
DC: The Kryptonian Knight

A self-insert skeptic, who doesn't like being told what to do wakes up inside a prototype evacuation rocket alone with a very out of character A.I. Cherry on top, he is not in Kansas anymore, welcome to Gotham! This adventure will eventually take place across an unknown number of realities, travelling to other planets and dimensions (but probably staying within dc’s boundaries). With different versions of popular characters inhabiting other dimensions throughout the multiverse and their personal characteristics can and will vary from one reality to another. AU. Harem. +18 just to be safe. *eventually synopsis might change to a less lame one ... tags may change as well. Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo.

Daichi_TBR193 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

House of Elzod part 2

With African roots, Hadiza-Elzod was tall and slender with a sculpted figure.

She had brown skin, medium-length, wavy black hair, light brown eyes with a warm smile and caring eyes.

Like Masumah, Hadiza was moved by compassion with a desire to help, care and protect others.

Though Hadiza was a little bit more selfless and slightly less naive than Masumah.

Almost to a fault.

Amongst her sisters, she was the pinnacle of generosity, self-sacrifice and empathy.

Always trying her best to please everyone.

Well known for being an altruist and a nurturer.

Though a visible problem she had was that she paid more attention to others than to herself.

"Greetings master. It is so good to see you." She said with a genuine smile and an adorable French accent. "And being assured that you are okay is even better."

"Thanks Hadiza." Sentry smiled. "It's always a pleasure to be around you."

She nodded before bringing her hands together. "I'm afraid I won't be much of a help with finding what my new ability might be. Sadly I haven't had the chance to reflect much about it."

"Don't worry my child." He reassured her. "I will simply go through several simulations and analyze how they affect you."

"Wonderful plan master." She nodded. "I'm ready to begin."

Sentry nodded and had the environment shift through some themes he was sure would help him deduct which power her metagenes were manifesting.

His enhanced Kryptonian intellect, boosted to ludicrous proportions thanks to the speed force, helped him analyze Hadiza's body in its minimal details as it was exposed to a myriad of environments.

Sand desert, deep ocean, deep space, extreme temperatures and anything else he judged relevant.

The wisdom of Solomon helped him with excellent insight on whatever matter that could've been beyond his understanding.

By the end of the battery of tests, Sentry had his answer.

As the two of them stood in the middle of a dense jungle, Sentry declared. "Chlorokinesis. I have no doubt about it."

Hadiza simply bowed respectfully before testing her powers over the plant life.

In the beginning, she had some minimal progress connecting with the flora.

It was a tricky ability to begin with.

Thankfully that massive chamber they were in was capable of perfectly emulating life to the point that, if he wished, her powers were still effective.

As for Chlorokinesis…

It allowed users to create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate plants, mainly multicellular organisms, predominantly photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, roots, fruits and flowers.

The user could also cause plants to grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure and revive withered or dead plants.

They could use their power for defence and support, cause flowers and other plants to bloom instantaneously, manipulate tree branches to use them as whip-like weapons, control spores and pollen, bring plants back to life and make them sprout seeds/fruits/berries. Or use plant chemicals to heal people/objects, and manipulate their properties for a wide range of effects.

Though less commonly activated by passive users like Hadiza, the ability may also deal a series of offensive techniques on a target.

Using the plants as weapons enables users to grasp and strike continuously with vines and roots, project thorns at a distance, and quickly regenerate the withering weapons at the user's will.

They could grow vines to entangle enemies, climb around a target's neck, causing choking, or strike with other plants.

A more subtle technique was to release damaging toxins and pheromones, affecting targets in which conditions should be treated quickly with ailments.

Users might also control plants in their altered forms, i.e. concentrated forms, such as cotton clothing/fabric, paper, etc.

The test he had Hadiza performing thus far hadn't shown any influence over other types of life, safe for fungus.

"Mycokinesis." She concluded this time.

The ability to create, shape and manipulate fungi including yeasts and molds, as well as mushrooms.

It could also cause fungi to grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate fungi by rearranging DNA structure, etc. similar to plant manipulation.

