
DC: One with Equipt

Theo Dimagiba Promet, a 15 year old, thrust without warning in the most dangerous universe out of the two, Marvel and DC. It's the second, btw. He's blessed with the strongest power, but he doesn't know how to use it. Ha! I had to nerf him, cuz the ability is too OP if he knows how to use it. Read and find out. As he's known to be the Hero who's always Fully Equipped: Overgeared. The title is a play on words on Erza's Requip. And a combination of several OP abilities that he doesn't know how to access, yet. I don't own the cover, the stories I use for the matter, only the idea. FML:?

PhantomMadman · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Debrief On Future Events

Bruce Wayne watched as Theo, still in his Komori suit, limped slightly on his way to the Batcave's medical bay. His injuries were severe, evident in his strained movements. The young vigilante handed Bruce an unused vial of Venom, his eyes serious.

"This is what they were using," Theo said, his voice strained. "It's a new variant."

Bruce took the vial, examining it carefully. "We'll need to analyze this," he said, setting it aside. His immediate concern was Theo's condition. "Sit down. We need to look at those injuries."

As Theo sat, Bruce began assessing the damage: broken bones, cracked ribs, a twisted left ankle, internal bleeding, and a mild concussion. Bruce called for Alfred, who quickly arrived with medical supplies. Theo winced as they began to bandage him up.

With a pained grunt, Theo tried to lighten the mood. "Joker must be a welcoming sort of guy."

Bruce gave a small nod, his expression thoughtful. "He's... persistent," he said dryly.

As they continued to treat his injuries, Theo began explaining everything he understood about this reality's continuity from the source material. Bruce listened carefully, intrigued by the insight.

"This is Prime-Earth," Theo said. "The last thing I read was about 'Absolute Power #1,' where Waller turned on the Justice League and stole their powers. Green Arrow betrayed them. With Bruce's darker personality and Failsafe, they managed to brainwash a Brainiac into thinking Waller was its mother. The Justice League kept attacking her. You're going to have to work with powerless friends a few years from now."

Bruce frowned, absorbing the information. If this was true, it meant challenging times ahead. "And you're certain this is Prime-Earth?"

Theo nodded. "Positive. The events are later, but they align with what I remember."

Dick Grayson, standing nearby, crossed his arms. "So you're saying we have to deal with a future where the Justice League is powerless and Waller's in control?"

Theo nodded again. "That's what the source material suggests."

Tim Drake leaned against the wall, looking thoughtful. "If that's the case, we need to start preparing now. Strengthening our own defenses, maybe even working on contingencies."

Damian Wayne, arms folded, looked skeptical. "And you expect us to trust information from comic books?"

Theo shrugged. "It's the best lead we have right now. And so far, it's been accurate."

Barbara Gordon, monitoring the conversation from her computer screens, chimed in. "Whether it's comic books or not, we can't ignore the possibility. We should treat this information as a potential threat and plan accordingly."

Bruce nodded, agreeing with Barbara. "We'll treat this as credible information until proven otherwise. Theo, I appreciate your insight. For now, focus on recovering. We'll handle the analysis of the Venom and start looking into ways to counteract future threats."

Theo smiled weakly, relieved to have the support of the team. "Thanks, Bruce. I'll be ready."

As the Batfamily dispersed, each of them contemplated the future and the challenges it might bring. Bruce watched them go, his mind already racing with strategies and contingencies. He knew one thing for sure—they would face whatever came their way, together.


Dick Grayson took the lead, helping Theo up the stairs to the manor. He was still in his Nightwing gear, the blue and black suit contrasting with the dark interior of Wayne Manor. He glanced over at Theo, his curiosity piqued.

"So, Theo," Dick started, "is there anything specific you know about us that we wouldn't find on the Batcomputer?"

Theo paused, thoughtful. He understood the gravity of the question and chose his words carefully. "I know that you, Dick, were vengeful after your parents' death when you first became Robin."

