
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · Anime et bandes dessinées
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41 Chs

A New World for Me

What is this darkness? Am I... D-Dead? The last thing I remember is that I was fighting against Gerrad. Did I... I am like this which means I must have... LOST. Never thought my death would happen like this. In a fight against a relic user. Well it was quite a fight even if I became the loser. Even though I was beaten up badly, I somehow enjoyed that fight. Not sure about what Gerrad must have felt. *smiles* He must have felt like another of his famous victories. He must have become the hero of their people... Again.

"Davis... Davis... wake up... please..." a voice coming from a distance.

Is someone calling me? But- didn't I just die now or am I just unconscious?

Currently I can't understand anything because I might have been close to dying more than once, but such an experience was my first time. People call this "Near Death experience".

Near Death Experience means when people die but they can see themselves from outside of their bodies or they remember what happened around him or her in that mean time before awaking again. I did read about this because you know I was a kind of a nerd, but next to that, it was something real.

I can't see anything but I could here people cheering, screaming, someone crying... is it Faye? or are these my friends? I... I... *flashback of his died friends*

Ron (Davis's Friend) - Are you going to be your old self again, running away from all this or will you become strong and face the situation in front of you.

Max (Davis's Friend) - Yes, Ron is right. *smiles* You might not be a person who jumps in without thinking but you always find some ways to deal with something.

Emilia (The Healer) - Will you back down on us. Because you know right- the promise that you made... That you will life for every person that lost their life in your arms. Your Friends!

Davis - I am not- I don't know... Right now I can't think of anything that can change my current situation.


*laughs* Shimon (Sword Master) - So for this reason you killed me huh.

Davis - I... I did not-

Shimon (Sword Master) - It is not a matter of fact right now. For survival you did what needs to be done. To defeat me, you pulled out your smaller blade which I had the idea but you thought what timing it should be.

You did something similar in your previous fight didn't you?

Davis - you were watching me.

Shimon (Sword Master) - Yeah of course. But it was not just me.

Everyone - It was us. Everyone you cared about. Everyone who admired you and everyone who were your friends.

Garrick and Ryan - You are our best soldier you know. And you only said that right.

Emilia (The Healer) - We will always...

Ron and Max - live inside of you FOREVER.


Right. My friends live inside of me and because of me, their memories and they themselves are still living. I promised them to survive till the end and will keep them alive with me.

I can't die here. I haven't completed the promise that I have made to them.


Suddenly a bright light started to pierce all that darkness and I suddenly opened my eyes.

"*Heavy breathing* Where... where am I ?" the first line I said after I woke up.

"Davis.... Davis... You are still alive...." said Faye while sobbing.

"So I am really not dead huh." I said to myself.

"Thank God you are not dea- you are safe." said Faye.

"*coughs* I think... I might die soon if not now by those people of yours. *coughs*" I replied.

"Don't say anything. Just lie down and let me..." said Faye.

"What... happened to the big guy?" I asked Faye.

He is healing himself. Medics are taking care of his wounds. Faye replied.

"So my last knife attack was a success then." I said.

"Just don't talk. You have lost too much blood. You will..." Faye replied.

"So you are awake. I must say I am impressed." said Michael with that crooked smile of his.

"Please Michael let him go. he is..." said Faye.

"Alright then. Let's get this over now." said Michael.

"I know... *pants* I know. I lost so I got no other option than to... *heavy breathing* to listen to you. *in a low voice*" I replied.

"I am glad that now you are cooperating. I did not want to torture you more than what you have already gone through." said Michael.

"*laughs* You are the one who will not believe the things,... that I have gone through so far. You would be the one that will make me remember all those horrible incidents that killed my friends. *gulps* *deep inhales* Let's do this then." I replied.


It all started the same as what everyone might have gone through at the beginning. I was hiding with my two friends and then...

"I don't want to listen to your sorrow tales. Just tell me about your battle against Seth." said Michael.


"Alright then." I replied.

"First let me tell you about the group because of which I got to face Seth. It was a group of 10 - 15 people which had three relic users in them. From which two were leaders and could say that both were a part of a single unit. Like a Soldier with both a Sword and a Shield.

They were strong. I am not even close to them. They (Garrick and Ryan) might have put a great fight against Gerrad as they were physically strong and able to cover up each other's backs." I said.

"Like I said, I don't want to listen..." said Michael.

"Please. Let me finish, then you can conclude whatever you want from this." I replied.

"Hmm..." said Michael.

"We made a plan and started our journey towards the edge of the barrier which is containing us here. And even after all this time why no one has ever showed up. What do you think the reason might be?" I said.

*Everyone started murmuring...*

"This barrier maybe impenetrable." said Faye.

"*smiles* Not that it's a fact. It is true that the barrier was strong but... WE managed to penetrate through it for a short period of time." I replied.

"What! How?" said everyone.

"With all our fighters and relic users attacking at a single spot, that destroyed the barrier temporarily but in that meantime we understood the reality of all this and why no help is coming for us." I said.

"You know the reality of this place?" Faye asked.