However, both plants and fungus logically aren't spawned out of nothing, which would make its resources even scarcer than air for Masumah.

Plus, despite being an enhanced kryptonian, plants and fungus normally aren't nearly as invulnerable as her, so heat, lightning and radiation might make short work of them.

"Unless you manage to rearrange their DNA structure for a more appropriate form, their role would be limited to support." Sentry informed her. "And I would advise you to research more about alien flora."

"I will keep that in mind, master." Hadiza replied, giving him a respectful bow.

As he sent her away, the next came with her new power obvious to everyone.


Despite him being expecting only one female, he couldn't help smiling at the interesting combination this meta power would produce alongside her natural physiology.

"I see you've just reached a conclusion about your new power." Sentry said, facing Eden.

"You are correct, Master." He heard someone else other than the girl he was facing reply.

Eden-Elzod had long, brown hair, most often tied back in a low ponytail. Possessed captivating hazel eyes, full pink lips, rosy cheeks, a heart-shaped face, and a sculpted figure.

One of her more distinct features was the strands of hair that are constantly slipping loose from her ponytail and falling in front of her face.

She was the designer, artist, craftsman, and inventor amongst her sisters.

Eden was constantly using her imagination to create physical manifestations of her ideas. She was truly content when she was able to build something with her own artistic skills.

Always looking for stability and control. She examined the boundaries of reality and perception, finding inspiration anywhere and in almost any condition.

She had the desire to craft meaningful and special things, priding herself on being original and paving the way for others to follow.

However, she did show signs of possessing traits like stubborn perfectionism and obsessiveness.

Plus, she wasn't very receptive to others' opinions, especially when it conflicted with hers.

Now inspecting the other two figures standing besides Eden, looking exactly just like her, Sentry concluded. "Cloning."

The three girls nodded in agreement.

"At first I thought I merely possessed slightly higher regeneration compared to my sisters…" The one in the middle said as she gestured to her replicas.

"But my cells suddenly had a peak in their reproduction cycle…" The Eden on the right continued.

"And we burst out of the original." The one in the left concluded pointing at the one in the middle.

"A kryptonian capable of replicating herself." Sentry said as he nodded. "That raises many questions and theories."

"Agreed." The three girls replied in unison.

Cloning powers could imply that one could instantly and perfectly replicate themselves (and possibly targets which could be objects or living beings), numerous times, while usually being able to recombine the clones.

Most known users could use both of these abilities (if subconsciously), copying their clothes/equipment along with their body.

The Original would normally be able to maintain control over all copies.

And in case of living/sentient clones, mental/physical properties are exactly the same as the original one's, although each copy might have different experiences and may gain independent personalities over time.

The uncertainty lies with its limitations. The power might be limited to replicating oneself, others or objects.

Or it might require the duplicates to stay in close proximity to the user.

Clones produced might be subject to a hive mind, meaning that mentality or change thereof by one clone may also extend and affect the others.

There might also be a limit to the number of replicates users could have at a time.

On the other hand, replicates might have individual thoughts/personalities that may go cross-purpose to the original. Replicates that existed for a long time or are away from their creator may be especially prone to this.

Infection or damage to a copy may return to the user upon assimilation. Or in the worst case, through a non-physical link between them.

If a duplicate died or became injured, the pain would be inflicted on the original, which would greatly hinder its usefulness.

Concentration might also be required to maintain copies. The clones may depend upon the consciousness, condition or life of the original (i.e. if the original loses consciousness, takes too much damage, dies etc., then the clones will dissipate).

Pain or struggle of the original might also cause the copies to become distressed as well.

And if there were problems with the copying process, the duplicates could have physical or mental setbacks.

Users might also require a certain amount of energy or stamina to maintain their clones and once they run out, the duplicates may disappear.

And dismissing a replicate might be a hard or complicated process, some might stay until they run out of energy or are destroyed.

The characteristics and condition of the clones, when generated, might be the same as the original (i.e. if the original is in a weakened state, has any injuries, curses, etc., then the same will be true of the clones).

