
Descendant of Bird and Beast (HP)

soul reincarnated into Harry Potter as op character and destroys the game between dumbledore and Voldemort

MAG666 · Films
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7 Chs

new life begins

I woke up in a hospital bed covered in sweat all around me there was some sort of stone laying around and my head wouldn't stop hurting. I kept getting flashes of memories from my new body. all I was able to glimpse before the pain became unbearable was that I was born just after Hogwarts was founded and then on my 10th birthday I was attacked by a dark wizard whose curse somehow petrified me. But the craziest part is that my mother was rowena ravenclaw while my father was godric griffindor. Then confusion set in because I asked to start school with the main characters but if my parents were founders of the school how could I go with the Mac of the books. I started to hyperventilate then I started hearing someone scream and passed out. When I came back to I had three doctors standing around me with looks of absolute shock on there faces it was silent for about five minutes before one of them broke out of there thoughts and started asking questions. He asked me if I knew where I was what my name was if I could remember what happened to me because none of the ways they tried to unpetrify me worked all they knew was that there where traces of dark magic that where on the stone that surrounded me and that I had been there since they opened in the 1600's and even after all this time they had to wait until the traces of the magic that hit me finally wore off before i was finally freed. I was now the one shocked into silence after taking a few minutes to calm down I finally answered them my name is Leo Griffindor son of godric griffindor and Rowena ravenclaw born in the year 998 and on my tenth birthday I was attacked with dark magic that turned me to stone and the next thing I know I woke up here with stone surrounding me. It was three months later before they finally let me leave the hospital the ministry of magic when they got the news assigned an auror to guard me until I became used to the current world they gave me a list of people to choose from that could guard me. Near the bottom of the list was alastor moody when I saw this name of course I chose him as my guard. I asked him if it would be possible to get in touch with whoever is currently in charge of Hogwarts because my memories told me that there was a secret room that only those with my parents blood could enter that had all both my parents wealth in it. So the next day we received a invite to the castle to meet with dumbledore after arriving at hogsmeade we were met by hagrid who led us to the castle. as soon as I set foot inside all the statues and suits of armor bowed and welcomed me back. As this happened dumbledore happened to appear in the entrance amazed by the whole castle basically coming to life to welcome me back any doubts he had about my identity disappeared at that moment as he approached he asked to what my visit was for. I told him I was after my family's wealth that was hidden within the castle so that I could buy my supplies and find a place to live because I planned to start school next term. He told me that as at the moment I am not a student he would have to accompany me I allowed it and told him to follow me and asked moody to stay behind. We went to the central staircase and stopped at a statue next to it I then took a small knife I had on my and pricked my finger and dipped some blood on the statue the stairs instantly went to a empty wall with nothing on it as I approached it a door appeared this surprised my escort and as the door opened inside was a huge room full of magic artifacts and gold as far as you can see. I then pulled out a bag expanded by magic and asked if the headmaster would help me fill it with a wave of his wand everything in the room went into the bag I thanked him and told him that I was looking forward to starting school next term and left.