
Decadent Desires

Aurelie Engel is a stunning model who has a hidden motive. She wants to seduce and destroy Nicolas Leroux. He is a famous designer and she believes he caused her best friend to overdose. As she gets involved with Nicolas, she starts to feel an unexpected attraction to him. She also begins to doubt her mission. He seems to be nothing like the monster she was told he was. There’s more to what happened to her friend. Will she discover the truth before she ruins his life? Or will she fall victim to her own revenge plot? Find out in this exciting and romantic story of love, deception, and decadent desires. Warning: There are mentions of suicide.

AnotidaMandemwa · Urbain
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39 Chs

Know A Dubois

Auri saw them come in. She pretended not to. Not just yet. Nicolas had his back to them. He didn't know anything was amiss. She wasn't going to tell him they were here. The Dubois sisters. Valentina and Julia.

Valentina was dressed in a golden dress that hung loosely over her breasts and then tightened under them. It stayed snug over her belly before flaring at the hips. It made her amber eyes look like they had a fire in them. Her chestnut brown locks were braided and secured in an intricate updo showing off her swan-like neck and the diamond chocker around it.

Her sister, Julia, had her jaw-length hair looking like she had just woken up in it. Her black dress had a halter neck but opened up at the cleavage to show off the creamy skin there. A golden chain skirt started around her waist and dropped orange stones that caught the light and contrasted with the black glossy material of the dress. She had amber eyes that caught the light so beautifully as she moved further into the room and towards Auri and Nicolas.

Aurelie flickered her gaze back to Nicolas. He'd just asked her a question.

"Where did you get your necklace?"

She lifted a hand and laid it over the chain with a single white teardrop sapphire hanging at the end. A proud smile danced over her lips as she met his eyes.

"I made it," she told him.

She did not bother hiding the pride in her voice. Why would she be ashamed of her talent? She was going to go into this career when her mission with him was complete.

"You did?" Nicolas asked his gaze meeting hers.

There was surprise and curiosity in his eyes as he searched her face. It was as if he was trying to read her with that one look. Trying to pry away everything beneath the surface.

"You make jewellery?" he asked her as he studied the necklace again.

"Yes," Auri said with a sad smile, "My father taught me from a young age. That's what his business was about and so it became a hobby of mine."

"So, you have a lot of pieces?" he asked her.

"I have everything I made since I was ten," Auri let him know.

She was aware that the Dubois sisters were close enough that they could almost hear their conversation. She did her best not to look at them.

"Some of them are in a safety deposit box along with my father's pieces."

"May I see them?" he asked her.

Auri opened her mouth to respond to him but Valentina chose that moment to let her presence be known.

"Nicolas," she said, "It's good to see you here."

Nicolas turned to acknowledge the newcomers.

"Hello Valentina," he said as he pressed his cheek to hers and then moved to Julia, "Julie."

"How are you, Nico?" Julia asked as she pressed her cheek to his.

Her gaze momentarily flickering to Auri for a moment a fiery emotion burning within them.

Auri stood back and watched the three. Wondering how the night would go. How long had she waited for this moment? How long until she walked away a victor?

Nicolas turned to Auri and saw that she seemed to have moved away from him. She looked uncertain, nervous, and a little lost. He smiled at her reassuringly and put his hand on the small of her back. He drew her into their little circle and turned to the Dubois sisters.

"This," he said as he looked at Valentina and Julia, "Is Aurelie Engel. I believe you probably heard of her by now. She's the new sensation at French Red."

Valentina looked at Auri. She smiled but there was nothing beyond that simile. People smiled with their eyes too. Hers were flat and without emotion.

"Yes," Valentina said through that plastic smile, "You did well on the Fair Maiden collection."

There was a tone in her voice that told Auri that she was not Valentina's next best friend. A tone that told her to be careful. Under that pretty skin was something lethal.

"Thank you very much," Auri said with a smile she made sure reached her eyes.

Her tone was happy. She made sure of that too. After all, her prey had been flushed out of its burrow. It was time to hunt. And she hunted by giving an image. She was going to be clueless. Innocence was her essence. Her attacks would not be direct. No one would find fault in her.

"Let me introduce you," Nicolas said as his hand lowered to her hip and he drew her closer to him.

"This is Valentina," he gestured with his hand to the woman whose eyes looked hurt.

Valentina had not missed him drawing in the younger woman.

"Val's one of my friends from childhood," he told Auri, "She has helped me through a lot."

Val gave Auri a dead smile. One that said nothing at all. Nothing except that she was not happy being introduced as a friend.

"And I'm her younger sister," Julia said all attitude, "I've known Nico since forever."

Aurelie made herself grin cheekily at her and said, "I bet you have a lot of stories to share."

A mischievous light gleamed in her eyes. She knew she was irritating the Dubois sisters. She was also testing her current bond with Nicolas.

"We will not get into that," Nicolas said with an amused smile.

Julia was gritting her teeth through her smile. Valentina momentarily fisted one of her hands before relaxing it and forcing out a smile.

"Nico!" a voice called out beyond them and the four of them looked towards the voice.

Lola was coming towards them without Sharon.

"Oh," She seemed surprised to see Valentina and Julia, "Hey Val, Julia."

