes for how many time as I realize that he’s casually talking to me like we’re already close. I just let him though, maybe he’s born talkative.

“Yeah. Since the seating arrangement was made. I was really the one who’s assigned here.” He’s not a good opponent for a debate. I know I like English but not to this point that we will just casually talk to each other.

“Oh is that so. So I won’t regret now.” Regret? Why would he regret? “I won’t regret that I have chosen this seat since your burden of having no seatmate was resolved.” Burden? How the hell was that a burden? I am also okay if I have not seatmate! But it’s better if I have too and unexpectedly it’s you.

Ms. Luna’s class ended up peacefully. Don’t be confused why I said it was a peaceful one. I really haven’t digested any knowledge these past few days so this one is quite better.

Auzia and I are not together right now because she and Jacob have a date. It’s everyday to be exact. And here I am again. Alone and still single.

“Diana.” A familiar voice called. I’m not in myself as I look back and I can see him slowly walking towards me. So what’s with him right now?

“What do you need?” I ask in monotone. He’s still emotionless but it’s obvious that something’s wrong with him. Can’t poop?

“Don’t come near with that Stygian. Please.” I suddenly felt the sincerity in his tone which made me shiver. I was tense not because he’s like that but because he says please. That’s a new one!

“For what reason?” I didn’t get his point. What’s the reason with that? Stygian is quite good actually. Don’t tell me that he’s jealous because we’re still in the stage of courting.

“Please.” He pleaded looking down. What’s wrong with this moron? I’m getting chills with what he’s doing right now

“If you have no valid reason for me to stay away from Stygian then this conversation is now at end. You’re just wasting my time.” He’s too blunt about it. Sometimes he really don’t consider the persons feeling before he says a word or something. Or he’s thinking that I am already his property? Well dream on dude!

(Lucy’s POV)

Our third class ended early for some important reasons of our professor. No one also complained about it because they even wanted that to happen.

As usual I am alone walking here at the campus. I don’t have any friends since I’m not also planning to have. I prefer to be alone because the more people come to your life the more pain you’ll get when they leave. No one stays by your side forever but only yourself. So I’m here right now, eating kimchi alone near at the football court. I was playing with my phone when someone sits beside me that me look at him. A smiled formed in my face when I saw him and he’s also smiling at me. “You’re alone here huh?” He asked. Oh you’re not sure?

“You know you’re asking for the most obvious thing Aedric.” I said between my laughter. After we know each other at that mango tree, he always comes here already at my favorite place. Here I am hanging out when I am free and I think I already told him about that so he already knows

“I know it’s obvious. But don’t you have any friends here?” he’s just staring at the students playing at the football ground but I can sense that he’s smiling. I just don’t know why.

“Nope.” He shifted his sight at me and I saw how his smile disappears. It was replaced by confusion and a little bit of shock and disappointment. Since when I have a talent in mind reading? “So far you are my only friend here.” He immediately turns into other direction. Weird.

“Uhm by the way, why are you here?” I may sound rude here but I’m just curious because these past few days, he rarely goes here. I’m not saying that I am waiting for him!

“I w-want to ask y-you something.” He stutters while saying those words. Why is he tensed that much? “This may sound confusing but…can…uhm…can I court you?” I literally stopped from eating my kimchi and looked at him in shock. I almost blow up the kimchi in my mouth. Did he just blurt like that? I found it cute when he’s shy like this right now.

“Uhm….” What should I say to him? This is my first time. I really didn’t have boyfriends since my mother brought me to this world.

“I know I’m quite quick with these but I can wait. Just promise me not to fall in love with any other guy.” He pleaded as if he had done something terrible.

“O-okay.” Our atmosphere is quite awkward right now. I’m not saying that I don’t like him or he’s incapable of it. I admit he’s an ideal type of man but we’re not still that close for me to just accept it. Yeah he’s my only friend here because I approached him first that time but that’s not a valid reason for me to just say yes to him. “I’ll think about it.” His face lit p as she heard me and somewhat I feel at ease as I saw him smiling.

(Clay’s POV)

It is almost an hour that I am waiting for this freaking gate to be opened. I badly wanted to meet Jiana but the campus guard won’t allow me to pass because it’s still class hours. After deciding about where to wait, I ended up here at the cafeteria. I really hope that Flicke we’re here. He’s my only way of escape.

You wonder why I am eager to go out. It’s because I feel odd to that Stygian. I can’t feel his presence unlike the other students here. Dew and I have the same reaction when that transferee entered the room. That’s why Dew also hurriedly went to Lucy, his bride.

“Clay where’s Jacob?” I fixed myself when Kin arrived. He even sat beside me like hell! His face is crumpled obviously not in the mood. Did something happen though?

“What’s wrong?” I tried not to sound rude or something because I don’t want that all of the things here inside of the cafeteria will float in a wrong time.

“That fucking Stygian. I can feel like he’s not normal.” He also noticed it? I thought I and Dew are the only one who noticed it?

“Yeah we suspected too.” Five of us have the ability to feel the energy that flows to all living things and we can identify the creature depending on the range of its energy. That’s why I got curious why I haven’t felt anything on him.

“Keep your eyes on him. Inform the three that we must be alert with this guy. Something’s wrong with him.” Kin said before he sips the coffee that he ordered.

“Where is he right now? I need to spy on him.” Maybe he’s really up to something. Worse is that he’s one of the spy of Dark Wizards.

“Not now Clay. He won’t make a move for his first day here. I think he’s still observing the whole campus.” He got a point. If he’s up to something then he won’t make a ruckus right now. And one thing is that this is just our hunch and we have no valid proof that he’s really an enemy of ours. Both of us left the cafeteria but we parted ways because he said he was going to somewhere. I didn’t bother to ask too.

(Someone’s POV)

My plan is slowly working. I didn’t expect that those filthy descendants would recognize my minions right away. “Sir what’s yours?” I didn’t let my gaze left to those two assholes who left the cafeteria a while ago. They’re the one who is talking about me but they didn’t even notice that I heard everything they’ve talked about.

“White coffee.” I answered at the girl. She wrote my order at a piece of paper before passing it to the other girl.

My order is not still here and I didn’t expect my other kind here to join me. “She’s in the library lord.” He uttered and I know that it’s only us who heard that. I know that Kin is panicking right now. “Con Renoe is dating at the football field while El’Pronto is also dating in the basketball court.”

I think they’re advancing already but the prophecy isn’t still fulfilled so I have still enough time to destroy them. Since I can’t overpower the five because of their different types of abilities then I’ll go for their brides. Just wait for me Diana.