Dick nodded slowly, memories of those dark times surfacing. "That's true."

Jason Todd, walking beside them, chuckled. "Alright, then. What about me?"

Theo grinned. "You stole a tire off the Batmobile."

Jason laughed, a genuine sound that echoed in the hall. "Yeah, that was a good one."

Tim Drake adjusted his gloves, intrigued. "And me?"

"You put two and two together to find out Bruce's identity," Theo replied.

Tim raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Well, that's spot on."

Cassandra Cain, usually silent, looked at Theo with curiosity. "And what about me?"

Theo's expression softened. "You were known as the daughter of Sandra Wu-San–Lady Shiva, and David Cain's weapon for the League."

Cassandra nodded, acknowledging her past. "Yes."

Damian Wayne, always skeptical, asked, "What do you know about me?"

Theo met Damian's gaze. "You never knew love until you were put here by your mother, Talia Al Ghul."

Damian's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by the accuracy. He said nothing but gave a small nod.

Duke Thomas, the newest member, spoke up. "And me?"

Theo's expression grew somber. "Your parents are in a coma."

Duke nodded, his face reflecting the pain of that reality. "Yeah, they are."

The group continued walking, each of them absorbing the truth of Theo's words. The weight of their individual pasts hung in the air, but there was also a sense of understanding and solidarity. They reached the top of the stairs, and Theo looked around at them.

"I also know that some of you died once and came back to life," Theo added quietly.

The Batfamily exchanged glances, their initial skepticism fading. Dick was the first to break the silence. "Okay, I think we can safely say we won't doubt the source material any longer."

Jason clapped Theo on the back, careful not to aggravate his injuries. "Welcome to the family, Theo."

The Batfamily guided Theo into the kitchen, making sure he was comfortable and had something to eat. They gathered around, helping him with his food as they continued their conversation.

Dick, ever the curious one, decided to delve deeper. "Alright, Theo, tell me about Koriand'r."

Theo smiled, recalling the memory. "She kissed you to learn our language."

Dick laughed, shaking his head at the memory. "Yeah, that's definitely her style."

Jason leaned forward, eager to hear more. "What about Roy Harper?"

Theo nodded, thinking back. "Roy struggled with addiction but turned his life around. He's one of the bravest people you know."

Jason smiled, a hint of pride in his eyes. "He really is."

Tim took his turn. "How about Conner Kent?"

"Superboy?" Theo asked. "He's got a temper but he's incredibly loyal. You two are practically brothers."

Tim grinned, clearly pleased. "That's true."

Cassandra, still curious, asked, "Stephanie Brown?"

Theo's smile softened. "She's tenacious and always finds a way to come out on top, no matter how tough things get."

Cassandra nodded, appreciating the insight. "She does."

Damian, always competitive, asked, "Jon Kent?"

"Superboy," Theo replied. "He's one of your best friends. You push each other to be better."

Damian's usual stoicism broke into a small smile. "That sounds right."

Duke joined in. "What about Jefferson Pierce?"

"Black Lightning?" Theo said. "He's a mentor to you, teaching you how to control your powers and be a better hero."

Duke nodded, feeling the weight of that responsibility. "Yeah, he is."

As they continued to talk about their closest friends outside the scope of Gotham, the kitchen filled with laughter and shared memories. Each revelation brought them closer together, their trust in Theo growing stronger.

Dick leaned back, satisfied. "Okay, Theo, you've got some serious knowledge. How do you know all this?"

Theo chuckled. "I've read a lot about your world and your lives. It's strange being here and knowing all these details, but I hope it helps."

Jason grinned. "It definitely does. Makes things a lot easier, knowing we can trust you."

Tim nodded. "Yeah, it's like having an insider guide."

Cassandra simply smiled, her quiet approval more telling than words.

Damian crossed his arms, looking at Theo with newfound respect. "I suppose you're not as useless as I thought."

