
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Fight Till Bond: Battle against the General Continues

Damn that strength of his. I can't even compare this power with what I am now. Yet, I can't back down so let's go brain, think of something or else this body won't last long to handle his attacks forever.

I drew my sword and rushed head on against Gerrad. He was just standing their ready for a counter and that is what I was hoping for. I knew if I charged head on he would think that he could easily take me down but this same thing was done by Ryan so I can do this and gain a hit on him.

I moved forward in my criss-cross strategic movement which Ryan was not able to read but I had a gut feeling that Gerrad might be able to read my course so...

I was moving forward and Gerrad was continuously gazing at me and that is what I was hoping for. I came close and took a sudden left turn and Gerrad followed me but, it was a feint from me and I moved head-on but because of Gerrad's prediction he moved for the left attack and could not able to shift for my head-on attack.

"You fell for it. Let's go my sword! Cut him down." I shouted.


I attacked him as I caught him offgaurd with my Blood Cursed Sword with a great amount of strength that I could muster at that time, but... I was not able to deal that much of a damage to that armour of his.

"*smiles* That was some power even after my last blow, commendable. You managed to catch me offgaurd but you didn't consider the strength of this armour did ya. This armour is not just for defence but also for attack." said Gerrad.

While saying this he dealt another powerful blow towards me and I tried to stop that attack with my blade but... It was too strong for me that I was tossed at a distance and this time... This time it was way more rough on my body than ever before.

My whole body was shaking from that heavy blow. It felt like multiple trucks hit me at the same time. I was still standing up but insides of my body were screaming for mercy.

My left arm started to let me down and my whole body was also aching. I can't just back down now after going through all this trouble and now finally seeing the real strength of that relic. And with Michael having the same grudge that I have against Seth. I can talk it out to let me join in.

All I have to do is survive. Survive till Gerrad thinks that I am worthy of being here." I said to myself.

"Are you... OK?" Faye asked.

"Not much I guess." I replied while in pain.

"Being honest huh..." said Faye worriedly.

"But... I will make it through." I replied.

"Are you kidding me? You still want to continue this fight. I won't let you... I will talk with Michael or Gerrad so let it go." Faye replied.

"*laughs* Yeah it could be a good choice right now. But... my brain is not working and I have lose control over my mature self who thinks before attack.

I feel like a different person... a person who wants... who wants to KILL someone." I replied.

I said those words but I knew that I couldn't be that kind of person even if I would be determined to do so.

It was just to keep up and motivate myself but in reality I knew my limit. My ribs were almost gone and my left arm is done for. I can only attack or defend using only my right and my speed dropped down significantly.

Still I can't stop. I need to make them see that I am worthy of being in this group.

"Still wants to fight huh?" asked Gerrad.

"If I say yes then..." I replied.

He rushed head-on with high speed but I was ready this time and I dodged it at the last moment even though I was not at my best condition. But when a moment is done with perfect timing costs less strength so even that dodge didn't eat up that much of my remaining strength.

This was not just to avoid that attack but I again jumped and dealt a strong blow on the same spot where I previously attacked him. Yet it was not much effective.

"*Heavy breathing* I think you still can't catch me. Is it because of that heavy armour of yours." I said in an exhaustive voice.

"Haha. You can't beat me with that little attacks of yours. You need to do better than this." Gerrad replied.

We kept on attacking each other but we both managed to avoid each other's attacks like we both just knew how the other person would attack. Now we can judge just by looking into each others eyes what the other person will do next.

While watching our fight everyone in the vicinity was shocked because no one was able to survive this long against Gerrad in a fight.

"How can he still be standing and fighting? I couldn't believe this guy." Faye said to herself.

We were moving, but not able to land any finishing blow and it was getting on our nerves, even I was trying to calm my nerves but I was getting more and more impatient.

Suddenly we stopped at a distance.

"*Heavy Breathing* Should we call it a draw big guy?" I said.

"Are you afraid that you might lose, boy." Gerrad replied.

"Well not gonna lie. I think that I can't win this fight..." I said

"I knew that *laughs* " Gerrad interrupts Davis.

"Don't jump to conclusion. Like I said... I can't win against you. But I never said that... *coughs* I can't DRAW this fight against you." I replied to Gerrad.

"I see. Cocky as always. Lets see then if what you are saying is a bluff or a reality." said Gerrad.

I guess he didn't notice that I dealt all the blows on the same area. I suspect that with him knowing that so I have to think about something by which I can penetrate through that weakened armour to deal damage to his body.

"I was completely exhausted at the moment but still I said those words to at least build that thought in his mind because we both were exhausted and this exhaustion will let him to make a mistake which I have to utilize." I said to Myself.

I made my move first and rushed head-on again and this time I was gazing into his eyes while running. I wanted him to keep his focus on me too much so that he can't make a move anywhere else. I can't let him think even for a single moment about how he can counter me. I just want one thing and that is me moving forward this single thought in his head.

Even if he thinks of any counter I am ready for anything.

"He thinks he can confuse me into only thinking of him but I already have a counter so I don't need to do anything and no need to exhaust myself mentally anymore." Gerrad said to himself.

I closed in. The moment has arrived. I feinted as I would jump but I slid left but Gerrad followed me but I already predicted it and jumped for real this time and attacked with all my remaining strength left on that exact spot.

"Bang On!" I said to myself. But it was not only that but because of that attack landing on him I was stationary enough for him to grab me.

He was waiting for me to attack him and took damage knowing that I can't deal much of a damage to him and it will be a great opportunity to capture me.

He caught me by the neck and he thought that he won but that was the moment I was waiting for too as a counter for his counter.

At that moment I was in Gerrad's hand and I couldn't escape this time which Gerrad already knew. He tightened his grip and said. "Finally! Your end will be by my hands. Be Proud that you make it this far alive and stayed alive against me till now."

He knew I couldn't runaway now but the thing that he didn't know that I was waiting for this exact moment where he let his guard down.

I quickly pulled out my knife and attacked on the same spot where I was attacking continuously and because of all that hard work and damage given on the single spot, I finally managed to stab him with my knife on his right shoulder.

It happened in an instant that took everything from me to do it.

Everyone was shocked to see this and specifically I got to see that expression of everyone shocked and how can this happen on the face of Gerrad. But... but that was the last thing that I knew.

After that... after that... IT... IT... WAS... ALL... BLACK...


[ DAY 103 - MONSTERS COUNT : 3,134 HUMANS ALIVE : 5, 022 ]