
DC: The GoodFellas

"If you're going to fight, fight, but don't start anything you won't see all the way through." -Unknown Only r18 due to mature language throughout. I don't own anything dc. Only own my Oc's. Also, don't own any art I may post for the story.

ComradeInArms · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs



{Tw: Talk of abuse, violence}

As I came to in an all-white room and a rectangular black desk in the middle of the room that as big as a whole football field.

In the corner of my eye, I saw another body starting to get up slowly. It was him. "YOU. This is all your fault!" I yelled running up to tackle him down. Catching him off guard I got a couple good hits in before a weird light bound my hands and feet together, but it didn't do much stopping me as I instead bashed him with my two arms.

"You got me killed. I told you to stay away!" I continued in rage after each hit.

"Enough." The voice that had spoken was a literal 'new world monkey' with a halo over its head and angel wings. The same light power grabbed me and threw me to a chair and tied me down so I couldn't get up further, but that didn't stop my mouth.

Somehow Ezekeil's face healed on its own and he started to awake again.

"I take you in after your crackhead of a mother abandoned you, and this is the thanks I get, you just can't let me have peace. Constantly starting shit because you can't keep it in your pants!" I listed off.

"I didn't know." Ezekeil frustratedly said just adding fuel to my rage

"You didn't know? You didn't coincidentally see the ring on her finger? You didn't see the badge as you were her for 23 hours that said fcking Lois Lane!? Of course, you didn't know. How possibly could you?" I sarcastically said trying to make a point.

He knew.

"I do hope you are done." The monkey angel spoke in a British accent.

Neither of us replied to his puny ass so he just continued on, "Due to the overflow of heaven and hell you've been choose any world and awarded by admin four gifts each."

(Third person Pov)

Onslo finally sunk in that he was dead, and he wouldn't have the same life he once had before. "Send me back." he said now low in energy.

"Please know you will not be in the same timeline it could be 100 years in the future or the past. For you sir?" The angel said directing the last bit to spaced out Ezekeil.

"Same." The two both knew why he chose to go back, and it irritated Onslo because what they both knew way that Zeek needed Onslo more than Onslo needed Ezekeil.

Angel wrote it down on his notepad before gesturing for one of them to continue on with their selection of gifts.

"Can I say in private?" Onslo said.

Without word back two cube sized barriers were put up for the privacy wanted.

"For my first gift I wish for Cora to be born too in the year I get sent to. Reality warping, matter manipulation and my memories."

"You know your stuff kid." The angel commented squinting his eyes toward him.

"I read a lot of comic books."

The angel monkey took it as he simply nodded and walked out the cubed barrier and into the next where Ezekeil was.

"For the first one I wish to be teleported where he goes. Second the Qwardian power ring without the ugly suit, third regeneration, and I want to remember my past life, so memories for my last gift.

With his last words the barriers went down, and the monkey angel said one final thing to the duo, "Have life, and ah try not to come back." Before he snapped his fingers teleporting Ezekeil and Onslo away, but a couple more appearing.

"Congratulations you've died."


It was dark and warm for 9 months out the year before light finally shown. No longer needing to kick in the tight compacted area to get comfortable anymore.

Two things were different from their previous lives. One they were in 1950 and second each had their own families now no longer orphans in the street scavenging for food, but having a family was turning to be a hell of a lot worse.

For Onslo it was turning out like a live action version of the movie 'GoodFellas.'

Father was always pissed off, pissed he made such a lousy money, pissed that Onslo's younger sister had been confided in a wheelchair all her life, pissed that there was six of them living in such a tiny house, and would always unleash his anger by abusing Onslo as he was the eldest.

Mother....tried, but you know those times. Men could walk all over women, as they didn't have rights to much. Whatever actions she tried to do were futile, or he'd just beat her too.

Ezekeil's early years was a different story, since the color of his skin, and this time period they didn't go hand in hand. He refuses to talk about what he went through.

Chapter 2

All further chapter will be in third person unless said otherwise

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