They could under some circumstance be made clearly fake, with a pixel sort of look or another obvious difference.

Certain elements/things might be unclonable, or be cloned only in an inferior state, unable to be used to the same extent as the original, unable to substitute for the original etc., e.g. legendary/mythical/unique abilities, creatures, items, powers, tools, weapons.

And it might even be involuntary or triggered by certain actions/emotions/etc.

"All in all, strength in numbers, you are literally a one woman army." Sentry said after confirming that Eden was slowly but surely gaining control over her cloning power.


Next, after Eden, Sentry welcomed Carina-Elzod.

"Ah, Master!" She all but shouted, trying to be as physically close as possible to him. "It's always a pleasure to see you!"

"Likewise, my child." He replied back with a smile. "So, are you ready?"

"Always my love." She replied with a seductive wink and her trademark Spanish accent.

Carina was a beautiful, olive-skinned woman with Mexican roots and amber-brown eyes. Having ruby red lips and long, wavy, dark brown hair.

She liked to live in the moment, always trying to be more attractive physically and emotionally, craving intimacy and enjoying being in a relationship with people.

She was spontaneous with a great sense of wonder and enthusiasm. Though she often tended to follow her emotions and make decisions based on them.

That said…

Extremely loyal and in love, Carina was infatuated and needy/clingy with Sentry, often showing obsessive tendencies when it comes to his affairs.

She was always vying for his affections, showcasing outbursts of jealousy whenever anyone else appeared to be getting close to him.

He even heard from Dots that Carina was noticeably hostile towards Faora, which he could attest to by simply watching her body language reaction at hearing Faora's name.

Yet despite this, Carina acknowledged that as the Supreme Ruler, it would be bizarre for him to only take one wife, implying that she would be content with him taking others as wives as long as she was the one he loved the most.

Due to her nature, Carina was quite assertive to a fault.

She frequently lost control of herself around him to the point of daydreaming and fantasizing about their relationship.

Among all her sisters, she and Valentina are the most vocal when it comes to expressing their opinions.

Though in Carina's case, she would openly denounce any statement or action she deemed inappropriate and a complete disrespect to her master, reaching the point where even Valentina sometimes considered it an annoyance.

She took Sentry's orders as a top priority and absolute, willing to punish anyone, even her sisters, who'd dare to belittle or not take it seriously.

Sentry could also sense that Carina harbors dislike and hostility toward humans, whom she viewed as an inferior species. Though not to the same extent as Elizabeth, who actually despised them.

Carina could easily lose self-restraint and go mad at the possibility of Sentry being harmed, even by an attack that might not hurt him at all.

As they tested her meta gene, Sentry had to admit it was a welcome challenge.

Everyone of his little girls were proving to be exotic puzzles he was having a blast solving.

In Carina's case, he was momentarily lost to what her power might be.

Her physiology seemed perfectly normal to what it was since her birth.

She showed no signs of having any sort of affinity for any element, and her Kryptonian superpowers didn't hint anything in particular.

But eventually, he discovered her meta ability.

Carina possessed the ability to teleport and even generate warp portals.

The former would allow her to instantly displace people, objects and energy (and even herself) within her own set area space without having to actually have to traverse physical space.

Added with the ability to make portals, and it was certainly impressive.

Somehow she had manifested an ability that came close to his Boom Tubes.

"Teleportation? Warp gates?" She questioned making eye contact. "Does that please you, master?"

"Of course, my child." Sentry told her as he caressed her head, managing to make her blush.

Her teleportation could be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed, warping the space, or using quantum superposition, in which the user teleported by spatially rearranging the subatomic contents of a system.

While teleportation might seem like it is simply for travel, it could be such a valuable ability as it could be used offensively (and quite powerful, as a spatial attack) while offering superiority regarding movement speed and distance coverage.

A skilled strategist/tactician could use it for many innovative manners.

Offensive purposes would include...

Teleport objects into a target, causing telefrag, which could punch holes or bisect the target.

