
Demon In Me

No one want to live a life for others, yeah right Diana has no choice, Despite being poor, no one wants to be a golden statue without motion, She was an orphan when she was sold off to slavery, it had right? CHAPTER 1 Living a life where people, mean people has to decide for you, where you have no right of controlling who you are. CHAPTER 2 where is fate taking her? Will she continue Rolling and Rolling like a ball, where the player has to decide? CHAPTER 3 Here she is in an unknown kingdom, is it time for her to stand again?

emeraldmia · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


The man was about to turn.... when a voice echoed in my head

Now all of you go to the exchanging Room, 'Miss Callas said'

Diana! Diana, ' Michal called'

Quickly I was out of my imagination, y...yes, ' I answered'

This way, ' Michal pointed'

What way, ' I was confused'

The exchanging room, are you okay, ' she said with a worried expression '

Oh o..ok am fine, ' i said '

We walked to the Exchanging room, everyone look anxious, Michal and I stand at one corner,

Now everyone be on a line said Miss Callas

You are number 1and you are number 2,3 and so on..., 'Miss Callas'

How many are they?, 'Mrs Gabris asked'

They're 106 Ma'am, ' Said Miss Callas'

So Now Number 1 to Number 20 your buyers are waiting for you, uhm Miss Callas, 'Said Mrs Gabris'

Yes Ma'am, 'Miss Callas'

Lead their way, 'Mrs Gabris'

Ok ma'am, 'Miss Callas'

"The 20 orphanage went out with Miss Callas, Michal and I stand there waiting for our turn, I am number 76 and Michal is number 75"

We waited in the Exchange room for almost an hour when Mrs Gabris and Miss Callas walked in

Number 21 to Number 23, it your time, 'Mrs Gabris said with a very coaresed voice'

Miss Callas walked them out

Now everyone stand up and form a straight line, 'Mrs Gabris said'

Everyone stand and obeyed Mrs Gabris order

Mr Casper, Please come in, ' Mrs Gabris called and slightly bowed her head'

A man came in he was dressed a royalty dress, but from the look, he wasn't a king nither a prince

Here we are sir, you can pick your choice, 'Mrs Gabris said'

The man walked closer, he instructed the first girl to turn around, he examined her body, he then shook his head in displeased, he moved to the next girl, he started examine her body.

How old is she?, 'The man asked'

They were all 18 My lord except for the two girls that will be in the next 3 and 4 days sir, 'Mrs Gabris said'

Hmm I want this, the man said pointing to the girl he examined,

The man keep checking the girls out one after the other, he has already chosen 9 girls, he needed 1 more, he moved on to the next girl, soon he reached Michal,

Ohh I love this one, all ten completed?, 'He said looking at Michal all pleased'

I looked at Michal, suddenly tears started rolling down my cheek, Michal looked away, he followed the man silently, she was full with tears, I look at her until she fades away.

The rest of you, your owner will soon be here, make sure to be ready, Mrs Gabris said as she move out of the room,

I sat down on the floor, I cried to my satisfaction, no showder to lean on, nobody to comfort me, I stop crying, I raised my head, suddenly Mrs Gabris bagged in the room.

All of you stand up, 'Mrs Gabris said looking at all the girls with a scornful eyes,

You, you, you, come out, she said pointing at me and two other girls, General Pete, I think you'll like this one's, 'Mrs Gabris said showing us to the man'

The man moved closer, I wasn't lucky this time, I was at the front, the man looked at me with a lustful eyes, I wanted to slap him but I restrained myself, he touched my lips with his hand, I wish something can just happen and make me disappear,

Thomas take this girls to the carriage, 'General Pete said'

The man name Thomas took the 3of us to the carriage, inside the carriage there were many other people there too, there are old people, children and others about my age, there were both boys and girls in the carriage, they looked starved, their clothes is dirty, I feel pity for them.

I sat down, I wondered what has happened to the people, I keep quiet, a small girl was laying next to me she looked starving, she has the worst condition here, she looked helpless, I had some cake that Michal gave to me and a bottle of water, I gave the cake and the water to the poor girl, she was so so happy,

T...th...ank you,'the little girl say using all her strength to say the word'

It okay, what your name cutie,' I asked feeling really really devastated for the girl'

A..Abbie 'she said'

Cute name for a cutie, ' I said' a tear roll down my cheek, I clean the tear with the back of my hand.

"The girl eat the cake as if she hasn't eaten for years, she finished the cake and drank the whole bottle of water, she looked better than the way she was the last minute.

I'm sorry aunty ,I drank the whole water, 'Abbie said with fear'

It ok Abbie, don't panic, the water is yours, and one more thing am Daina, ' I said calming the little girl down'

It getting dark we are still inside the carriage, without knowing our destination, the little girl has already slept, I placed her head on my lap. Soon enough I also fall asleep.

The ray of sun enter my eyes, I cover my face with the back of my hand, The man named Thomas come in.

All of you Come out, ' The man said with authority'

Abbie was still asleep, I gently wake her up.

Hey Abbie, it time get up, 'I lift her up gently like a egg'

We get down of the carriage,

Everyone one line up, Ladies on the left, boys on the right, 'General Pete Ordered'

A man walked to our direction from afar, as he moved closer, he's face look angry, he move close to us

General Pete, I've been waiting for you since last night, how dare you kept us waiting, 'the man said with a bossy voice'

We are sorry My Bane, here are some of our slaves, are there some that you like?, 'General Pete said'

The man move closer to the ladies line, he pointed to me and some other 7,

I want this one's, 'Mr Bane said pointing to the 8 of us'

Thomas take them to Mr Bane men, 'General Pete instructed Thomas'

General Pete and Mr Bane discussed about the price while Thomas took us to Mr Bane's Men.

I remember the little girl, I didn't even say goodbye to her, I remember Michal how she left with tears, when we reach Mr Bane's Men, we waited for Mr Bane to arrived, it was a sunny day, the ray of sun landed on out body with no shield , I have started to burn when Mr Bane arrived, he sat on his horse and his men sat on their horse,

Now move, 'Mr Bane instructed'

Ohh we were supposed to walk on our feet?, now I get it,

We walked and walked, we walk for days, when anyone slow down, the men on horse will flog the hell outta the person, I can't let the strokes of cane land on me, I used all my strength to walk, when I feel like stopping, I summons my courage and strength, finally we reach the our destination, as soon as we enter the kingdom I fall.....

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