
DC: One with Equipt

Theo Dimagiba Promet, a 15 year old, thrust without warning in the most dangerous universe out of the two, Marvel and DC. It's the second, btw. He's blessed with the strongest power, but he doesn't know how to use it. Ha! I had to nerf him, cuz the ability is too OP if he knows how to use it. Read and find out. As he's known to be the Hero who's always Fully Equipped: Overgeared. The title is a play on words on Erza's Requip. And a combination of several OP abilities that he doesn't know how to access, yet. I don't own the cover, the stories I use for the matter, only the idea. FML:?

PhantomMadman · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Much Needed Rest

Theo lay in his room, finally finding some peace after the ordeal. His body ached with every movement, but Alfred's gentle care and soothing words provided comfort. "Thank you, Alfred," Theo murmured whenever he was being tended to, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the old butler's kindness.

In the quiet solitude of the Watchtower, Bruce was meticulously uploading data from Theo's reports. The flickering screens cast a dim glow on his face, reflecting his unwavering focus. Every detail mattered, every piece of information critical in their fight against the forces that threatened their world.

As he finished uploading the last of Theo's reports, he turned his attention to the secret contingencies he had been developing. These plans were necessary, a grim necessity in a world where even the strongest heroes could fall.

The soft whoosh of air heralded Superman's arrival. Bruce didn't look up, continuing to work as Clark approached. "Bruce," Superman began, his voice a mix of curiosity and concern, "I've been thinking about what Theo said regarding my counterparts. It's... a lot to take in."

Bruce finally turned his chair, facing Superman with a stern expression. "Clark, this information is sensitive. Theo's knowledge is extensive, but it's also dangerous. We can't afford for it to spread."

Superman nodded, understanding the gravity of Bruce's words. "I know, but the idea that there are other versions of me, facing their own struggles... it's humbling. And what Theo described about Earth-22 and the Injustice universe, it's a reminder of how easily things can go wrong."

Bruce's eyes narrowed, his tone firm and unyielding. "Clark, you can't talk about this to the League. Not now, not ever. The knowledge of other universes and our counterparts could cause panic, mistrust. We have to keep this contained."

Superman sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I get it, Bruce. I do. But we have to be prepared for the possibility that these other universes could intersect with ours. We can't be caught off guard."

Bruce stood, crossing his arms. "That's why we're doing this. That's why I'm creating these contingencies. But we have to be careful. Knowledge is power, and right now, we need to control that power."

Superman looked at Bruce, a mix of respect and concern in his eyes. "Alright, Bruce. I trust you. But promise me that if things start to escalate, you'll bring the League into the loop."

Bruce's expression softened slightly, a rare show of vulnerability. "I promise, Clark. We'll do what needs to be done. But until then, we keep this between us."

Superman nodded, accepting Bruce's words. "Take care, Bruce. And thank you for everything you're doing."

Bruce watched as Superman left the room, the weight of their conversation settling heavily on his shoulders. He returned to his work, his mind already racing with the next steps. The world was changing, and they had to be ready for whatever came next.

As Bruce continued to upload the secret contingencies, he couldn't help but think of Theo, resting back at the manor. The boy had brought a new perspective, a new challenge. But with that challenge came hope, and Bruce would protect that hope at all costs.


Alfred Pennyworth moved quietly through Theo's dimly lit room, his footsteps barely making a sound on the polished wooden floor. The young boy lay motionless, his body a tapestry of bruises and bandages, a silent testament to the harshness of the world he had been thrust into. Alfred couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for the boy. He couldn't even begin to fathom what it must be like to be pulled away from the safest universe, from the life he had known, into a world fraught with danger.

The old butler had seen much in his time, but there was something uniquely heartbreaking about watching Theo struggle. Every night, between midnight and three o'clock, the boy would cry in his sleep. Deep, soul-wrenching sobs that seemed to come from a place of profound pain. Alfred would sit by his side, offering what little comfort he could, knowing that Theo wasn't even aware of his presence in those moments.

As Alfred gently cleaned Theo's wounds and replaced his bandages, the boy stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open. "Thank you, Alfred," Theo murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Alfred smiled warmly, patting Theo's arm gently. "It's no problem at all, Master Theo. Rest now, you need your strength."

Alfred returned to his task, but his mind wandered. Why had the gods forsaken this child's freedom? What cruel fate had decided that a boy, who should be enjoying the innocence of youth, would be forced to battle such darkness? It was an injustice that Alfred found hard to reconcile with.

He remembered Bruce's early days, how the loss of his parents had shaped him, driven him to become the Batman. But this was different. Theo was not only dealing with loss but with the unimaginable burden of being torn from his universe and thrust into this perilous existence. It was a weight no child should have to bear.

Finishing up, Alfred adjusted the blankets around Theo and sat by his bedside for a moment longer. He reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from Theo's forehead. "Sleep well, Master Theo," he whispered, his voice filled with a gentle, paternal warmth.

In the quiet of the room, Alfred allowed himself a moment of reflection. He sent a silent prayer to whatever higher power might be listening, a plea for mercy and protection for this young soul. Theo's bravery and resilience were remarkable, but even the strongest needed a respite from the storm.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Alfred stood and quietly made his way out of the room. He had other duties to attend to, but his thoughts remained with Theo. The boy had brought a new kind of hope to the manor, a reminder of the strength that lay in innocence and determination.

Alfred knew that the road ahead would not be easy for Theo or for any of them. But he also knew that with the support of those around him, Theo could overcome the challenges that lay ahead. And Alfred would be there every step of the way, offering his unwavering support and care.

In the end, it wasn't about the gods or the fate that had brought Theo to this world. It was about the love and kindness they could offer him now, the sanctuary they could provide in the midst of chaos. And in that, Alfred found a sense of purpose and resolve. He would protect this boy, just as he had protected Bruce, with all the strength and compassion he possessed.


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