And teleport objects into another object, causing the object to displace the other teleported (Using glass to cut a concrete pillar or metal sticks into a target's body). Or teleport air/water molecules when more physical ammunition was lacking.

And even teleport an attack back at a target.

Or also, Teleport a target to the user's front to intercept an incoming attack, defending themselves and causing the target's attempt to backfire at the same time.

Moreover, Teleport anything small around the target to immobilize the opponent, or a massive object above the target, letting it crash down to crush the target to death.

For larger magnitude, teleporting a burst of air into the atmosphere and/or earth, could cause shock waves or earthquakes respectively.

For supplementary strategies, besides teleporting out of harm's way, teleportation could even simulate flight by teleporting into the air at steady intervals, which would mitigate the weakening effects of a red sun.

Incidentally, teleporting through great distances would reduce travel time, which would make Carina much faster than she probably would be in unknown areas.

Or go past walls and obstacles if for some reason she doesn't want/can destroy them.

But what would make her even more formidable, besides increasing her effective teleportation range, would be the ability to create portals.

Not always an option to every teleporter, it allowed one to open a hole in the universe connecting two non-adjacent locations.

This could be achieved through a very neat manner, such as connecting two doorways in the universe, or very sloppily, like breaking a rift in the space-time continuum.

One could use Dimensional Manipulation to tear a tiny hole through two universes, use Spatial Manipulation to overlap two points in the universe or open a black hole or a wormhole connecting those two points.

This ability would sometimes come in the form of a "Portable Portal", which allowed users to make instant holes in anything the circle was stuck to.

Offensively, the user could create vortexes to suck in objects or as interesting weapons capable of teleporting any matter it sliced.

Not sure she could emulate the effects of his boom tubes (compensating mass and size), but if proven to be the case, that certainly would make her a force to be reckoned with.

As they spent a moment to measure her capabilities, Sentry sent Carina away and signaled for the next contender to approach.


Koemi-Elzod was a young woman of Asian origin. A natural beauty, with dark brown eyes and straight, waist-length black hair she usually had up in a pigtails style.

Koemi tended to give the impression that she lived on the wild side and used outrageous imagery and humour.

Frequently carefree and different but could be especially cruel and irresponsible at times.

Trying to be funny and spontaneous, experiencing emotions to the maximum and doing things in the spur of the moment. Often the butt of many jokes or backfiring pranks herself.

Koemi made a lot of jokes and was usually in a good mood. As she preferred to not dwell on problems and issues for long.

Bubbly and outgoing, yet seemingly airheaded.

Using every opportunity to show her sense of humor and not taking a lot of conversations seriously.

In a way, she was similar to Eden, as a unique intellectual that saw situations from unconventional perspectives.

And like Elizabeth and Carina, she didn't respond well to orders that didn't come directly from Sentry.

Despite her not admitting it, it was difficult for her to tell others about her true feelings, so her humor also worked as a defensive mechanism.

She took great interest in the acrobatic arts, never missing an opportunity to show her proficiency with it.

"What's up master?" She asked with a wide smile and a slightly exaggerated Japanese accent. "Must be tiresome having to help us sort out our new powers."

"Not really, my dear." Sentry said, noticing she was a little anxious.

Even though she was more casual while speaking with him, he could feel her concern about not pushing her luck.

"G-good, good… hey, wanna hear a joke?" She asked.

"Maybe later." He assured her. "We shouldn't make your sisters wait too long for their turn."

"Y-yeah! Got it!" She agreed, stuttering a little. "So… how does it work? You pick something for us or we come together with a suitable option?"

"I think you are familiar with meta genes. Honestly, it's more akin to entering a prize draw." Sentry told her.

"I see." Koemi said while playing with her hair. "So… shall we?"

He nodded in return.

Sadly, she wasn't much of a challenge for him.

"Elasticity." He concluded as Koemi let out a sigh.

"I mean, great!" She cheered.

'Honestly, not nearly as impressive as the others. However…' Sentry thought. '…not only was it better than nothing, but an interesting addition to an enhanced kryptonian to have.'

