
Waking up in paradise


Mesozoic Era..

The warm glow of the sun illuminated the green forestry, as the trees and plants bathed in and absorbed of its grace. The blue sky was like a carpet, adding a surreal glow and sealing the earth from the heavens above.

The glistening waterfall only seemed to add a refreshing twist to this wondrous aspect of Mother Nature, that seemed to be the backyard of a godlike figure.

Under a large tree, the eyebrows of an unconscious young man fluttered for a moment, as his fingers moved. His entire body was bathed in a surreal glow, as his eyes suddenly snapped open, revealing a pair of beautiful blue eyes that shone like the sky. His glossy dark hair was short and messy, and his handsome face looked like it was carved by angels. A few meters atop and behind his head was an illusory golden dharma wheel that glistened with divine glory.

"Where am I?"

"Didn't I die?"

Scanning his surroundings rapidly, his brain tried to make sense of his surroundings, however the next thing that greeted him was a nerve wracking pain that assaulted his senses.

"What..is going..on?"

His pupils dilated, and he coughed out blood, before he dropped to his knees. His face twisted in agony, as if his lungs were bursting due to the massive influx of over concentrated oxygen that his body was not used to.

Gripping the bark of a tree near him, he tried to stand to his feet, however his vision was rapidly dimming and he was losing consciousness, as blood dripped from his mouth and nose.

"No…it can't end..like this.."

The last words he spoke, before he dropped to the ground resounded across his soul, and just as his eyes closed, the dharma wheel atop his head rotated once.

The next moment, an energy immediately emerged from within his body, and filled up his nearl bursting cells. They seemed to come alive in that instant, as they began a process of continuous autolysis and regeneration, adapting to his surroundings and the massive oxygen concentration that continuously perfused his entire innards, a concentration which was several tens of times greater than that of his previous earth.

After several hours, his eyes snapped open once more, as he rapidly scanned around, wanting to assess his environment.

'Is this paradise? Heaven? Or Hell?' He descended into deep thought for a moment, before he rushed to the glistening waterfall for a drink to satisfy his ever growing thirst.

'Mmm. This water. It's surprisingly refreshing compared to the ones back in New York..'

He let out a smile and stood up, about to walk away when he noticed something and turned around abruptly.

"Extremely handsome face, smooth skin, refined jawline? Thick wavy locks, blue eyes, a huge package, and…a halo?"

He scanned his entire reflection in the water and was absolutely ecstatic until his gaze fell on the illusory dharma wheel atop his head.

"Is this some sort of joke? If this is a prank then you guys would be sorry when I get back!"

Screaming on top of his lungs to signal his friends whom he thought orchestrated his current predicament he then looked around, however nothing or no one came into view.

'No! No! This can't be happening. This is not a prank! I died! I was hit by a car! I saw..saw mom. Then how am I alive?! And am I an Angel?'

Several thoughts flitted across his mind, and he felt like he was going crazy, a little existential crisis, if you ask me, something that was a bit common to most isekai'ed protagonists.

He kept walking around, thinking and thinking, until he finally remembered. He was no stranger to fan fics, novels and anime. And if the facts were straight, then he had been reborn or a popular term that was normally used was isekai'ed into another world.

The problem here was that, he had no idea what world he was in neither did he know what abilities he had gotten to aid in his survival, nor was there a way back home.

And if anyone could orchestrate such an act, then it had to be a Supreme Being or someone powerful enough, and in his case it surely had to be Him.

The Supreme Being that he very much hated.

"You think giving me a handsome face, a big dick and a useless halo, and leaving me naked in some forest is enough to right all the wrongs that you did to me?! Think again pal. I still hate you with all of my guts! You took everything away from me!"

Raising his head to the sky, he screamed on top of his lungs to someone whom he refused to believe in.


The moment he finished his little speech, lightning flashed within the sky, before thunder boomed, as if God himself was talking.


He screamed back in defiance, however the lightning receded and the thunder stopped abruptly.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

He scoffed and kicked swirls of the waterfall away, before he walked away and sat beneath the large tree he awoken underneath.

'I gotta find a way out of this forest, but before that, I need some clothes, something to eat, and a place to spend the night. Who knows what monsters might be crawling out here at night..'

He stood up, determined to overcome the obstacles and to ensure survival for himself.

"These leaves might be good enough for some makeshift clothes till I reach a nearby town or something."

He raised his head towards the overly large leaves of the tree and planned on plucking some of them, when his body shook and his blue eyes turned grey.

The next moment, as if entering some sort of trance like state, a couple of events seemingly played out before him, as he witnessed himself getting stomped down and utterly crushed by a horde of large and scary dinosaurs.

After about a second later, his eyes returned to their normal colour, and he turned around with a nonchalant and bored expression like a certain caped baldy from one particular anime.

"Dinosaurs? Really? What next Noah's ark? You seem to have a lot of time on your hands old man.."

Alan, our mc, scoffed and resumed his activities. However, in about a second later, a group of earthshaking footsteps reverberated, as the earth quaked, hurling him to the ground.

"What the hell was that?"

Rubbing his bare bottom in pain, he looked behind him, and turned back to face his front, and there, he witnessed a group of large prehistoric beasts, larger than anything he had ever witnessed, and certainly larger and even more scarier than what the textbooks made them out to be.

Completely stunned, he had not even had time to move out of the way, when his chest was stomped on, by an unsuspecting overgrown Tyrannosaurus rex that seemed to be the leader of its pack, sinking him deep into the ground.

He had not even opened his mouth to scream, when another stomped on his lower body, mushing his testicles, legs and penis, as blood and bones burst out.

The next part of his body to be stomped on was his head which was surprisingly the last to go, leaving behind a mess of brainy fluid and blood.

Unbeknownst to him, as the stomp parade went on, the dharma wheel behind him rotated on the first stomp on his chest, rotated once more on the second stomp to his lower body, and rotated for the last on the stomp to his head, before a bell like sound reverberated, as he lost his consciousness.