Her tone was a lot less enthused than when she'd left her brother with Auri.

"Hello Lola," Valentina said with an elegant smile.

"Hie," Julia delivered her own version of a politician's smile.

"Where did you leave Sharon?" Auri asked Lola.

"She met an old friend from childhood," Lola grinned, "I didn't know your agent was a law school graduate. You picked a good one."

She walked over and stood on the other side of her brother, leaning across him to talk to Auri. 

"Unfortunately," she gave a sheepish smile as she leaned back and balanced on her heels, "I cannot understand the lawyer jargon they were spewing, so I came back to find you."

The sound of a bell rang across the room and the music stopped. Everyone turned towards the sound of the bell and saw a tall man with salt and pepper hair facing the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" his voice boomed into the room, "I thank you for making time to join our diamond charity event. We have been doing our best to support the ones who are not as fortunate as we are for nearly half a century and we are glad for everyone who comes to every event!"

Auri was listening to the man but she was also aware of the fact that Nicolas still had his arm around her waist like it was second nature to him. Tucked to his side she felt like this was familiar. A sense of déjà vu that had no origin to anything in her past. Like she had a lifetime of being like this with him.

"So please," the man was saying, "Do go on to the dining room and enjoy dinner and a show while donations are being placed."

Everyone applauded. Nicolas had to take his arm off Auri's hip to do so. Ushers began showing people where the dining room was. Nicolas took Auri's hand and put it in the crook of his arm. She looked up at him as he did this and he smiled at her.

"I will get you to your table and then go find mine," he said with a grin.

Auri smiled back and nodded gratefully.

"Sharon is your plus one so she will find you there," Lola pinched in as she linked her arm through Auri's. Auri noticed that Valentina's nose flared even as the rest of her face remained passive.

"I will go find my seat," she said, "See you around."

Nicolas nodded at her Julia followed her sister without saying a word.

As they walked into the dining room, Auri noted that the round tables were set in such a way that the chairs made half moons and faced a podium.

"Mr Leroux," an usher said, "Your seat is this way."

"Thank you," Nicolas smiled at the young man, "But we need to find her seat first before we go to ours."

The young man looked at Auri and frowned as he looked down at the tablet in his hands.

"May I have your name?" he asked her.

Auri smiled. She wasn't so famous that he would know her. Not yet anyway.

"Aurelie Engel," she said.

The boy fidgeted with his device and then said, "You are at the same table with Mr Leroux."

"Oh, good!" Lola beamed, "We get to keep you to ourselves the whole night."

Aurelie grinned. She rather liked the bubbly girl. It was odd how such a lovely person could have a despicable brother like Nicolas Leroux. She looked up at Nicolas and her eyes met his. He smiled at her and patted her hand.

"Show us the way," Nicolas told the usher.

"Yes sir," the young man said and began walking, "This way."

Valentina had already found her seat and along with several people in the room watched as Nicolas and Auri were led to a table and they sat next to each other. How had they gotten the same table? Who had pulled the strings? Why would anyone do this? She felt humiliated.

"It's like you are not even here," Julia said.

Valentina said nothing. She looked away from Nicolas who was leaning into Auri and saying something. All smiles. It looked like they were lovers. Like they had a deeper connection than employer and employee. There was something there. Everyone in the room could see that. She could see that. How could he do this?

"Why does he hate you so much?" Julia whispered to her sister from the corner of her mouth.

Valentina felt her hand fist on her lap under the table as the words hit her.

"I know the two of you decided to keep the news between the families when you got married but he is your husband," Julia sounded aggrieved on her sister's behalf.

But Valentina knew better. it took a Dubois to know a Dubois. She felt that Julia was just pointing out the flaws in her life. Her failure as a Dubois.

"Shut up Julia," Valentina snapped.

She was unable to take it anymore. Why did Julia insist on pouring the salt? Why couldn't she just play witness from the sidelines and let her be?

"What does he take you for?" Julia went on, "You are a Dubois. We don't take this kind of thing lightly. If Father knew that he introduced you to his mistress, he would be infuriated!"

"Shut up Julia!" Valentina was not whispering now.

A few heads turned their way. Valentina took in a deep breath and turned her head to her sister.

"Close your mouth and keep it shut," her voice was lower and more controlled,

"Do not irritate me any longer. Not tonight."

Julia nodded her head meekly. But Valentina could swear there was no meekness in those eyes. She could also swear that Julia wanted a rise out of her and she got it. But Julia was also not wrong.

He was her husband. Sure, they did not broadcast that fact or even talk about it but how could he do this to her? He introduced her like she was just a friend and nothing more. They were more than just childhood friends. Did their marriage certificate not account for more?

He had done it in a place where she was unable to react in any way but with grace. But then again, in front of him, she was nothing but serene. She was trying to make up for the mistakes she had made when they got married. It looked like he did not and would never forgive her. She would never be the woman closest to his heart. But did she deserve how he was treating her?

Thank you for your support thus far. I have a feeling the next chapter will be locked soon. Please don't stop your reading here. I want to continue this story with you.

Oh. And please drop a review.

Pretty PLEASE?!

See you in the next chapter!

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