
Demonic Samsara

[Disclaimer: There are swear words in this novel. You have been warned.] «Check out my other book, Mana: The Land of Magic! It's new!» In 2030, the amount of hikikomori increased and I, Tatsuya Kimihiko, am a hikikomori in 2042. One day, I'm visited by my sister and her husband. I was offered a job but declined it. And that stupid thing led me to death. Oh, but what's this? I'm not dead yet? I met a god-like being, and I reincarnated into another world, but as a child-like Demon. Can I live successfully and strong in this world, while protecting those close to me? [Cover image does not belong to me, I simply edited it.] NOTE: ~I try to make every chapter 1000 words or above, however, this may not include prologues and epilogues, which could have around 800 or 900 words. ~I try to post everyday, except for when I'm tired and just need to rest. ~Hope you can enjoy my book. Feel free to skip Ch. 20 to Ch. 22–and Ch. 23, if you want–I feel like those are just there for the fun of it. ~Because of my other book, updates here will be less frequent.

Hxvok · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

How about I suck your blood?

Why would a vampire–Dracula, no less–save me from death?

'I can already guess what you're thinking.'

Avera said, reeling back and resting her arms on the sofa's top. She really didn't seem like someone with high standing if she sits like that.

'"Why would a vampire save me from death?"'

'A-are you a mind-reader?!'

I asked, slightly surprised.

'No, I've just lived long enough to be able to guess people's thoughts based on the situation and their facial expressions. Emotions too, if they're apparent.'

She said apathetically. It seemed kind of weird to ask a female this but...

'How old are you, exactly?'

'Master is fo–'

'Oi, oi, oi! Don't go revealing my age like that! I'm just over five-thousand years old, that's all!'

Avera said while throwing a tantrum toward Saxon. But I don't really think that mattered since she revealed her age anyways. She's 5000+, huh... I know that's kind of like immortality in my book, but that must've been kind of boring.

'Let's put that matter aside. Tatsuya, sit on the sofa opposite me.'

I love how she doesn't ask questions but gives orders. I guess it's her right as the master of the mansion. I followed her order and sat down. The sofa was quite comfy. The same comfiness as the bed.

'Yeah, I'm sorry, Tatsuya, I kind of lied to you.'

Hm... What does she mean?

'About what?'

'My name. Well, it's not a lie, but I didn't tell you the first name I've ever received.'

The vampire's eyes slanted and a sneer crept up her face.

'Haven't you noticed? We've been talking in Japanese this whole time.'

Wait, we have?! But then, that wouldn't make sense as to why...

I pointed at Saxon.

'But then, how comes Saxon could understand what we were saying?'

'Ah, that. She has the Auto-Translate skill. I never thought it worked on Japanese until I first talked to her.'

Actually, that sounds about right. But to think that someone who's lived here for 5000+ years is Japanese. So, is the reason she saved me because I'm Japanese, or maybe something else. But I think the former is more accurate.

'Well, my real name is Alice Stanford.'

'So, you're not Japanese?'

I asked.

'No. You see, I was a Japanese exchange student, that's how I know a lot of the Japanese culture and language because of that. It's only in anime and manga which it's only Japanese getting reincarnated.'

'What year was it when you died?'

Avera directed a confused look at me.

'Died? I was summoned here. I thought you were summoned here too. So, then, that means you died when you came here?'

I nodded in reply.

'That's the gist of it.'

'You're one of them then.'

'Them? Who's them?'

Saxon travelled in front of Avera and started to pick up the glass shards on the floor. I was wondering why she only started now, but it seems like she left shortly after I pointed at her. She left to go get a dustpan and brush, as well as a cloth. Saxon has no presence. Seems like even Avera is ignoring her.

'Let me tell you this. There are different types of people who enter this world. The general name for them is Otherworlders. The different types of Otherworlders are Reincarnators, the ones who die and come here. They're rare though. In my 5000+ years of living, you're the first Otherworlder I've seen who is a Reincarnator.'

Reincarnators are that rare, though you'd see those types all of the time in manga.

'What are the other types?'

Saxon finished cleaning up and headed out of the room. Avera put up two fingers.

'Another type is the Summoned. That's the type I am.'

'Let me guess, the Summoned are people who are summoned to this world. Ah, that reminds me. You didn't answer what year it was before you got here.'

The vampire sighed.

'I was summoned when it was 2039. Is that enough for you?'


'Anyhow, I guess that's what Summoned are. Though Summoned are usually brought here for certain reasons. An example is that I was brought here to be the wife of a certain royal prince.'

Avera looked angry as she crossed her arms. Seems like whoever that prince guy was annoyed her.

'So, what happened to said prince? Did he die of old age?'

'What, don't be ridiculous. I fucked him up. He tried laying his hands on me, so I killed him. It was right after our wedding ceremony too.'

You killed him when he tried to have sex with you? Didn't she consent to the wedding, but then killed him after. That's so simple-minded. I'm guessing they didn't know that she was a vampire.

'I know this is a random question, but do vampires need blood to survive? Oh, and do vampires not walk out in the sun?'

She calmed down slightly.

'The whole vampires can't walk in the sun doesn't apply to me since I'm a progenitor. But all vampires need blood to survive. I, myself, hadn't drank blood for over a century or so, but my servant, Saxon, told me I could suck hers. And so, a few days ago, I did. Wasn't very tasty though.'

Blood has differentiating tastes? First I've heard of it.

The vampire stood up, making sure her dress doesn't get wrinkled and walked toward me. While doing so, she licked any remaining red wine on her hand. Once she reached my sofa, I backed away slightly, instinctively.

Avera climbed onto the sofa and placed her body above mine, similar to bedsheets. Her red eyes were shining and captivating. Her snow-white skin illuminated her soft pink lips and her blonde hair shone in the backlight.

'How about... I suck your blood?'

I flinched. I could feel her breath with each word she spoke. She motioned her head to my left ear and spoke once more. This time, I turned red and shivered. It was weird, but it felt good hearing her speak in my ear.

'I'm sure the blood of a Demon Duke tastes delicious.'

My shut-in NEET instincts kicked in and I couldn't move or talk. Avera giggled slightly before moving toward the side of my neck. She whispered something else.

'Showing off your neck like that is almost like asking me to fuck you.'

'Wait, what does that me–'

I never got to finish that sentence. Her fangs drilled into my neck. A strange surge of pain and pleasure flushed into my body. Heaven and hell mixed into one. Not too soon after, she took her fangs out of my neck and retreated. Blood dripped from two protrusions in my neck and from her fangs. She licked her lips–probably her teeth too–and looked at me.

'That was delicious.'

'W-was it now...'

I said, with my eyes downcast.

Avera started giggling.

'You're cute when you're flustered, just like a kid.'

'G-guh! Shut up!'

Being sucked on by a vampire. Well, isn't that new...

I kind of had fun writing the last part. It was a new experience since I haven't written anything like it before.

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