
New intakes

"That's enough!!!"

A loud voice thunders throughout the compound, ot was guard ninja voice

"Show your respect"

soon after saying it, the Nine Numbers and the village chief came out from the top of the building and sat on the chairs on top of the buildi.

The village chief wearing his standard ninja attire which is white in color while the Numbers wore the ninja attire inside with a big white coat with the Kanji character written on their backs with the order of first to ninth

All the children immediately feel on their knees

For all of the children except Tatsuya this was their first meeting with the Numbers and for most will be their last

After a long speech about the Village history, in which Tatsuya didn't pay much attention, the chief finally went into business.

"The acedemy will be divided into 2 class, A and B. A card will be passed around..."

He signaled the ninja guards around

"The cards being given to you right now will tell you your class, if you are with card A then you are assigned to class A, the same like wise, as easy as that. when you head to your assigned classes you will be given your room number."

The village chief took a breath before he continues

"I won't hide anything from you all, not many of you will be alive to see the end of next five years many or few will die, so you have to be strong and and be tactical in order to survive"

He words sent a chill down the spins of the children, but those with strong will and purpose held their composure while many lost their cool

"That's all i want to say. And with that this meeting comes to an end"

The village chief and the Numbers stood up and took their leave

Just moments after leaving

"Humm, hello..."

A group of children summing up around five came to meet Tatsuya

"Hmmm??? What is it"

Tatsuya replied

"Hummm, all we wanted to say is that, we really wanted to meet you"


Tatsuya shouts in confusion

"You are like our hero, you have us a reason to break free and run wild, you are the hero of all youths and we will like to be your followers"

"Oi, oi this is going way too fast, could you please calm down"

Tatsuya says and maintains his composure

"Okay Mahou sama"

The kid replies


"We are from the Makira family, and we that live in the southern Makira district are familiar with you the Demon child"

The child took a break and looks at everyone behind him almost as if he was gathering courage

"'We see you as a hero, liberator, revolutionary and our master. In every single act you did we saw enlightenment from it, when you still food you were teaching us that food were never meant to be for sale, when you stole medicine you showed us that treatment and care were meant for everyone and should not be sold"

The kid says


Tatsuya folds his fingers interlocked to each order as he plays his jaw above them

"I've heard you. I would have love to make you all my loyal followers but I'll see that as slavery and I wouldn't want to indulge in such pitiful act because that will be against my code of conduct. so I'll let you all to be free men but I'll keep you all in mind"


"We really understand Mahou sama"

The kid replies enthusiastically

"Now them I'll take my leave"

'Tatsuya stands up and left the congregation

Later that day in the night when Tatsuya came back , he entered inside the manor and noticed that most people were not around. The environment was scanty, he decided to walk around to check if an event is going on

Upon stumbling in the maid's quarters he heard several sounds of weeping and crying and he tried to check what's was going on

After forcing his way in the sight he saw was not welcoming at all

It was Yue holding her lifeless mother in her arms as she cried in agony. Tatsuya being new to this left her alone and asked another slave that was close by what was going on, she replied saying...

"Her mother died from an unknown illness and she coughed out a large amount of blood that seems like an internal bleeding"

"'Unknown huh... no problem thank you"

'Tatsuya left the room and went to his chambers

After taking his bath which he spent hours on remembering the promise he made to Yue and how she wanted to leave this village with her mother, he only felt nothing but sorrow.

after the shower he comes out wares his night robe and sits on his futon looking outside the window at the shining star

A light knock brought him back from his wonder land

"Excuse me.."

Yue enters the room

"sorry for not preparing your bath and robe ready as usual"

Yue says as she enters his room

"No problem at all, I'm not trying to be rude but aren't you going to bury your mum and morn her instead of being here"

Tatsuya says

"'Ohh about that, I'm done burying her and I promised never to cry again"

Yue replied

"Hey Yue, it's not bad to cry. Sometimes there are some certain emotions that build up inside us that the only remedy for it is to cry, and don't think of saying you are trying to be strong by not crying. Crying doesn't mean you are weak, it means that you've been too strong for a long time. So Yue let it all out"

After giving his speech Yue immediately falls to her knees and begins to cry out all her sorrows

That same day in the midnight, in the maids quarters a loud and rough coughing was heard and the individual this was heard from was Yue. she removed the white cloth from her mouth and behold it was a mouth full of blood that was on it