The ability to stretch, deform, expand, or contract one's body into any form imaginable.

Which comes to think of it, would demand one's clothing to be just as flexible so not to hinder the ability.

The user was or could become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing them to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract their whole body, including limbs, torso, neck, etc.

They could also control how elastic/flexible they or parts of them were, allowing them to change their bodies into various tools or other constructs.

And could prove extremely hard to wound or hurt due to their body reflexively absorbing damage by stretching with attacks, but might still feel pain.

A possible limit could be on how far they could stretch without becoming vulnerable against certain forms of attacks.

'That would be concerning.' He thought as Koemi executed mid-air somersaults and cartwheels without using her kryptonian powers. 'Although it could also enhance her physical power by making her anatomy more malleable. Perhaps not by being an indestructible tank of damage, but by acting as one powerful sponge of kinetic energy.'

Koemi then twisted, bent, and contorted herself into positions nearly impossible for her other sisters to achieve.

Shape shift would be an obvious evolution depending on the extension of her control over her cells.

'Perhaps Dots could help her with it.' Sentry mused before testing Koemi's control over her new power.


The next one to be tested was Zarola-Elzod.

An attractive young woman of great height, dark-skinned, with high cheekbones and honey brown, almost golden eyes.

Her curly, dark hair was waist length, usually tied back in a thick ponytail with four small braids on the sides of her face.

Being a soul type that craved to be on a journey and excited to experience new things.

She did not depend on others for her self-awareness, and did not appreciate feeling caged.

Being a natural explorer not just of the physical world, but also in regards to the sense of identity.

Dreaming to explore the cosmos, and perhaps one day the multiverse.

Zarola was inquisitive in performing her objectives, despite her intelligence and analytical skills, she lacked organization.

"I salute you master." She said with a distinct high-pitched thick Kiwi accent and a respectful nod. "I'm eager to see what I'm capable of accomplishing."

Sentry nodded before replying. "Very well. Is there any reason in particular for your posture?"

"My posture?" She asked, confused.

"You are almost on all fours." Sentry pointed out before asking with a chuckle. "Does your back hurt?"

Although not intentionally, her quick correction of her posture was somewhat comical. "I-I am sorry! I don't know why, but I hadn't noticed it until you mentioned it. Though strangely enough, it's not the first time someone pointed it out to me."

"Don't worry my child." He reassured her. "As far as I'm concerned, it might have something to do with your meta gene."

"Really?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Most likely." Sentry told her as he quickly observed her body. "Besides, I don't see any pathological signs on your body."

"Please, let's begin." Zarola pleaded. "I'm now curious about what it might be."

And after a brief period of trial and error, Sentry finally reached an unexpected conclusion. "Animal mimicry?"

"Really?" She asked while staring up at him with an innocent, wide-eyed expression.

He nodded. "Similar to 'Animal Morphing', this ability allows the user to mimic the abilities and even powers of an animal."

"But wouldn't that be useless to someone like us?" She asked a little concerned. "I mean, I can't recall any animal that is capable of matching our strength, speed and even durability."

"Not necessarily useless, my dear." Sentry considered. "Perhaps it could help increase your efficiency by mimicking some actions that are natural for some animals. Proportionately, if a regular human could be strengthened by such ability, there is no reason to consider you won't be benefited in the same manner."

"Makes sense." Zarola agreed, finally stopping to resist her urge to squat. "A small relief, since like I said, most animals don't hold a candle in comparison to an average kryptonian under the effects of a yellow sun."

He nodded in agreement. "You see, when someone with your meta power gains abnormal abilities to that of human physiology, their bodies are influenced to change, such as the claws of a crab, wings of a bird and luminescence of a bug." Sentry explained to her as the electromagnetic aura enveloping her body became more visible. "In your case, it appears you complement it through manipulating a morphogenetic field of energy."

An already noticeable side effect would be her animal behavior. Since they began talking, Sentry had noticed some animalistic behaviors from her.

