
DC: I am Batman

Adam, a regular guy, gets flung not just through time, but through dimensions, and BAM! He's the Caped Crusader himself. Except... he didn't sign up for the genius IQ, the ninja moves, or the whole "saving the world" gig. And the cherry on top? He gets Batman's powers and memories, but they're all from parallel universes. Talk about a batty situation! .......... Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Mr. Bone Frame

LIl_wretch · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Bane Bat Dragon

"Solomon Grundy... born on a Monday," the hulking zombie intoned. Then, his voice grew louder: "Christened on Tuesday!" Married on Wednesday!


Bane stumbled backward under the immense force of the blow. Every time his feet touched the ground, the soft and slippery swamp exploded, as if a bomb capable of killing people was buried in the soil.

"What's happening? This guy's strength..." Deadshot muttered in astonishment.

Solomon Grundy, his arms longer than his knees, grappled wit Bane, trying to push him back. But Bane merely staggered before digging his feet into the ground for leverage. Grundy pushed again, but couldn't budge him.

Then he roared, "Grundy... is angry!" The gray-white zombie bellowed and wrapped his arms around Bane's waist. "Solomon Grundy... is angry!"


The two gaints roared, wrestled, and rolled in the mud. The rotten trees fell one by one. A large number of animals parasitized by the black of decay gathered in the direction of their battle, and rushed to Solomon Grundy fearlessly, but they could not cause any harm to the big zombie with copper skin and iron bones.

Bane swatted the creatures away, sending them towards Deadshot and Catwoman.

"Grundy is angry! Angry! Angry..."

Then, he felt himself being lifted off his feet.

The confused zombie looked down into Bane's gray eyes. "Had enough fun? My turn now." The next moment, Solomon Grundy's world turned upside down.


He was planted headfirst into the ground, then Zombie Bane grabbed his legs and dragged him through the soil like a plow, sending dirt flying into the air.

The monstrous Bane sat atop Solomon Grundy, raining blows down upon the zombie's face like a blacksmith hammering steel. His fists dented the unyielding flesh, tearing muscle and shattering bone. Adam could almost see the splintered bone shards protruding from Bane's arms, but the behemoth showed no signs of pain, no blood flowed from his wounds.

Soon, Grundy stopped moving. Bane rose from the battered corpse, his gaze fixed on Adam and the others.


Poison Ivy consumed one of the Swamp Thing's tubers. Everyone's attention was drawn to her as she summoned a massive plant creature and the wooden dragon. No one noticed Adam discreetly retreating behind a large tree. Robin waited there, his face pale, clutching a grappling hook in his right hand and Bane's fallen mask in his left.

"I got it, Batman, but..." Adam didn't respond. He gripped the tattered mask tightly.

[Alert! Alert! Anchor item acquired: Bane's Mask]

[Crisis Energy Units Converted: 103]

[Current Crisis Energy Units: 143]

[Warning! Downloading Batman-Compatible Files]


[Threat Level: D+]

Adam was unaware that the threat level had sub-classifications of plus and minus.

[In a dark multiverse, a Batman defeated by Bane chose to become his enemy, donning his mantle and wielding his power. He succeeded, ultimately defeating Bane. However, when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. Fight a dragon long enough, and you become one yourself. This Bruce, who had vanquished Bane, became too accustomed to his nemesis's mindset. He imitated him, but in doing so, lost his own identity and moral compass, becoming something neither Bane nor Batman.]

[Consume 59 Crisis Energy Units to synchronize immediately?]

Adam took a deep breath.


[Synchronization complete: Bane-Batman]

[Remaining Crisis Energy Units: 84]

"Batman, I don't understand why you want this thing," Robin said. "Poison Ivy can't possibly defeat Bane. She—"

He stopped as he saw Batman lower his head in silence. "Batman?"

It began with the mask. Strands of white cloth, shimmering with a silvery light like moon dust, began to unravel from Batman's cowl. Bane's iconic white skull mask materialized over Batman's own, the two overlapping and merging, becoming indistinguishable.

Then, a dark green Venom tube snaked out of the ether, guided by the silvery particles on the back of Batman's neck. The enhanced Venom coursed through the tube, a rushing, roaring torrent, surging into Batman's body.

Muscles bulged and grew. Tim took a half step back, his voice trembling slightly. "So, Bruce, this is your new power? Because of that piece of Bane's cloth? This isn't scientific." He whispered, "And I've seen magic... This isn't magic either!"

A wave of raw power, like a surging tide or a crashing waterfall, overwhelmed Tim's senses. It was the aura of death that this body instinctively radiated.

A familiar feeling washed over him—the chilling threat he felt when facing the martial arts master Batman, the panic of having every move seen through.

Tim suddenly remembered Batman's ability to instill fear in others, even those closest to him. Because he was... Batman, the unstoppable force that reduced even the strongest people into helpless and irresistible like children!

And now—this Batman wielded the power of Venom!

But the transformation wasn't complete. Adam took a deep breath.


That massive body, those razor-sharp teeth. Adam visualized it with every fiber of his being.


Off-road vehicle. With colossal tires, liquid nitrogen dispensers, and wicked steel spikes. Everything was crystal clear in his mind, just like the bright moon reflected in the well water.

His legs shifted first, his feet twisting and contorting, morphing into rubber in an unnatural way. The green, scaly skin of a dinosaur emerged on his left arm, spreading to his hand, where sharp claws pierced through the gloves.

Adam's jaw extended, his cowl and mask elongating to cover the upper half of his face, leaving only a menacing jawline exposed. Fangs sprouted, and the Venom canister bottle behind him gurgled to supply venom

As Tim's heart nearly stopped, a colossal green Bane-like dinosaur, seven or eight meters tall with bulging muscles, roared into the sky. It spun its massive rubber-tire feet, its tail crushing several towering trees. Then it turned around, flew up its two wheels, brought up a gust of wind, and rushed to the battlefield at lightning speed!