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Simplyinvincible · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs


I just came back to this novel after a really hard time with school, and i've realized that I backed myself into a corner by giving the main character a power set, that while dear to my heart, was too overpowered. I really should have seen it coming, there was no real way to compete with a kryptonian in the my hero academia world. I've talked about starting another novel instead before, and I think that's what i'm going to do. Shouldn't expect me to update this anytime soon, checked my original plans for it and they were honestly kind of a mess, then again I was, and still am, under a lot of pressure from school. I was hoping to have some time to at least complete and make an ending to the novel, but that'd be incredibly unrealistic, there was no real way to beat Michael and I didn't want to keep on writing him being so beyond incredibly overpowered.

I give you guys my sincere apologies for taking so long to even send out this message, its been ages since I uploaded a chapter. I've learned my lesson from this story and ill try to stockpile before I even start uploading my next one.

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