
Demon In Me

No one want to live a life for others, yeah right Diana has no choice, Despite being poor, no one wants to be a golden statue without motion, She was an orphan when she was sold off to slavery, it had right? CHAPTER 1 Living a life where people, mean people has to decide for you, where you have no right of controlling who you are. CHAPTER 2 where is fate taking her? Will she continue Rolling and Rolling like a ball, where the player has to decide? CHAPTER 3 Here she is in an unknown kingdom, is it time for her to stand again?

emeraldmia · Fantasy
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5 Chs


The garden is so beautiful with lots of amazing and well nurture flowers, Far away I saw a man standing, he was wearing a black clothe, his long black and shinning hair was touching his shoulder, he was facing the other sides, he's back view was so fascinating that I move forward, he was the most well built human or rather creature I've ever seen, I was moving more and more closer to him, his scent was the most beautiful scent I ever sniffed, his aura was a way dangerous that I was scared of moving closer, he was about to turn, when I saw myself under water, what is happening to me, I struggled to see his face but then I sink deeper in the water, I couldn't breath.

Help! I screamed, but suddenly I opened my eyes, 'she breath heavily, it was all a dream'

Stand up Idiot, It time for you to clean up 'an angry woman said with an ugly voice'

uhm Sorry Miss Callas, am so s...sorry, 'I stammered'

I am fed up with your sorry all the time, today you'll be the one to wash all the dishes and clean all the rooms 'Miss Callas spouted it out with anger'

Ahh...I..im sor... 'before she finished her word Miss Callas landed a very hot slap on her face'

Make sure you finished your assignment before the next 30 minutes 'Miss Callas'

Miss Callas gets out of the room, and slammed the door behind her so hard, Diana face was already fill with pool of tears treating to fall down her cheek, but she tried to keep a straight face, her milkish white gown, their orphanage uniform rather, was soaked with water that was poured on her when she was asleep, Suddenly Michal walked into the room, she was also dressed in the orphanage uniform,

"she and Diana has been in the orphanage since they could remember, she was Diana best friend, they were the same years old just a day older, they were both 17 years old, but going to be 18 in the next Few days. Michal was a beautiful and a talkative, she has a thick black and a long hair, she has a blackish Ash eyes, while Diana on the other hand was a very beautiful always happy and energetic girl, she has a very long blonde hair and a blackish green eyes."

She tried to push her tears back so that Michal won't see it, Michal was a Caring friend, she hates to see her friend hurt,

Diana are you Ok, ' Michal ask with Curiosity'

Am ok, 'I answered'

What did that witch did to you, 'Michal asked all worried'

She said I should wash the dishes and clean all the rooms, 'I told her'

Hun Don't worry okay, you got a friend here to help ' Michal says trying to cheer her friend up'

Thank you Michal

Don't worry that what friends are for right?

Diana looked at her friend with a smile on her face

Ok now stop staring at me and let get to work, 'Michal says with a tiring voice'

We both Wash the dishes with I washing and Michal drying and keeping it in place, Michal narrated some stories to me while we wash so it was all fun, when we were done with the dishes, we started cleaning the rooms together too, we both talk and argue about some of her stories,

He's too mean, He shouldn't have done that, ' I said'

Well you know he's cold hearted so he didn't care, I also feel bad for the girl, ' Michal said'

" They both argue about Michal Story where the man slapped his wife for talking to a stranger, Both Diana and Michal Feel bad for the woman"

You know this world is not just fair, both husband and wife should have equal right, Men shouldn't be allowed to treat their wife like a slave, and Men shouldn't be allowed to have more than one wife, ' I said all flattered'

I know, let just finish our work you know 30 minutes is almost over, 'Michal said with a depressed face'

30 minutes? I looked at the time we've already used more than 1 hour

We rushed and complete our work, thank luck Miss Callas wasn't around.

"Diana was depressed by Michal story She kept thinking about the woman in the story, She imagined all her pain, she then concluded in her mind, that she would rather be single all her life than marrying a beast that will make her life miserable"

Ding Dong Ding Dong!!!

The orphanage bell echoed in my head

Diana It time for announcement let go, 'Michal said with fear'

"They'll both be 18 soon, so their time in the orphanage home is almost exhausted, it the orphanage tradition to sell the adult Children to slavery, they count it as their gain for taking care of them, Diana and Michal walk with fear, They were curious to know if it time they will be sold off, all the children gathered at the announcement ground for the announcement"

Hello Children and some adults, as you all know how this orphanage work, I think by now all those adult in you know what next for them, 'Mrs Gabris the owner of the orphanage Said with a satisfying smile on her face'

Miss Callas Give me the list, 'Miss Callas handed the list over to Mrs Gabris'

And Now as I call your name Fall out, Mrs Gabris said with an annoying tone'

I and Michal hold our hands together with fear, As Mrs Gabris called the name of the adult, I wish the ground could just open its mouth and swallow me.

Michal Elias Fall out, ' Mrs Gabris called'

Michal move without even minding her steps, she was full with fear, I stand with my hands rubbing my arms, I know there no going back, I waited for my name as Mrs Gabris keeps on calling.

Diana Bella Fall out, 'Mrs Gabris called'

I didn't panic I just moved forward, I stayed with Michal which has already started crying, I didn't cry, I was as if a spirit was controlling me, I looked at Michal Which was still crying like there's no tomorrow,

Everything is going to be fine, WE are just going to be just fine, 'I said focusing more on the word WE'

How are you sure we are going to be fine, this people are going to sell us to become a slave, who even know if 'slave' is an understatement, who knows if it going to be worse, 'Michal said with tears flowing down her cheek as if her eyes can no longer contain them'

I inhale deeply,, I don't know what we are going to become but I know we will do just great, 'i said trying to comfort Michal even when I was scared myself to know where we will belong'

Oh you can say that again, how sure are you, We might be separated do you even remember? huh, ' Michal said almost freaking out'

I remained silent, I began to think what will really happen, what If we were separated, can I live without her, am I really going to become a slave, if it slave is even better, I've grown up all my life from the moment that I remember living like a slave, so if slave its somehow better, what if it isn't just slave, what if it a sex slave or something worse?.

Suddenly I began to shiver although I didn't cry,

We will make it, we will make it, that sentence kept repeating in my head, suddenly a carriage stops at the announcement ground, Mrs Gabris asked the rest of the children to go inside, A man comes out of the carriage he was facing the opposite direction, I was carried away with the man's presence, he was about to turn.....

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