Although not yet at a point it could be named as a drawback, she might prove to not always be able to control the inputs from her new power.

Perhaps she might even display unwanted animal behavior, such as instinctive rage.

Possibly ranging from inconvenient to harmful depending on the situation.

"Simulate life forms." Sentry requested and the chamber responded immediately after.

As a variety of animals of all sizes and shapes were 'brought to life', Zarola asked with a raised eyebrow. "Will I have to fight them all?"

"Maybe later. They are much tougher compared to their earthen counterparts since I had their DNA remodeled." Sentry replied as he watched carefully the process he was expecting to happen. "For now, try to influence them in any way."

Zarola wanted to say something, but she was suddenly distracted by a sensation she didn't recall having felt before.

As the smaller creatures start to go silent and behave less erratic, Sentry couldn't help smiling.

It seems that his theory was proven accurate.

Zarola was indeed able to telepathically interact with animal life.

"I believe you are capable of reaching into their midbrains and telepathically pushing them to obey you." Sentry told her. "Order them to approach you."

Immediately after he spoke, he noticed some of the animals as the birds, small mammals and reptiles moved closer to her.

Zarola's eyes were now glowing golden.

Shortly after, even the larger mammals surrendered to her will.

Like all her sisters, Zarola was mastering her meta power in a fraction of the time that it would take for a regular metahuman to do so.

It goes without saying that the entire process was very exhausting, but it certainly was worth the effort.

By the time Zarola had the entire group of animals following her every command to the letter, Sentry congratulated her and assigned her to continue mastering her new powers.

As she left very satisfied, Sentry couldn't help wondering if she could extend her control to sentient beings like humans.

After all, they were still part of the animal kingdom.

And perhaps just like Beast boy and Vixen, she could go beyond Earth's fauna.


Last but not least, Aeliana-Elzod.

Her case though was a little concerning.

Contrary to everyone else, her appearance had changed considerably since her birth as she could no longer be mistaken by a human.

Her skin had assumed a metallic golden color, as did her eyes and hair. And her muscle fibers were now visible to the regular eye.

"I have no idea what's happening to me." She admitted with a stoic tone. "It just… happened."

Before Sentry had the chance to reply, he noticed some subtle changes on her electromagnetic aura.

"Have your kryptonian powers been affected in any way?" He asked while coming up with some theories.

"Don't know." She confessed before briefly checking them out. "It doesn't seem to be the case."

He was intrigued by her sudden development.

Going through every scenery he had the other girls have gone, no signs of what her meta genes would be were found.

Obviously her appearance was a product of it, but it certainly mustn't be all there is to it.

Going by guess alone, the pattern on her skin reminded him of some relevant individuals in the DC universe.

Color in specific.

Plus, her aura gave him the impression of a hungry sponge.

"Energy absorption." He mused out loud.

She sighed in disappointment. "Great, so my extra power is to borrow energy."

"Or steal it." He added. Seeing her raising an eyebrow, he continued. "It's very likely that you have the ability to steal virtually any other energy form and use it, including the life energy of other beings."

"Wouldn't that leave my targets as withered corpses?" She questioned.

"It's a possibility." He agreed before thinking of another implication of her power. "Perhaps you could not only sap the life energy out of your targets, but even become them right down to their DNA."

"But that might lead to…" She widened her eyes.

"Power absorption." Sentry completed her sentence. "A joker in the pack, a wildcard, to be used as an ace. With limitless potential depending on its nature."

"I see." She said, now finally caring enough to inspect her own hands.

"Power replication would be a useful evolution. Especially when working alongside a powerful ally such as your sisters." He told her, making sure she understood its implications. "However, there are some concerning limitations."

"Like what?" She asked. "I mean, besides the withered corpses."

"You might not be able to absorb technology-based abilities, only to steal the power to manipulate it, unless you have Technological Assimilation or Property Absorption." He explained. "Not to mention the ability to absorb knowledge, which without it would result in you not understanding how your new abilities worked."

"I see. There's always a catch." She admitted.

