
DC: The GoodFellas

"If you're going to fight, fight, but don't start anything you won't see all the way through." -Unknown Only r18 due to mature language throughout. I don't own anything dc. Only own my Oc's. Also, don't own any art I may post for the story.

ComradeInArms · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs



After Onslo's fifth birthday in 1955 he was reunited with Ezekeil.

But their reunion wasn't the prettiest in the slightest as the boys tussled it out on the ground of an alley both letting out all their held feelings all these years. Whoever walked by that small alley never interfered either not caring, or want to step up., but after twenty minutes of back and forth tumbling a girl around their age stepped up.

"Hey! You're hurting him." She voiced as Onslo pummeled Ezekeil face in. At a point went up to the boys and pushed one off the other staring Onslo down in anger believing it may have been due to Zeek's race.

Onslo didn't fight further and just stared at her shocked, "Cor-AGH" He stopped speaking abruptly as Ezekeil got away from her and him running to go tackle him down again getting his own hits in ruining their...well his reunion. She didn't remember him.

"Enough boys." Her dad said pretty calmly after witnessing she was no longer by his side as they had walked down the sidewalk. He grabbed each one by their collar one in each hand, so they could keep their hands off each other.

"Cora?" Onslo said out loud not meaning to.

'Icon!?' Ezekeil said inwardly in shock for a different reason than the one beside him.

"How do you know my name?" She glared still mad at the one who smiled foolishly toward her confusing her as well.

"I-mm your school tag on your bookbag...Nice to meet you." Onslo said with a toothy grin lovestruck and foolish as his nose bled and with a front tooth missing.

"You know my name, but I don't know yours."

"Name is Onslo. Onslo Hughs. He's Ezekeil the one who started the fight." He said saying the last bit as if he didn't want to be in her bad graces further.

Seeing as they had calmed Augustus Freeman dropped the boys, as they were both unprepared, they landed on their butts wincing in a bit of pain.

"Stay out of trouble boys, now let's go Cora your mother is waiting." He spoke turning to leave and making sure to hold the young girl's hand this time, so she didn't wander off again.

Ezekeil was especially surprised as that was the hero, he looked up to growing up in his previous life. He knew while researching and when Icon died with his first wife, they had a genetic incompatibility prevented them from having children. 'Monkey angel must've did something.' He believed.

"I'm not mad anymore." Onslo said staring at where she had been. With another punch to Onslo's face Zeek replied, "Me neither." and they didn't talk of it again.


In the 1950's world there were a lot of wannabe small time groups trying to make it big and fighting for turf like the five families, but even now they were a lot smaller than 21st century them.

Two six-year old's making it big would be ridiculous to any other as they could never do the trick, but two six-year old's with overpowered powers and past memories most likely could. They had plan to put together a group, organization, and mafia all in one, and a plan was being put in place riskier than either have ever done.


A kid no older than 14 as he should be in school singing the pledge, and other good government bullshit, but he instead covered the important man from the drooling rain as it came down horribly. The targeted man was Tommy Herring respected by many, but not his own men, feared by more, and especially his own men that's how he held his position and power. Thousands of people depended on, and he got a percent on everything they made cause that's how he made his living by helping to start up potential businesses, planning hits on just about anyone, and hijackings.

His own 'Police department for wise guys.'

No one needed two looks to recognize the guy, hell he was one of few to always have about 10 of his men around him for protection.

On August first of 1996 he'd disappear under everyone's nose, even his own.

"Hey, what's that on your shirt mister?" A little kid called out standing close.

Tommy looked suspiciously as the little boy hadn't been right there mere seconds earlier, and his umbrella boy was now gone as water pummeled down his face.

"Oh, you didn't fall for it." The scene was getting creepy a little boy sky getting dark and the streets empty with one lamp post barely lighting the area.

"I got places to go move kid."

"..." The boy just stared up at him.

He grabbed his gun that was in his waistband before pointing it at the boy only to just scare him off.

"You wouldn't shoot a child, would you?"

Tommy moved his head only inches to the side to look behind him seeing as his men hadn't moved the little boy yet, but there was no sight of them.

"What happened? What is going on?" He voiced more threatening knowing all these weird things didn't start happening until the little boy had showed up in front of him.

"You know I'm starting to sort of like the 50s not many superheroes in action, foolish gangster. It'll be a lot easier to move up in the world, you know. How unencumbered."

Seeing that the boy was the root to these problems he shot his gun and with the large bang, but only water had come out like a water gun would. "Pfft you would shoot a child, wow. Now I do not feel bad, sir."

Confused Tommy turned the gun to him (Do not do this) and shot. "Aghhhh." He exclaimed shooting his shoulder out.
