
Demon slayer: Reborn in Demon slayer during the Sengoku era(Original)

This story will base on the event that occured way before the original story, during the sengoku era(the golden era of demon slayers) The story will base on the warring state era of the ancient clans and the creation of breath techniques, The strongest demon slayer, the first breath user, the first hashiras the secret behind the marks and so many more Do not miss out on this history thrilling event Young Akira Shoujo later to be known as Tatsuya Uzui a staunch anime fan was just involved in a plane crash which led to his reincarnation to a world he doesn't know anything about yet Please do not that Vol 1: Introduction/ Build up Vol 2 Story Begins

bjbrown · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs


Tatsuya and Mikoto were sitting opposite each other on the floor, a large rectangular wooden table was separating them with large paper works on it.

"The acedemy will get at minimum 90 percent of what you'll need so all you have to do is just focus on your training"

Mikoto says to Tatsuya

"Hmm I understand"

Tatsuya nodes

"About what happened yesterday, we did an autopsy on her, and we figured out that she suffered from an illness that affects the lungs, the worst case scenario is if its can inherited by the offspring, I'll make sure to keep an eye on Yue while you focus on your school activities"

Mikoto says

"Thank you Mikoto sama"

"One last thing... Tatsuya kun, no ninja here is weak, they are the strong and the exceptionally strong, those who die before childbirth are the weak, but to be able to pass that stage means you are strong, so all that's left is for you to become exceptionally strong"

"Thank you for everything you've done for me Mikoto sama, I'll not fail you"

Tatsuya says and stands up to take his leave

"See you in four years time"

Mikoto says

"Four years?"

Tatsuya attention is drawn back

"Yup,I'll be in charge of your Final exam, so try hard not to make me fail you, Bwhahahah"

Mikoto laughs heartily

Tatsuya leaves the room

Outside the Manor

Tatsuya steps outside the huge the huge building and was greeted by the feminine voice Yue

"On your to the acedemy Tatsuya sama??"

"Oh Yue, that's right I'm about to take my or I'm already taking my leave"

Tatsuya says

"Oh I see, that's nice, I just wanted to give you a present before you leave"

Yue brings out a long kimono belt, it had shiny little butterfly designs on it and was silky and smooth

"It was a present for my mother, I decided to give it to you"

She bows down and hands it over to Tatsuya

"Ehh? If it's your mother's present to you I think you should keep it as a momento"

Tatsuya kindly refused, but Yue insisted

"Where ever my mother is right now she will forever be in my heart that is all the momento I need"

Tatsuya sighs and then accepts it

"If you insist I'll take it"

"Thank you Tatsuya sama"

Yue's eyes were filled with joy

"Be save on your academic journey Tatsuya sama"

Yue waves at the fading Tatsuya figure

'Haaa, Yue kind of resemble my little sister in my past life, that why I couldn't bring myself to reject the gift, I wonder how there are coping'

Tatsuya sighs

In the acedemy Class A

The entire class was rowdy after all it was a class of 15 children, the ones who knew themselves were socializing the ones who didn't were quietly sitted, while the popular ones were being disturbed from having peace and by the popular ones I mean Tatsuya...

"That's right Mahou sama, what is your motto"

A kid asks Tatsuya

"Family comes first"

Tatsuya lazily answers

"Ohhh... wise words from the Mahou himself"

Some kid jotted down while some gazed at him

"The mighty Mahou sama, If i may ask why isn't that no one knows anything about your father or your background, are you a bastard born child"

The same boy came again picking on Tatsuya

"Don't know, don't care"

Tatsuya lazily answered and leaned on his chair

"Aren't you ashamed your father has no honor..."

"And aren't you ashamed that you rely on your father's too much"

Tatsuya interrupts him

"Huh???? Are you trying to pick a fight"

The Boy rage furiously


"And that's enough"

A Ninja enters the class without a hood or mask from the look of his face he was around his early 20s he heard a normal brown hair with brown eyes he looked very smart

"No fighting here, if you want to fight then a duel will be arranged"

The children immediately went to their sit

"So today we won't be learning anything but I'll introduce myself first, I'm Makira Sui and I'll be your teacher handling everything about your books and paper works. You will be having two teachers the second teacher will be the one handling everything concerning combat , your second teacher should've been present with me but he is currently out on a mission"

Sui takes a pause and looked at the children

"The dormitory is a two storey building with six quarters having six rooms in each the sixth room is the kitchen and the living room, no one will cook for you, you all will cook for yourselves and survive by yourselves, you all will be group into three squad each with five people in it, the five will occupy the six rooms in each quarter"

Sui stops and arranges the papers on his hand. He arranges the three racks full of keys on the table and push the first rack forward

"Now I'll begin with calling your names. For the first squad, that is Squad A. Makira Ineyo, Makira Sakono, Minagawa Zetsu, Uzui Katsumichi and Tatsuya Uzui"

The teacher called the names of first squad, which is Squad A

"Huh??? how did I get stuck with a loser like this guy"

The boy who always picked on Tatsuya shouted, his name was Uzui katsumichi

"And how the fuck are you answering my family name you low life rat..."

Tatsuya didn't allow him to continue and immediately landed a punch straight to his face

"Oh, I see you want a fight"

Katsumichi cleans the blood stain on his cheek and throws a punch at Tatsuya but was blocked by the teacher with little or no effort

"No fighting while I'm here you two"

The teacher warns them

"Yes sensei"

"Thats more like it.There will be no learning today just take your room keys and ascend to hour rooms"

The group collected their keys and went to their rooms

And the teacher continues with the roll call