

From the time l was a little boy, l have always known about the secret society that keeps our world afloat. My father introduced me to the way the world works in hopes that l too would carry on from where he would leave things

They are called the Vaires. The keepers of balance. A name they gave themselves to justify all the work that they do

I could never speak out against them or what they did because they would have my neck because they felt the only way to deal with opposition is to eliminate it

That was the answer to all the things for them. But l had to applaud them for the work they were doing. They were the reason the economy was thriving and that meant keeping the balance between rich and poor

Sometimes they would enlarge that gap to make the poor desperate and sloppy. They need to feed their power hungry souls in some way and what better way than to feed the beast that helped them establish what they have been doing for centuries