"Then tell us what you know." said Michael.

"Will you spare me if I tell you about this because you asked for the details on the fight against Seth but I am telling you much more than that. And in this situation knowledge can be a powerful weapon, you know." I replied.

"*smirks* I might consider it depending on the information." Michael replied.

"Deal." I said.

"What could be the secret of this place?" both Faye and Michael thinking in their own heads.

"This whole island... is currently in a different dimension. It is not displaced into any another location but it is completely isolated from the rest of our world." I said.

"We are trapped in a different dimension." said Faye shockingly.

"While the barrier was broken we also got the answer to why no is even searching or helping us.

You might have thought that Seth might have attacked the outside world while we were trapped but no, Seth can't go outside of this barrier because when the barrier was broken he sent his monster soldiers to attack us and to fix that barrier immediately." I replied.

"What could be the reason for this?" asked Michael.

"I don't know the exact reason for that but I know the reason behind why no help is coming. It is because of the time difference.

"Time difference?" said Faye with a confused reaction.

"The time passing here is way faster than what is in the outside world. We tried it and got to know that the time outside is so slow that here months might be passed but for them, it might be just seconds.

That's why no one is that much concerned because the island has not displaced but it is trapped between our world and this new dimension." I replied.

"Well that answers quite a major questions and it can make our moments in future more precise than just waiting for someone's help." said Michael.

"I don't know if Seth can travel through this dimension to the outside world but if he can do that, he would have done it a long time ago." I said.

"Well I appreciate all this information but... Let's move to the main event then. Your battle against SETH." said Michael.

"After we broke the barrier, Seth sent some monsters towards us and we somehow managed to defeat them. But then we saw, for the first time. A large monster with rough scales and sharp teeth. A wide mouth that can even swallow trucks like nothing. A half human-half dragon raging fire on us like a flamethrower with limitless fire in it. It was a 'Drago'. " I said.

"You... you even saw and fought a Drago, and nevertheless still alive to tell the tale. We also faced and defeated two Drago's till now but we lost quite a men in that incident." Faye replied.

"*smiles with a sad face* Who said we did not face any casualties. I... I witnessed each and everyone's deaths their. *tears filling my eyes* I didn't even miss a single death. All of their deaths felt like... Like they all happened because of me." I replied with a frustrated mind.


"To be honest, we did defeat the Drago because of my reckless plan, but I lost those comrades because of that recklessness" I replied.

"This might have been a tragic incident but tell us about Seth." said Michael.

"Seth huh. I can't forget the face of that demon because of which I am in this situation. Because of him, my friends died. He is the one who is responsible for all of this.

You might be the King here trying to become a god, but Seth on the other hand... is currently, the GOD of this world." I replied.

"I can kill him with my bare hands." said Michael.

"Do you know what he looks like? I have seen my death in his eyes. When I gazed right into his eyes I saw death and destruction that no one wants to witness.

That slender body structure. The full kings attire with that mantle (Royal Kings Cape) on his back moving along the slithering walk of his.The lightning gaze which can see into your deepest parts of your soul and sow the seed of fear which cannot be stopped from growing even if lit on fire.

That shady face and grim smile which intensifies the effects happened due to that gaze. With all these characteristics, holding a staff which acts as a magic staff with a hidden blade in it to attack both the long range and close range enemies, and finish them for good." I replied.

Note: Mantle - (Royal garment red cape with diamonds and wool which is worn by Royals and mostly the Kings.)


While listening to Seth's description, Michael started to sweat. I was not able to tell clearly but I can feel a certain kind of fear and helplessness overflowing from him.

"What is this ominous feeling I am having while listening to this description. My body is shaking and... and what is this? I... I am sweating. I have never sweat in my life. What kind of monster is this Seth?

NO! I... I can't be afraid of him. I have decided to kill him and became the new GOD of this place. For doing that I can't back down on anything. I must face him. And when I face him, I... I will kill him." Michael said to himself in that internal conflict of his mind.


After that I explained the whole fight against Seth briefly and how we managed to damage him but still was not enough to take him down. (In short whatever happened in those previous chapters)

"So now I have told you everything that I know about Seth and everything about our battle against Seth. So can I join your group or not." I said.


"So you have gone through all of this huh." said Gerrad.

*Everyone was shocked after seeing him*

"Gerrad, why are you here? You must be resting now." said Faye.

"So you were listening." I said.

"Well when I heard that you are still alive and talking about your past and everything, I can't just lie down there and miss out on any information." Gerrad replied.

"I had the feeling that someone strong had entered the vicinity." I said.

"I can't just leave without completing my task." Gerrad replied.

"So I guess you can also convince your king to take me into this monarch of his." I said to Gerrad.

"And why do you think that I would do that ?" asked Gerrad.

"Because you and everyone one of these people saw our battle. But only you experienced our battle and only you can talk to your king. Your words are which king Michael can consider, unlike all these people who can just watch and can't even talk in front of their king." I replied.

"Do you really think that this old guy would help you convince Michael ?" asked Faye.