"I'm afraid so." Sentry said. "And despite your powers being absorbed from other opponents, they would still have every single limitation that they originally had, for example, Fire Manipulation will always be useless against Fire Immunity."

"And what if my basic anatomy isn't compatible with the powers I absorb?" She asked, finally showing concern.

"Seeing as your body had already gone through such a drastic change, I would assume you are capable of compensating for that." He concluded. "Otherwise, it might result in some sort of body horror."

That finally drew a reaction out of her.

"And like previously mentioned, unlike what Power Replication is capable of during supportive combat, your power might not currently be effective as a supportive ability in of itself, since you might be forced to rob your own allies' abilities." He reasoned. "Unless you also have the power to transfer them back to them, it might even be very detrimental. That said…"

The chamber began 'bringing to life' what appeared to be other races of aliens.

"What happens when the original user of the power dies or is too distant to receive them back?" He mused. "The common logic says that it either stays with you or vanishes forever. Especially if the absorbed powers are temporary to begin with, requiring you to absorb more and more in order to get the power again."

She understood where he was getting at.

"This could lead to Addiction, which would be beyond problematic. I will have that possibility ruled out completely." He gestured for her to interact with the different kinds of beings.

None of them could compare to an evolved Kryptonian like her, but the experience was still relevant.

On the other hand, she could be unable to either discard or transfer the powers if they were to become permanent.

Not to mention her overall limit which might be fatal to cross.

Or that she might not absorb the same level of skill/power alongside it.

In any case, he will thoroughly study her power so as not to leave anything up to chance.

As his hypothesis was answered by Aeliana's physiology changing accordingly, a final doubt had arisen in his mind.

Could she absorb Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnilock or other variants of Omni Powers?

"My dear, would you kindly take my hand?" He suddenly requested.

"B-but master…" She said surprised. "I'm not worthy of your power!"

"Nonsense." Sentry told her. "Honestly, I'm still a long way from the power I strive to achieve. Before long, I will have you and your sisters fighting beings that would be more than a match for my current level of power."

"I-I see." She nodded, steeling herself to actually have his power. As her previous stolen traits finally began fading away, she touched his hand.

They weren't expecting what happened immediately after.

At first, both were surprised that her touch hadn't produced any effect on him.

'It seems our bond goes beyond preventing them from intentionally causing harm to me.' He thought, barely noticing her golden appearance flicker. 'Maybe…'

Suddenly Aeliana fell to her knees gasping as she felt very weak.

"W-what is h-happening?" She asked in great discomfort.

As he let go of her hand, Sentry saw the electromagnetic aura surrounding her body had almost vanished.

"Apologies, my child." He said, snapping his fingers and helping her back to her feet.

As a miniature sun manifested above them, Sentry saw her gaining back her vitality at a very fast pace.

"What was that?" She asked, now with a minor headache.

"That was an unexpected development." He admitted, finally connecting the dots. "You see, like you, I'm also capable of assimilating new abilities."

"R-really?" She stuttered a little. "I mean, I'm like you?"

"Indeed." He replied, though not telling her the whole truth.

Their bond seemed to be somehow transferring their powers to him, not only could he feel the meta genes he had spent the past hours exploring with his children, but his solar reserves were also expanding.

He almost felt ready to begin exposing himself to a blue sun.

"I think we are done for now." Sentry told her. "Keep practicing. It won't take long before I take us to our first mission."

"Okay." Aeliana replied casually. "I mean, understood master!"



*Hope the chapter is of your liking. If there's anything that you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Please feel free to share your thoughts on the OCs I'm introducing.

I had picked the powers I felt were more relevant to represent. Though I still haven't decided how powerful they will grow into.

Sorry if the 'accents' didn't work as well as I'd intended. 😅 I was aiming to make it more interesting than simply saying "she said with a specific accent".

If there's any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

** Really sorry for the constant delays, I'm still having a hard time organizing my time to write my fics. 😅

*** Please, tell me your opinion about this fic's current cover picture. I was aiming for something better than the previous one.

**** Big apologies for those finding the last chapter and this one too boring. 😓

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