They spent the rest of the evening together, their bond solidified by shared stories and newfound understanding. Theo felt a sense of belonging he hadn't experienced in a long time. Despite the challenges ahead, he knew he was where he was meant to be.

Dick, ever so curious, asked about Superman.

Theo continued his tale, his voice a mix of awe and sorrow. The Batfamily listened intently, their faces reflecting a range of emotions from wonder to deep concern. "Superman is, without a doubt, one of the most incredible beings across all universes," Theo started, enthusiasm evident in his voice. "He's achieved feats beyond imagination—lifting mountains, flying across galaxies, and even surviving the explosion of a red sun. His strength is legendary, and his commitment to justice is unparalleled."

The Batfamily's eyes widened, taking in the gravity of Superman's accomplishments. They were amazed but also slightly intimidated by the sheer scale of his power.

"But there's more to the story," Theo continued, his tone growing somber. "In Earth-22, things took a tragic turn. Gotham City, a place already riddled with darkness, saw its own brand of horror. A gas attack by a disgruntled citizen—likely the Joker—devastated the Daily Planet, killing Lois Lane and many others."

The room fell silent, the weight of the tragedy settling over them. Theo's voice softened as he continued, "Clark Kent, in his grief and resolve, became the new editor-in-chief and adopted a red and black S-shield. He reminded himself that hope must rise from darkness. When the multiverse faced the Anti-Monitor threat, Earth-22's Superman joined the fight as one of the Paragons. Despite his immense power, he was eventually replaced by Lex Luthor of Earth-38 through the Book of Destiny."

Theo leaned back, his expression one of respect. "But despite all these tragedies, Superman never gave up. His true strength lies not in his powers but in his teachings from Ma and Pa Kent. He embodies hope more than any villain or threat. And, you know, Jon Kent—his son—might be even stronger because he's half-human."

He paused, then added with a slight smile, "In the Injustice Universe, Earth-22's Superman faced devastating loss, from the destruction of Metropolis to personal betrayal. But even then, his resolve was tested, and he found himself standing against his own dark counterpart. In the end, he realized his mistakes and surrendered willingly, choosing to be a symbol of redemption."

Theo glanced at Bruce, adding, "By the way, Bruce, never let Joker out of the city. He's a force of chaos that you don't want loose."

Bruce absorbed Theo's narrative with a mixture of concern and contemplation. The story of Superman's trials and redemption was a powerful reminder of the fragile line between heroism and darkness.

As Theo finished, Bruce's mind raced through the implications. The idea that Superman's strength came not just from his powers but from his enduring hope and resilience was a profound lesson. It was a reminder that even the greatest heroes could face unimaginable darkness and still find a way to rise above it.

The Batfamily remained in reflective silence, each member processing the gravity of Superman's story.

Dick, ever the optimist, nodded thoughtfully. "It's incredible how even the strongest heroes have their struggles and setbacks. It reminds us all to keep fighting, no matter the odds."

Jason's usual bravado was tempered by the weight of the tale. "So, even Superman had his dark moments. Makes you appreciate the light even more."

Tim, analytical as always, mused, "Superman's strength and resilience are a lesson in itself. It's not just about raw power but about the heart and spirit behind it."

Cassandra's eyes were thoughtful, reflecting on the story's deeper meaning. "Hope in the face of despair. That's something we can all strive for."

Damian, with his usual intensity, nodded slowly. "A hero's journey is not just about victories but about overcoming the darkest trials."

Duke, ever the hopeful, added, "If Superman can face all that and still believe in hope, then we can face our own challenges too."

Bruce looked at Theo, gratitude and respect in his eyes. "Thank you for sharing that, Theo. It's a powerful reminder of what it means to be a hero."

Theo nodded, feeling the weight of his story but also the connection it had fostered with the Batfamily. They had faced trials together and learned from each other, and now, they were stronger and more united than ever.






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