"I can't say for sure because all this is onto him. My fate... is in your hands Gerrad." I said.


"Alright then. I accept his proposal to ask you to let him join our group.

He might have a big mouth but he has knowledge and he is strong not just mentally but physically too. He might have destroyed all those monsters but Faye saw him killing one right in front of her and the fight against me that you all witnessed.

Both these fights can be used to consider him as a good fighter for our group which lacks the attack power.

I don't want to go overboard but we lack attack power and we cant just rely on other people as our distraction forever. So we must get all the attack power that we can muster to keep on surviving." said Gerrad.


"Yeah. He fought against Gerrad and still standing even after taking full power blows, he even managed to dodge my unmissable arrow to avoid any critical hit. We should give him a chance." said Faye.

"*sighs*. If both of our higher ups are insisting on taking him in, then I shall not be cruel enough to let this chance go to waste." said Gerrad.

*Faye smiles*

"Thank you. I guess ?" I replied in an odd manner.

"You did it. I can't believe you dude. You finally made them make you..." said Faye.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't expect you to be loyal, I just want you to fear me that's all." said Michael.

"I understand that very well. That's why I agreed to fight against Gerrad because against him, I might get a chance to win, but against you, an opponent whom I can't even touch and someone who can kill me if I got touched, I can't win against that." I replied.

"What did you say you little boy ?" said Gerrad.


(After that everyone left and only Michael, Gerrad and Faye left with Davis...)

"*smiles* Thank you for letting me in. I... I won't let you down." I said with watery eyes.

"Why are you crying with me just scolding you now ?" asked Gerrad.

*while wiping his eyes*

"It's... it's just. I was lonely with all my friends gone and I wanted to express all this to someone which I kept on hiding inside of me.

This whole fight and retelling that incident, just awoke my old self to the surface, because of my mental exhaustion. And because of that, I became emotionally weak after seeing all this and again being a part of any group ALIVE." I replied.

"Gerrad, you might have abandoned many of your comrades but now you stick with this group. you must have done all that because of what you believe and you stand for that, just like how I do." I said.

"Not that I like you or anything but you can be a good sandbag for me to practice my punches on." Gerrad replied.

"*smile* Maybe *pants* maybe... some other time." I replied.

"Give him that band." said Michael.

"But... If you think so." Gerrad replied.

"Take this." said Gerrad.

"What is it? A tracker? a bomb to kill me ?" I asked.

"Don't be that rude now. It is an honour. This band means you are just below the rank of Gerrad and mine. And if you work hard then you might be on the same level as ours." Faye replied.

"I will get to your level so I don't have to listen to the orders from Gerrad." I said.

"You little... We will see what happens in your near future." Gerrad replied.

"Michael. Can he join and become the vice captain or lieutenant of my squad?" Faye asked.

"Until and unless he stays here and does his work properly, I don't object him on being in any squad.

Well you were the one who brought him here. So now, take responsibility for his actions." said Michael.

"Yes Sir." Faye replied.


"Oh yes! Finally! Finally a member of my age *excited*. You know I was totally bored with all those old dudes loitering all around me, you know.

Let's go in and tend to your wounds then." said Faye.

"Even if I joined your squad I... I can't go to work right away because of all these injuries." I said.

"If you want to be useful, first you have to recover your full strength, then only you can be of any use to us." said Faye.

"As I joined and can't do any work let me give you this information as a compensation. In that battle, 3 relics were lost and I killed one, so the current count is 4. By adding 3 of your relics makes the total as 7. So we can assume that there are still 2-3 relics out their in this remaining island." I replied.

"I can't tell them about the healing relic that I posses." I said to Myself.

"That means we might face any relic user in our opposition." said Faye.

"You might have had a question about why didn't I steal that assassin's relic or any of my dead friend's relics, right?" I said to Faye.

"Well I never thought about it. But there must be a reason now that you are mentioning it." asked Faye.

"Yes. You can't forcefully take anyone's relic and if used forcefully then it will destroy itself with that user." I replied.


"You will only get a 5 day rest so enjoy yourself till then. After that you will have to work hard and makeup for your holidays here." said Gerrad.

"So were you listening again, huh? You should really consider someone's privacy you know." I asked.

"I just want to make sure that my decision is not wrong that's all." Gerrad replied.


(Gerrad Leaves...)

"Don't mind him. He is a serious type of guy but not a bad guy, at least for us." said Faye.

"What would you like to eat then? Well not many choices here anyway." said Faye.


" " "

"We can think of something you know." Faye's voice in the background.

Five days. I must prove to them that... I am not useless.

" I said to myself.

"Are you even listening?" Faye asked.

"Well of course, whatever you can manage will be fine." I replied.

"Alright then. Just sit tight and rest for a bit. I will be back in no time. *smiles*" said Faye.

" " "

With all this, my new journey began with these people.


Finally... Finally, I am not... ALONE. Not ALONE ANYMORE... *smiles with tears flowing while looking towards the sky.*


[ DAY 103 - MONSTERS COUNT : 3,144 HUMANS ALIVE : 4, 989 ]