

"Well, well, well... look at you, little green servant," Bane sneered, his gray eyes fixated on the vines binding him. "These are useless against me."

A grinding sound emanated from the vines as Poison Ivy strained, her forehead beaded with sweat. She summoned dozens of tree roots and other plants, reinforcing the already thick bindings around Bane.

But it was futile.

The plants withered and blackened under the influence of the Black of Decay. Bane flexed, and with a sickening crack, the vines snapped. The monstrous figure paced forward. "Poison Ivy, is it? Can I call you Ivy? I hear that's what they call you."


A gunshot rang out.

In seconds, several tree-shields sprouted around Ivy, the surge gun's current barely penetrating the first one.

Plant master lay beside them, barely shielded by Poison Ivy, his eyes closed like a lifeless tree. Poison Ivy and Killer Croc stood back-to-back, facing Deadshot, who stood beside Bane.

His once handsome face was now a grotesque mask of rot and maggots. Jagged fangs protruded from his jaw, dripping with strands of putrid flesh. Compared to this horror, his blank, grayish-white eyes were the only recognizable human feature.

Catwoman still wore her mask, perhaps a sign of her lingering self-awareness, but Poison Ivy doubted it would last. The uneven fangs had pierced her jaw, breaking her swan-like neck and leaving a trail of black blood on her collarbone.

The Ventriloquist had lost his glasses, clutching a Thompson submachine gun, his beloved bat doll abandoned on the ground. Insectoid limbs protruded from his mouth.

They had all been consumed by the Black of Decay, just like Bane. Poison Ivy had heard of him, the man responsible for freeing her and the other inmates from Arkham Asylum. Now, they were all slaves to the Black.

Without the protection of the Red or the Green, they were helpless against the Black of Decay's overwhelming power in this domain. And then, the worst sight of all: Harley Quinn.

"No..." Poison Ivy whispered, her hands falling limp. Harley's red and blue pigtails were frayed, black blood oozing from the corners of her mouth, stark against her bleached skin.

And the vibrant green plant armor Poison Ivy had woven for her was now a sickly black. "You couldn't protect anyone, Ivy. But you still have a chance to salvage something," Bane rumbled.

He extended a hand towards her. "We can make a deal."

"All we need is you, Agent of the Green. This woman is insignificant to your companions. You call her Harley Quinn, yes?"

"You care for her." "And we happen to have no use for such an ordinary mortal." Two voices spoke from within Bane, the two Hunters of the Black of Decay speaking in unison. "Let's make a deal. One for many."

"You know that neither the Black of Decay's influence nor the Green's is irreversible. We only want you. This Harley Quinn will wake up in a few hours, unharmed." "And you, you'll join us... join the Black of Decay... believe me, don't be afraid. The purification process is quite delightful."

Killer Croc whispered to Poison Ivy, "Damn it, Ivy, you're not seriously considering this, are you?" The large green lizard hung his head, searching for the right words to convince her.

He had never cursed his inarticulateness as much as he did now. He hadn't used his brain in so long that when he needed it most, his mind went blank. Finally, he muttered, "You shouldn't join the Black. It's... not the right path." He cringed internally at his own words.

Poison Ivy forced a smile. "I know what you want to say, Waylon. 'Even if I sacrifice myself, they won't let Harley go.'" "Or maybe you want to say, 'Death is the nature of the Black of Decay. They can't go against their instincts.'"

"You know me too well," Killer Croc nodded vigorously. "That's exactly what I wanted to say!"

"If that's what you're worried about, then perhaps we can try a different trade," Bane interjected, gesturing towards the inert Plant master. "You're hesitant to join us. We understand. You don't yet grasp the true nature of the Black of Decay."

"So, how about someone else? The one lying there, Plant master, isn't it?"

"You've betrayed him once before. Why not a second time? As they say, 'In for a penny, in for a pound. You're already enemies, aren't you? There's no better deal than exchanging the life of a friend for that of an enemy."

Even Killer Croc, who didn't pride himself on his intellect, could sense how dire the situation was becoming. Ivy looked swayed.

"Ivy, you can't—". "I've made my decision," she said, cutting him off. "This is the only way. I'll trade Harley for you."

Killer Croc felt a surge of panic. He understood Poison Ivy's reasoning. She couldn't abandon Harley, nor could she bring herself to betray Plant master. So, the damn fool was going to sacrifice herself to the Black of Decay!

He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

"Damn it!" he finally spat out. He watched as Poison Ivy dispersed the surrounding plants, opened her arms, and walked towards the Black of Decay, leaving him behind.

"Wait! Wait!" Killer Croc called out, his mind racing.

"There's still a chance! We have one last chance! Batman! Ivy! Batman's on our side this time, he's not the enemy, he—". Killer Croc stumbled over his words, then finally blurted out, "Batman can always fix things! Batman always wins!"

Even though Bane's necrotic facial nerves prevented him from expressing emotions, Killer Croc could sense his anger. His gray eyes flashed with malice.

"Is that your hope? Relying on others? I'm so disappointed."

"Even if Batman were here, what could he do? He's just a coward who ran away." He sneered. "Batman can't change anything—"

But in the next instant, he was bitten from behind by a massive, fanged maw.
