
Santa Prisca PT 1

"What candidates do you and Canario have in mind?" Tornado asked.

"Aqualad is one of them, possessing leadership and decision-making qualities. The other is Archangel, who exhibited identical qualities and successfully focused Conner and Megan into a cohesive team of three, deepening their relationships to form a united front. The only concern with Archangel is his fear of losing the team due to his mortality, although he's prepared to sacrifice himself for the greater good," Batman said gravely, meticulously analyzing the data.

"Is this trait considered negative?" Red Tornado inquired.

"No, it's a trait all of us possess, but its implications are not always favorable," Batman replied without lifting his gaze from the screen.

At nightfall, we set out and reached Santa Prisca. Upon arrival, Aqualad executed the Aquatic infiltration plan by deactivating the sensors through water immersion.

"Let's switch to Camouflage mode," I instructed, prompting everyone to change into their stealth suits.

Wally activated his badge, causing his suit to transform into black attire. "Great, we can still sport your Conner suit," Wally remarked.

"No capes, no tights," Conner asserted firmly.

"Megan, open the Bio ship for descent," I directed. Megan conjured descent hooks, and one by one, we descended using them. "Their active inhibitor system is not functioning," I noted as I checked our communications.

"Kaldur, excellent work. We're advancing toward the factory. Proceed with caution," I communicated over the comlink.

"Thank you. Be vigilant. I'll monitor your GPS coordinates," Kaldur responded as he scaled a rocky surface.

"Well done," Robin praised, as everyone adhered to the designated path. Robin scanned the terrain for mines and identified several.

Conner suddenly halted. "They've heard something," he cautioned, alert to a sound.

"Perhaps a snapped branch or a footprint," I speculated upon hearing the crack of breaking wood and the squelch of mud.

"Wait, this is a job for Super Hearing," Wally declared, looking at us.

"You've got quite the audition," Megan complimented Conner.

"All right, team, what's our next move?" Wally inquired, his attention on Robin, who had vanished.

"I dislike it when he does that," Wally grumbled while searching for Robin.

"Stay composed, everyone. Superboy, Kid Flash, switch to infrared mode. Prepare for potential hostiles and ambushes," I directed, considering the possibility of threats emerging from any direction.

"Aqualad, we have company—unidentified. Exercise caution; there are unknown elements in the jungle," I informed Kaldur in hushed tones.

"Understood, Archangel. I will proceed with care," Kaldur acknowledged.

"Two groups ahead, about to converge," Conner observed, fixing his gaze on a specific point.

"Let's maintain silence and observe," I recommended as we advanced to a discreet vantage point. Upon our arrival, gunfire erupted between the opposing groups.

"No need for Super Hearing anymore," Wally quipped, ready to sprint into action.

"Split up and observe," Aqualad ordered via the communicator.

"Agreed. Once I locate Robin," Wally replied before dashing off. However, he soon slipped and skidded into the midst of the crossfire, alerting the enemies to our presence.

"Swiftly, combat mode: Superboy, right side; myself, left side." With determination, we launched into action to rescue Wally, who had become a target for the adversaries. Conner engaged in combat with a masked opponent, while I confronted the Crimson Hood with the black mask.

Robin emerged from the foliage. "Seems like they missed the memo on stealth. Guess they didn't take notes from my jungle blending techniques." He dispatched several enemies.

"You did share that technique with us, you know. We can't read your mind," Wally retorted.

Megan incapacitated one fleeing adversary. "Not all of us are mind readers," Wally remarked.

"We were told to use it only on the bad guys," Megan chimed in cheerfully. The final escaping foe was thwarted by Kaldur's electrifying intervention. Conner and I swiftly immobilized the rest by securing them to trees.

"I recognize these uniforms. They belong to the Cobra cult," Robin identified.

"If Batman knew that an extremist was overseeing the poison smuggling in Santa Prisca, he would've informed us," Kaldur analyzed the situation.

"They don't appear to cooperate well with each other either. Perhaps Cobra ousted them, leading to the supply disruption," Robin speculated.

"Mystery solved. Cobra seeks to enhance strength, likely for superhuman limbs. We should inform Batman and return home," Wally suggested.

Robin appeared annoyed. "These men weren't using poison. Cobra is amassing it. We can't leave until I understand why," Robin declared with frustration evident in his voice.

Wally stared at him. "Until YOU understand why," Wally retorted irritably.

"The team requires a leader," Robin asserted, asserting his authority. Wally shot an annoyed look at him.

"It's you, huh? The 13-year-old who vanished without a word," Wally accused, his anger palpable.

"Or maybe it's you, the 15-year-old who revealed our identities," Robin countered, his voice almost a shout.

"Enough from both of you, Kid Flash and Robin. More is at stake than leadership. Our lives are on the line, and any of us could die if you continue bickering. Consider the lives of your teammates and set aside trivial disputes. If you keep arguing, it could cost us dearly. Look at this." I picked up a weapon, removed its magazine, and flung it to the ground. "Real bullets, real weapons. One mistake, and we're done. If you want to lead, lead responsibly," I scolded angrily. Both Wally and Robin regarded the weapon, visibly calming down.

Kaldur patted my shoulder and nodded approvingly.

"You're probably not eager to be the leader," Megan quipped at Conner.

"No way. And by the way, well done, taking charge," Conner acknowledged with a grin.

"After Mr. Tornado's intervention," Megan added, shaking her head.

Two of the prisoners began conversing in Spanish, discussing escape.

"We have two awake. I think they're speaking Spanish," Conner observed mentally.

"Time to interrogate them," I conveyed mentally.

We approached the prisoners.

"Good deductions, but you've only heard half the story. Allow me to reveal the rest. I'll lead you to the factory via my secret entrance," the man spoke.

Megan delved into his mind. "There is a secret entrance, but he's withholding something," she reported, delving deeper.

The subject appeared composed. "Ah, ah, ah, Bane , it's not that simple," the man taunted.

Megan ceased her mental probe. "He's repeating soccer scores in Spanish. It's going to take time," Megan complained, frustrated by the mental block.

"Then I'll take over," I decided.

"Tell me, Bane, reveal your hidden truths." I extended my wings and armor, adopting a commanding stance. Bane seemed to struggle against divulging anything.

"You can't hide from me. I am Archangel, and the truth shall surface in my presence, Bane." I raised my voice, seeking to break his resistance.

Bane relented, disclosing details about the secret entrance. "They're merging Poison with another substance, enhancing user abilities and making it seemingly permanent. Cobra's leader anticipates a transaction involving this new substance. The entrance is located within a recognizable old cave, rigged with explosives," Bane disclosed before succumbing to unconsciousness.

"That was harsh but effective," Wally remarked, witnessing Bane's internal struggle.

"That's precisely why I'm reluctant to employ this technique. It compels truthfulness before me—no secrets can endure," I stated solemnly, aware that individuals who fought to hide secrets could summon inner strength and potentially resist.