
First Misión: Santa Prisca

I don't know why this was not published, it was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. in Argentina but the chapter did not come out, I just got home and sorry for the delay, thanks for reading my ff to everyone, both this and the Percy Jackson one, one more thing whoever guesses Ethan's couple has an exclusive chapter in advance


On June 22nd, Batman informed us that we had a mission and instructed us to gather in the Cave. Batman stood by a screen displaying a map of an island – Santa Prisca Island. This island nation served as the source of a dangerous and illegal bio-steroid known as "Venom" a drug that enhances strength. Infrared images on the screen indicated that the factory was running at maximum capacity, yet all shipments of the drug had been cut off. This prompted our team to take action, embarking on our first covert reconnaissance mission.

"Who will be in charge?" Robin inquired. Batman and Tornado exchanged glances. "Resolve that among yourselves," Robin replied, nodding with a smile.

"Considering it's a covert mission, Ethan's wings and silver armor might attract too much attention," Wally remarked. "Actually, I always wear it, Wally. We can make it invisible," I explained.

"We have also prepared a combat uniform for Ethan. Now, everyone, gather what's necessary," Batman instructed. We all proceeded to prepare, donning our uniforms and getting ready for the mission.

"Wally, how many meals do you need to maintain full power?" I asked. Knowing that Speed Force users required high-calorie intake, Wally replied, "Dude, I need a lot. My metabolism burns calories like crazy. I always carry an energy bar."

"Well, we should also prepare rations of water and non-perishable food. We don't know the conditions of the island or how long we'll be there. We should also include medical supplies," I suggested, highlighting the uncertainties we might encounter.

"That's a good idea, but we can't afford to be weighed down with excess supplies on these missions. It'll only hinder us," Kaldur acknowledged.

I waved my hand and conjured special bags. "They're dimensional bags, each with a space of 5 meters. They can store necessary items," I explained.

"But I can't open it since it's used," Wally pointed out.

"Simply drop a drop of blood, and only you will be able to use it," I clarified. Blood served as a unique genetic identifier.

"Seriously, everything has to involve blood with these magical things," Wally remarked, pricking his finger and activating the bag.

I distributed the other bags and realized Robin was missing. "Hey, where's Robin?" I asked, holding the last bag.

"He does that all the time. You'll get used to it," Kaldur replied.

"Alright, let's gather the necessary supplies – drinking water, non-perishable food, and items to sustain Wally's energy. Plus, I'll need the kitchen mortar," I instructed.

We proceeded to the kitchen and packed sufficient rations. Kaldur raised a concern about the fruit going bad, suggesting that compressed or non-perishable cookies would be more practical.

"Time doesn't flow inside the bags, but they do have limitations. They can't contain living animals or humans, alive or dead. Once it's tied to you, it won't be separated unless you lose it," I explained, emphasizing the bag's properties.

Batman observed as we prepared, and Megan asked why I needed the mortar. "To grind my feathers into a powder. It creates a potent recovery agent – like a first aid measure for injuries," I clarified, demonstrating by grinding my feathers.

Wally returned with metal pulverizers from the infirmary. "These will work," he confirmed.

"We just need to add water to the powder and dilute it, creating a versatile first aid solution," I elaborated. Each of us prepared the golden mixture by shaking the bags containing the powdered feathers.

With everything set, Kaldur remarked, "Everything seems to be ready."

"Yes, someone can fetch Robin and give him his bag later. Now, let's focus on planning how to infiltrate the island," I suggested, noting Robin's absence.

"Seriously, this place needs more furniture," I commented, creating a large table and leather sofas. Batman seemed surprised by my ability to create objects.

"Since when can you materialize objects out of thin air?" Batman asked, examining the sofas.

"I've always been able to do it, but my grandfather restricted its use on the ground. He recently granted me permission, considering the circumstances with my uncle's business," I explained, recalling my private practice and my grandfather's teachings.

"Dude, this is awesome and comfortable. I need one for my house," Wally exclaimed, enjoying the new furniture.

"It's like sitting on super fluffy cotton," Megan added, hopping onto the couch.

"It's made of celestial cloud material. My grandfather often replaces his silver throne with these. That throne is uncomfortable," I revealed.

"Let's refocus on Santa Prisca," Kaldur interjected, connecting the computer on the mountain to the table and loading the data.

A map of the island's layout emerged on the table. "Impressive solid projection technology," Wally commented.

"First, let's consider the defenses – heat and movement radars along the coasts. We'll need to deactivate them swiftly to avoid detection when the bio-ship approaches. Once that's done, we'll proceed with the two insertion points," I outlined, reading from Batman's reports.

"We can initiate the first insertion at point B, approaching from the water. I can disable the radar defense with a disabler device," Kaldur suggested, pinpointing a crucial task.

"Good, but be cautious. The area is protected by underwater mines and a containment network," I warned, displaying a network of mines.

"After deactivating the network, the bio-ship will proceed with the second insertion. The rest of us will descend into the jungle from point A," Conner contributed.

"If that's the case, Kaldur, you'll need to climb the cliff to rendezvous with us," I added, indicating the stone wall.

"The jungle is likely teeming with enemies and traps, especially near the poison factory," Megan observed, acknowledging the potential challenges.

"Locating potential threats with my speed as a scout is an option," Wally proposed confidently.

"While that's an option, it's crucial to remember that the jungle terrain is treacherous. We can't afford to move carelessly and risk stumbling into danger," I cautioned, recalling the jungle training Green Arrow had imparted.

"Indeed, the island's terrain is unpredictable, and being tropical only complicates matters," Kaldur agreed, drawing from his training.

"So, what's the plan?" Wally asked, eager to proceed.

"We'll advance cautiously, using infrared devices to detect patrols and avoiding them whenever possible," I suggested calmly.

"That's not to say we couldn't take down Bane's reconnaissance troops if needed," Robin chimed in from the shadows.

"While that's an option, engaging in combat risks compromising the element of surprise if patrols report our presence," Kaldur reasoned.

"Additionally, keep in mind that they might disrupt our communications, as seen in the 'Lights Out' simulation," Megan reminded us.

"Megan is right. In that scenario, we were separated and rendered powerless. Perhaps we could use the mental connection between the three of you," Kaldur proposed.

"I've established a mental link among us three," Megan confirmed.

"Perfect. Join us in the mental chat group," Wally invited, and Megan connected their minds.

"Ready. The mental link is active," Megan reported.

"Excellent," Wally responded mentally.

"We're prepared, but remember that no plan is foolproof in the heat of action," I cautioned, receiving nods from the others except Robin.

"We're headed for Santa Prisca," I announced, and the team set off.

"Was it wise not to appoint a leader for the team?" Red Tornado questioned Batman.

"No, naming a leader would likely lead to internal conflicts. They need to decide who to follow," Batman explained.